Yikes, this is Day 12!!!!
Posts: 39
i have been keeping to my diet of cutting down and no sweets,, tried on my measuring skirt today...hey it goes on..not real tight but then it is not hanging loosely below the waist as I like it to....OK...onward we can do this , if anyone is still here....If I am jsut ehre I will be picking this up agian as a day to day committment tomorrow. starting this evening. I have had so much to do ...but luckily I was able to stay within my boundaries of eating....hey , life is going to get in the way ...smile...Theresa
I was jsut thinking, as we are developing an cultivating our diet plan, maybe after the 14 the day or each 14 days we should renew our committeemen with a three day flush cycle....what do you think. Monday do our strict veggies, and juicees for the three days, then con continue on. I think I am going to like It is not strting over but continuing by refreshing.and flushing our system. I have not been real good on the amt of water, so on those days we will stay conscious of the water we are supposed to have. etc.0