How much Veg Do You Eat/Day?

msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
Hi All,

Just curious how much veg. Paleo/Primal peeps are eating a day.

I feel like I'm not eating enough but then again maybe it's just portion distortion for me- I average about 3 cups of salad greens or spinach plus 2 more like a bell pepper and 6-8 spear of asparagus for example.

How much do you eat in a day?

Thanks everyone; happy Sunday!


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I don't eat nearly enough, but I don't weigh or measure them, I just try to eat something green at every meal, but I'm a work in progress. I sometimes just blend/juice them (kale, spinach, cilantro, parsley, dandelion, & swiss chard) and an apple or a few drops of stevia for sweetness.
  • pbjonrye
    pbjonrye Posts: 25
    I eat veggies at every meal, pretty much. A typical week I will go through: a couple heads of cauliflower, 4-6 zucchinis, a bag of carrots, 4 bags of lettuce or spinach (the pre washed kind from TJ's). I eats red onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus pretty much everyday as well. Good thing I love veggies so much! plus, i try to find less boring ways to cook 'em up so I do a lot of roasting, or I'll sauté them vs. just steaming or boiling.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I eat them with every meal as well and some snacks.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    I eat 2-3 cups of veggies per meal, sometimes more. I often will eat salad greens with my lunch but make sure I have a good mix of heartier greens because they help me feel fuller, longer. I try to stick with bulky and nutrient dense veggies. I eat a lot of cabbage, asparagus, kale, radicchio, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms etc, I could go on. I like to get a very large variety of veggies as well so I know I know I am getting a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals. In short, I love my veggies :)
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Generally I eat just eggs for breakfast with Sriracha on it occasionally (so some veg matter there) but always with lunch and dinner and dinner has the biggest portion where salad covers most of the intake minimum 2 cups but more if it is on the menu.