April Challenge

baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
Is anyone interested in doing an April Challenge? Maybe something like 16 classes/DVDs by the end of the month?


  • lilbrowngirl
    lilbrowngirl Posts: 35 Member
    I would be down!!! That sounds like a great challenge! Keep me posted!
  • SerenityDiva
    Definitely in :)
  • baileyan06
    baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
    Let's do this! The goal is 16 barre classes/DVDs by the end of the month. Ready, set, go!
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    I just joined your group. I have been doing Barre classes for about a month and a half. I would love to stay motivated so I am jumping in for the April challenge!
  • SerenityDiva
    Hi all,

    Sorry totally forgot to log in here yesterday at the group part. I have been doing Ballet Beautiful custom workouts. She has a special right now where her online workouts are free and it's not exactly the same as P57 or barre classes, more ballet, but I'm seeing great results in the few days I've done it (I have the DVDs too which are pretty inexpensive). Anyway this is day 2 for me of the month and I've done about 70 minutes each day.
  • SerenityDiva
    Today I did Ballet Beautiful Day 1 Legs & Butt: Leg Lifts for the Butt (butt burner), Blast Attitude Lifts on the Mat (good like pretzel but short), Plie: First Position (fun but still hard for grand plies), and Battement Cardio Series (she misses reps on one side but still good).

    How's everyone doing?
  • baileyan06
    baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
    I did 4 classes last week (Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday). I started my week off strong with a great workout last night. How's everyone else doing?
  • eudaimonia_sf
    eudaimonia_sf Posts: 62 Member
    Good job! What class are you taking?

    Hello, I just joined your group. Trying to stick with it since we're going on a beach vacation next month :)

    So far so good -- 6 classes this month already! I'm doing Pure Barre -- on an unlimited plan right now.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but would you mind if I join in? I'm rotating between Bar Method, Physique57 and the Dailey Method with the goal of completing five workouts a week. I just started on Monday and have one workout in so far, with another planned for today. Good luck everyone!
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    How's everyone doing? I'll have my fifth workout for the week done today. I'm only tracking weight, hips and waist measurements. I just checked in this morning and am down a total of 2.8 lbs, lost 0.75 inches from my waist, and 0.80 inches from my hips for week one. Yay for the barre! :)
  • eudaimonia_sf
    eudaimonia_sf Posts: 62 Member
    Went to #10 today. Pretzel is killing me.
  • baileyan06
    baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
    I just did pretzel on Saturday - it kills me every time! Not so much during the workout, but the next day but butt is SO sore. I have class scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week. Looking forward to a good workout tonight - I got a little off track this past weekend.
  • eudaimonia_sf
    eudaimonia_sf Posts: 62 Member
    I book the whole week of classes at once, too -- makes me commit. I signed up for Tue-Fri this week.

    I just got back from #15 for April. Today I was floored by scissor curls. I can do them if that's all I'm doing, but at the very end of a whole ab routine -- killer.