Workout plan

krisbox2014 Posts: 24 Member
Hi all- Just started the Strong Curves advanced program yesterday and glutes already feeling it! Question though as I've found a little discrepancy, or maybe I just misread, in the book. Towards the beginning of the book, he says:
Day 1: A
Day 2: B
Day 3: Active rest
Day 4: A
Day 5: C

However, the section he talks about where to stick cardio in:
Day 1: A
Day 2: B
Day 3: HIIT/cardio
Day 4:C
Day 5: A

So, my question is the placement of the second A workout of the week. Day 4 or Day 5? Thanks for the help!


  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    That first week is what he described as optimal without any cardio. He went on tho say we need to do what works for our schedule and recovery rate - that we might only be. able to get 2 or 3 workouts in a week.

    The cardio outline again is optimal - meaning maybe you won't even be able to do A twice. It's also mentioned you might want to alternate strength and cardio days or run for 20 mins after strength training.

    So basically, do what seems appropriate for your body.
  • krisbox2014
    krisbox2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the response! I did Workout A on Thursday, B on Friday, and a kettlebell metcon and yoga today. Just coming off another 3 month strength training routine so feeling pretty good about volume and recovery so will try A again tomorrow and C on Monday. Will assess again on Monday afternoon. Those barbell glute bridges are killers! My OCD wants to stick to the program EXACTLY as how it's written but it's good to go by how the body feels. Thanks again!