Can only gain 25 pounds...Any Tips Success stories

Hi ladies,
I just found out my due date today due November 21st was told I can only gain up to 25 pounds as I am slightly overweight for my height and age. This is definetly something I want to strive for as I want to be healthy and not be super overweight after the pregnancy.
My question is has anyone else been told this and actually done this successfully? Any tips on how to achieve this?
I am currently active work out at least 4- 5 times a week for 45-60 minutes each time and have been keeping my calories at maintenance levels about 90% of the time. Currently experiencing pretty bad "morning sickness" (Why do they even call it that its ALL DAY LONG!) and really can only stomach carbs or some vegetables but the smell of cooked meat is a complete nausea fest!

So any tips out there from my fellow preggo pals?


  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    I haven't been successful so far.....have gained 14 pounds in 12 weeks. But now I've decided to track every morsel I eat, even if I know I've gone over. I'm determined to gain only 1/2 a pound a week from here on out, for a total of 28 pounds, but I also know that I can only control so much. I was too tired and sick for most of these 12 weeks to give a flying flip about tracking or weight gain. I ate starches to curb nausea, though I never actually threw up except once. I'm hoping that things will ease up as I head into the 2nd trimester, but my nausea has been actually extra bad the past few days, so we'll see.....

    Anyway, that's the only advice I can really offer. Track. And try to keep up your physical activity, although that hasn't really worked for me either. I can't manage more than a simple walk or I feel exhausted and winded.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Also though, I was only 9 pounds overweight, so I think the 25 pound max is sort of flexible with me. In fact, my doctors office said 15-25 pounds was for people with a BMI of like 26.5 or something like that, and my number was just a fraction under that. So according to them, I should gain 25-35.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I gained about 27 total (and really, it was 25 up until the last day or two of my pregnancy) so yes, it can be done. Though I think a lot of it was by no massive effort of my own. I stayed relatively active throughout my pregnancy: walking often, running when I felt like it, and teaching 8 hrs a day so therefore standing/walking at work. I tested as a borderline fail for Gestational Diabetes so I followed a GD plan the entire 3rd trimester. It was when I did that, that my weight gain virtually stopped. So I would suggest talking to a nutritionist if you have that resource available to you. Really, the GD plan is simply "the way everyone should eat anyway".

    That being said, I think it's a lot of the luck of the draw. I have plenty of super-healthy friends that gained 60 lbs while eating clean and exercising. I know it's contradictory to what OB's say, but I'd suggest focusing more on what you put into your body than how many pounds you gain. If it's healthy baby weight, it'll come off easier. If it's ice cream and candy, it'll be harder.

    Congrats on your pregnancy!! I hope it's a healthy and happy one!
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    I have gained about 6 to 7 pounds so far and I am starting my 3rd trimester today.
    I started out obese - 5'5" and 190lbs, I am currently 195-197 depending on the day.

    I exercise everyday and I had my calorie goal at 1780/day. I have been eating most of my exercise calories back.
    I eat anything I want as long as I stay under my calorie goal, this has taught me so much about portion control.
    My three 'workouts" include walking at a leisurely pace, prenatal yoga, or Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project DVDs.
    I also use a FitBit which has been a HUGE help for monitoring my activity level.

    Also, if it's any interest to you:
    My diary is open so feel free to look...
    I just changed my calorie goal to 2030 TODAY for the rest of my pregnancy.
    I gained 50 lbs with my first and had little self-control. My goal for this pregnancy is to gain maximum 15 lbs. So far so good :)

    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Nikkitapolk - I got a Fitbit like a month ago, and I am loving it! It has gotten me to move so much more. Although I only set my goal to 5,000 steps/2 miles, which isn't much, but it's still more than I was doing before.

    As for the keeping weight under control I was "lucky" in that I lost 6 lbs from morning sickness, and then was at prepregnancy weight at 20 weeks. Then I gained 8 lbs, found out I had Gestational Diabetes, then was put on a diet for the rest of the pregnancy. Total I only gained 23 lbs (6lbs of that was weeks 39-41 - he went 13 days overdue). I didn't follow the diet last pregnancy (no GD) and ate everything, gained 46 lbs. This time around I didn't follow the diet either but have been counting calories instead and at 34 weeks I'm up 19/20 lbs. Hoping to only gain 25-30 total (I tend to put on a lot the last few weeks - probably water weight, but still).

    The GD diet I found to be the easiest/best way if you are really serious and already count things like that. They didn't tell me how many calories to eat. Told me I could eat as much fat as I wanted and as many veggies as I wanted. It was just Carb counting:

    Breakfast: 15-30 grams of carbs
    Snack: 15-30 grams
    Lunch: 30-45 g
    Snack: 15-30 g
    Dinner 30-45 g
    Snack 15-30 g

    Nothing special, but it worked very well. The first week I ended up losing 3 lbs from changing my eating habits then gained from them on out.

    Edited to add: I was 5'2" @ 157 prepregnancy with my first (147 with 2nd and apparently 5'3" and 135 with this one). I was told to gain 15-25 lbs - but really to stay closer to 15 lbs, so 23 was in the range.
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    I was told try to stay between 20-30 pounds, i was average weight. i didnt gain anything until week 14-15 or so. im 29 weeks, and gained about 24 pounds, all in my stomach, i still fit in my old jeans they are just uncomfortable on my big belly.
    My midwife says as long as im healthy and eating well and doing good then its not a fail if i gain more, and long as its because im eating healthy foods not sitting around eating ice cream all day.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I gained 15lbs during my last pregnancy (Just 6lbs overall). I ate at maintenance the whole way through and carried on exercising as much as I could - I stopped Zumba at about 25 weeks, stopped swimming about 34 weeks, kept walking all the way. I always ate back at least half of my exercise calories and took a good pregnancy multi-vitamin. I was told I was only allowed to gain 7 to 14lbs as I too was overweight already (about 50lbs). I lost small amounts up to week 20, which totalled 9lbs over that time. From week 20 onward I gained 15lbs, which was all baby weight and water. I was soooo much healthier and fitter at the end of my pregnancy than the beginning, it was near perfect.

    Sounds like you're doing the right things already. Never eat below maintenance for two consecutive days and not at all if you're exercising aswell. And do keep exercising, but know your limits. Carrying on doing what your body is used to, don't try increasing your goals or setting new personal records. Remember your joints are looser and you're more prone to injury, so just be more careful. Adjust your exercise as necessary and you'll be just fine. And Congratulations!
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    The first trimester is all about survival. I ate mostly macaroni and cheese during mine. I'm not saying go nuts, but don't beat yourself up too much for not eating at optimum nutrition.

    I gained about 25lbs during my last pregnancy. I did a lot of walking. This one I am doing considerably less walking and I'm at 19 weeks and 15lbs. I definitely want to stay under 30, so I'm going to try to start exercising again. I haven't been exercising much because I am completely exhausted, but I also know I would feel better if I was doing light exercise.
  • marleylouhou
    marleylouhou Posts: 6 Member
    I gained about 35 pounds with my last pregnancy, however, i think it was kind of luck. I didn't work out and all I craved was fruit. For this pregnancy I started out heavier so I really don't want to gain too much either. Finally into my second trimester and am starting to feel comfortable with walking and getting some excersize in. I felt awful my first trimester and gained 10 pounds right off the bat. BUT since then I've done really well. Simply tracking my food (which isn't always healthy) has helped me a lot. I love knowing which snacks I really should be keeping around the house and what will help me stay full for longer. Fruit and hummus have been huge staples for me.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    I wish I've been active throughout eating maintanance and exercising 4/5 days a wk, I'm 27 wks going on 28 and I've gaine 30 pounds so far but but I've stalled in in the last 14 days gained nothing :) maybe my body has decided to stop and slow up thank gosh, everyone different though my body laps up all this baby fat hahaha
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Unfortunately, not me! I have gained 24 lbs so far and I am only 27 weeks+. I have been eating very well and exercising 5-6 times a week. I guess it's just how my body works and there is only a little I can do. I have started off at a healthy weight but I really doubt that I won't pass the recommended 35 lbs.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    @hiba_84 Look at it the other way around - 13 weeks left and if you can limit your gain to a pound a week you'll get to maybe 37lbs, which is a realistic gain for someone of a healthy BMI. Don't stop eating healthily or exercising just because you don't feel you're getting anywhere. You will reap the rewards by being fit for labour and by the weight falling off post partum.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you !That's what I am counting on (well, what i am hoping for at least lol!)
    The thing is, at the rate I am gaining these past few weeks, 1 pound a week is very optimistic. I am gaining around 6.5-7 lbs per month. Also from my past pregnancy, which i know doesn't necessarily mean it will happen again this time; I have gained 2-4 lbs per week in the last month alone.

    But whatever it is, my baby's health and growth is more important than the weight. I have lost the weight before and I am sure I can do it again.

    @hiba_84 Look at it the other way around - 13 weeks left and if you can limit your gain to a pound a week you'll get to maybe 37lbs, which is a realistic gain for someone of a healthy BMI. Don't stop eating healthily or exercising just because you don't feel you're getting anywhere. You will reap the rewards by being fit for labour and by the weight falling off post partum.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I gained a ton with my first, started at a healthy BMI.

    I have only gained 12lbs so far with this one, due in 9 weeks. But, I started out just two pounds into the "obese" range, so I am definitely overweight myself.

    I don't count calories, I don't stress. I just go on a lot of walks and weigh myself at least 2x per week. If my weight is going up too quickly, I watch what I eat a little closer and walk more. As long as I am gaining steadily and there is no cause for concern, I don't change anything.

    My advice: find what works for you. When you discover what works for you - do that! Not what worked for someone else.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Thank you !That's what I am counting on (well, what i am hoping for at least lol!)
    The thing is, at the rate I am gaining these past few weeks, 1 pound a week is very optimistic. I am gaining around 6.5-7 lbs per month. Also from my past pregnancy, which i know doesn't necessarily mean it will happen again this time; I have gained 2-4 lbs per week in the last month alone.

    But whatever it is, my baby's health and growth is more important than the weight. I have lost the weight before and I am sure I can do it again.

    A lot of people gain in spurts, especially between weeks 20 to 28. But if you gain 3lb one week, you might only gain half a pound the next. If you've gained loads this last few weeks it should calm down temporarily before the final climb. I think your attitude is great and you're quite right, that no matter what you gain, it WILL all come off again after. :smile:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I gained about 10-15lbs with my second. I ate 1700-1800calories for the first trimester (up to week 12) then raised it between 1800-1900 calories for the second trimester...Sometimes 2000 and for the third I ate between 1900 and 2200 calories. I worked out everyday in the early second trimester, but during the end of my pregnancy/third trimester it was more like every few days or every other day..especially since my pelvic bones started to dis-align oddly... (I was 10 days overdue and very round by the time he was delivered) I ate back my burnt off calories when I felt like it, but sometimes I didn't. I started at 185, went up to the high 190s and right after delivery I was 184! My legs and glutes were more tone than they were to start and I was 1lb lighter. Good luck!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    With my first pregnancy I started at 210. I was up to 216 at my last prenatal visit and 212 the day I gave birth. I lost about 10lbs first trimester. I logged everything and kept mega active. I was told to only gain 8-10lbs.

    This pregnancy is another story, though I am not being as stringent about not allowing myself those treats that I want.

    My daughter was mega tiny (5lbs9oz, 18.5" full term) and I am not sure if this is due to my super minimal weight gain or what.

    Be reasonable about what you eat. Keep as active as you possibly can. Don't stress if you do or don't gain weight. Just concentrate on being healthy for the two of you.