Test strips vs blood meter



  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Curious to see how my ketones fluctuated so i tested again.

    This time towards the end of my daily fast. I stopped eating at 7pm last night and i tested at 11am. I'll probably stop to eat around 11:40-noon.

    So this is my ketone score 16hrs into my fast: 2.5
    Translation: I'm still deep in ketosis.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member

    Also, despite my good ketone score last night, I'm still seeing my weight bounce around. Its hard to tell whats water and whats not. April 1st: 219.2 2nd: 218.6 3rd: 219.2 4th:218.6

    I've been in the exact same boat for 2 weeks now. down 0.4 up 0.6 down .6 up 0.2 down0.6,,,sooo frustrating!! But I know I"m losing inches because my clothes all feel a lot better so that keeps me going.

    UPdate on my ketone test (had it for 1 day now used 3 strips, lol) First test 0.8 (in ketosis), last night (whiie working all night) after eating it dropped to 0.2 even though I thought my macros were super good yesterday. Today, after sleeping 7 hours I tested when I got up & its back to 0.5 (just on the edge of being in ketosis)

    Does drinking a lot of water effect the blood ketone test like it does the urine test?? I'm thinking no but I was drinking a lot at work last night.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Krista - I don't think the water has an effect on the blood strip test but it does in urine strips. Thats part of why the blood tests are more accurate. I've been getting a gallon a day lately.

    I'm wondering why your scores are so low. My carbs were up last night (24 net carbs - most from dinner) so I may be able to handle more than i thought. What's your macros look like? Perhaps you just need to stick to keto for a while longer.

    I'm just gonna keep watching my macros and see what happens on the scale. I will take my measurements again this weekend, probably sunday. And I'm also noticing that clothes are fitting better. Today is jean day and the jeans i'm wearing used to fit PERFECTLY. and were very flattering. Now they are getting a little loose on me and shirt is hanging differently as well. Nothing dramatic yet but all good signs!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    My macros are spot on lately, 5% carbs, rarely over 15g net carbs, usually closer to 10 to be honest, protein is at 20% but thats been just below that lately, usually around 50-50 g so fat is the bulk of it.

    I read somewhere earlier that cheese & heavy cream blocks some peoples progress due to casien (spelling) and I have been eating both, but can' t imagine doing this without them. ALso I've been chewing a lot of sugarfree gum, due to my dead donkey breath so maybe thats an issue.

    I'll keep plugging away of course and pray for the big Whoosh everyone talks about.

    Have a look at my diary if you get a chance and see if anything stands out. :)
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Tested again yesterday - 6 hrs after lunch (before sitting down for dinner) and I was at 2.5 again.

    I'm pretty impressed considering I had a carb heavy stir fry for lunch. Mostly the carbs were veggies, soy sauce, and sriracha.

    Krista, have you tested your ketones since then?
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I've been testing daily. I haven't gone below 0.5 but 0.8 is my highest.
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    In preparation for the meter, and inspired by AMPitpup, here's my Google spreadsheet of data I'm maintaining. Clicking the additional sheets (at the bottom of the page) will show the charting of changes in the data.

  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Oooooo! I like your spreadsheet better!!!

    I'm consistently getting high ketone readings. This morning I got a 3.7. This was about 1.5 hours after waking and before food.

    I'm noticing the biggest difference in my hips which is definitely a good thing as i've always carried my extra weight there even at a healthy weight. But the scale varies a bit so its nice to have other things confirm I'm on the right track.
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    Are you seeing any correlation between readings and specific foods?
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I can't get mine over 0.7 ..i measure in the morning and every day its 0.5-0.7 . I don't know how you guys are getting it up over 2. I'm a tad jealous. lol
  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    I can't get mine over 0.7 ..i measure in the morning and every day its 0.5-0.7 . I don't know how you guys are getting it up over 2. I'm a tad jealous. lol

    I'm still waiting on my meter, all I can measure currently is ketostix. :-/
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    All of my readings have been pretty high - between 2.5 and 3.9.

    One of the 2.5 readings was 6 hours after a carb heavy lunch of stiry fry. Most of the carbs were from veggies and some from soy sauce and sriracha. And the frozen veg mix i used had quite of bit of heavier carb veggies in it like carrots. Two days later I tested at 3.4 and i've continued to measure higher ever since. Next time I make stir fry I will try to remember to test again 6 hrs after to compare.

    I've heard that it helps to get deep into ketosis then play around with what works carb wise. Some carb up meals can be more easily recovered from the deeper in ketosis you are. From my limited keto experience, this sounds about right for me but I'm still playing with the data.

    Actually, this weekend i might just steam up some of those veggies and eat with sriracha and test again to see. I kinda love data!

    Also, i think timing of the tests make a difference. My highest reading of 3.9 was about 2 hours after dinner. I've read that its best to test at least 6 hours after a meal (so right before a meal or after 'fasting' in the mornings). The reasoning was that with a keto diet, your body is going to be forced to make ketones from the fat you eat and that might give you an artificial idea of how much stored body fat your body is actually burning around the clock. Its an interesting point so i try to measure after a sufficient period of not eating.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Thanks to the person who posted the link to the free meter. I got it two days ago. I'm just waiting for the ketone strips.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I've ordered the meter too. Curious to see what kind of numbers I get. Blah, havent ordered any strips. I'll have to get on that. Mostly bumping to lurk for others' answers. :laugh:
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    The strips took awhile to get here, at least if you ordered from UDS (link in prior post). Might have something to do with customs? But its worth it for the cost savings! Those strips are crazy expensive. But despite the cost, I really appreciate being able to see how I'm doing in a non-scale way.

    Share your results when you guys get your meters and strips. I'm curious!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Here in Canada Costco has the blood strips for 21.99 a box of 10. its the best price i've seen.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I had an amazon.com order, so I sucked it up and ordered it from there. My god those things are expensive. I might have to put that on my Christmas wish list this year.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member

    Yeah i feel like they should offer some financing for those strips. :P

    Had a bit of a cheat weekend. I really wasn't that bad but i'm sure my protein #s were quite high and i might not have my min fat goal due to a impromptu camping trip. Mostly just pork rinds, jerky, burgers, protein bar, and a single large marshmellow. It was tasty but not worth devouring the bag. I had really great energy out there, i love keto!

    Anyway, I'm gonna test before dinner tonight because i want to see how my numbers will be impacted.

    I'll update later!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I got the ketone strips today. Just tested it. It's at 2.0. Here's the pic.

  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    That's the same one I'm using. I can't get the darn thing over 1.0. Just a tad jealous. Lol

    I've noticed a trend recently. On days I exercise and eat higher calories I have higher ketone reading the next morning. Does that make sense? I have my calories set to 1500 and the other day I ate almost 1800 and exercised and the next morning I had my highest reading yet, a big 1.0. Or is it more important to have Marcos right no matter how much you eat. I have mine set to (5c15p80f)