clear liquid diet

i am on day 5 of my clear liquid diet my doctor has told me to do it for two weeks!! This is probably the hardest thing ive done so far im so grumpy because i feel hungry all the time any advice??? i dont want to cheat so im trying to find things i can eat that will satisfy my cravings


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Does jello count? What about sugar free Popsicles?
  • DixieD79
    DixieD79 Posts: 16
    Is this the liquid diet pre-surgery or post-surgery?

    Believe it or not, it does get better. Are you taking something to get your protein in? Like shakes?

    It took me the misery of messing up by eating things I shouldn't before I finally realized the misery wasn't worth it.

    Every doc is different (check with your doc) but I was able to eat SF pudding, SF jello, 98% FF cream of chicken and mushroom soups and watered down mash instant potatoes (made with skim milk) at about a week post op. Although it may feel as though you could eat a whole 1 cup serving of pudding in 1/2 a gulp, you will be stuffed at 2-3 little bites.
  • almorris0417
    I'm on a pre-op diet too . My surgery is the 22nd. I'm currently on the protein shakes and clears myself. Even with that I have the same symptoms . I'm just flat out hungry . I have the same suggestions. You wont find anything filling but the pops and jello help. The broth option is not too bad either . Today is day 5 for me and its getting easier as the days go on.
  • jlynn0422
    jlynn0422 Posts: 8 Member
    I am on the liquid diet pre-surgery and am to drink 3-5 protein shakes a day and water. Yesterday was my first day on it and it wasn't too bad. I really don't feel all that hungry. I was trying to only have 3 shakes, but last night I was starving so I had another shake. Which I stepped on the scale this morning and was down almost 3 lbs, so I must doing ok.

    Surgery is scheduled for 4/24/14 and I couldn't be more excited!!

    I am currently using the Body By Vi protein powder, but might try the Syntrex Nectar. (more flavors)!!

    I would definitely check with your doctor about drinking the protein shakes since you really aren't getting any protein.
  • craddock29
    craddock29 Posts: 2
    Today is my first day of the clear liquid pre-operative diet. It has been ruff so far but I know I can do it. They ordered pizza in the office today and everyone was avoiding my desk... LOL. I can do this and it is all worth it. I just keep telling myself that nothing can taste as good as healthy going to feel.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Protein will help with the hunger. If it's clear liquids and you can't do protein shakes (they are usually milk based) try some Isopure Zero. It's a flavored water, counts as a clear liquid, and has 45 grams of protein in each bottle. It tastes like Jolly Ranchers candy. I used this post op when the shakes were just too thick and sweet for me. I bought mine at GNC. Not sure who else carries them.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Today is my first day of the clear liquid pre-operative diet. It has been ruff so far but I know I can do it. They ordered pizza in the office today and everyone was avoiding my desk... LOL. I can do this and it is all worth it. I just keep telling myself that nothing can taste as good as healthy going to feel.

    Just think, when your Dr puts you back on regular food you can make Portobello pizzas and bell pepper pizzas! just scoop out the gills on a Portobello cap and load with your toppings or slice a bell pepper down the sides and top that way. Bake at 400* for 20-25 minutes. 210 calories!!! or with the office colleagues just scrape off the toppings and toss the bread. And you are so right nothing tastes even remotely as good as I feel trying on size 8 slacks. this is a tough process but if you submit and don't fight it it is a remarkable time in your life. take lots of before pix, I wish I had more of me obese. but I hid from camera for 34 yrs