Introduce Yourself

Hi my name is Joan and I have been on MFP for a while now. I'm 36 years old with a wonderful husband a two beautiful girls. Like most people I'm here to get healthy and lose weight in the process. I think the best way to stay on track is to surround yourself with positive people who will keep you motivated and push you to do your best. I'm looking forward to meeting you all.


  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, my name is Kathrine, and I am one week new to MFP. I am new to Message Boards and this is my very first time joining a Group. I am recently a widow, my husband passed away Jan. 14th., we were married for 36 years. Part of my "Journey" through this grief is to finally get healthy and strong. I have about 90 pounds to lose and I know what to do to make this happen. Eat right and exercise. I find the eating right part not really a challenge, but the exercise part definitely a stumbling block. So here I am, accepting this challenge to make exercise an everyday part of my life. I just started walking again, don't know why I every stopped. I enjoy it very much. But that strength training exercising, I have always found a reason not to participate. I know, I have some issues with physical disabilities, like arthritis, and slight neuropathy in my feet (from diabetes), extra weight, my age (maybe), that might slow me down, but I also know that NOT doing this challenge, I will get nowhere. Wish me luck. And i hope everyone else enjoys their "journey", too.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi I am Jo, I will be 40 this year, have been married for almost 9 years with 2 children 8 and 6. I have been struggling for the past 5 years to lose my baby weight and than gained a bit more. I am looking forward to this group because it focuses on exercise as well it is a long program vs a quick fix.

    Katherine, I am sorry to hear about the recent passing of your husband. I hope you will find peace as you move through your new journey of health and fitness.
  • Cl_69
    Cl_69 Posts: 1
    Hello my name is Claudia, and i am new to MFP. This is my very first time to join a group as well. I need motivation to loose wight , i have a medical condition that makes it a little bit harder to loose wight. But i do not want to give up. I graduate from high school in June 4 also in my birthday!!! i want to look very good that day, and not only just for' that day but also because i want to feel better for myself i'm tired of always comparing my self to other girls and that's when i get my insecurities from. Getting a pal to workout will be awesome to work with. I'm ready to start something new!!
  • Hi I'm Allyson and I've been using MFP for about 2 years now off and on and I'm finally putting my head and heart into becoming a healthier me! I'm currently 18 and a high school senior, freshman year I was 150 pounds and right now I'm 191. I'm really hoping to lose some weight before I start trade school and I'll treat that like my new beginning :)
  • We're on the same page girl! We'll motivate each other :)
  • JoyceChambliss
    JoyceChambliss Posts: 45 Member
    I am Joyce. I started MFP on Jan. 1, 2013. I lost 49 pounds last year, but I have quit tracking my food and have slacked off on exercising and I have gained back over 10 pounds. I joined a group last year and found it to be very motivational and it made me accountable to someone other than just me! I am 56 years old, work full-time, caregiver to my 86 year old mother all nights and weekends. I have two children who will be graduating from college this year (May and December) and I have been married for 25 years. I have about 35 pounds to lose to get to the healthy BMI range.

    I look forward to getting started with everyone tomorrow!
  • Hi, Im NOT new to MFP, I have used this website many times before, but always failed. Tomorrow I start fresh, and this time I plan to finish
  • arb7722
    arb7722 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda. I've been on MFP for a couple of years, but have just rededicated myself to regularly logging. I'm hoping this will keep me more accountable and motivated.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hello to all! I 'm Nancy and have been on MFP since Feb. I am already in a group challenge for weight loss that is winding down and I have found that being in a group is great support and was looking for another one that has 'daily' challenges….as that seems to have kept me on track! I am certainly not a 'fit' person, but hope to keep up with this vibrant group!
  • Hello, my name is Kelli and I am a 25 year old graduate student. I have been using MFP on and off for a couple years, but haven't joined a group until now. I am hoping that being a part of a group will hold me accountable. I am pretty good at completing daily exercise goals, and can even stick to a healthy diet throughout the week, but for some reason I seem to blow it all on the weekends! I am hoping this group will help motivate me to stay on track throughout the weekends.
  • kmatz3
    kmatz3 Posts: 6
    Hi, I'm Karen. I am a 38 y/o (39 on Thursday) working mother of two. I joined MFP in March, and this is my first group and challenge. I'm hoping the support will help keep me motivated. Best of luck to all.
  • kschick46
    kschick46 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm Kim. I just turned 41 this month, I am a single parent. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my thirties and have never been able to lose weight and keep it off. . I have been taking a martial arts class for a couple years now and recently decided to train for a 5k.
    I joined MFP in hopes of finding some support and friends to help me in my journey.
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello, my name is Chantell. I am 44yrs old, married 20yrs June, with 3 children. I joined MFP April last year. My SW when I joined was 187, I managed to lose 28lbs, getting down to 159lbs in August of last year. I fell of track at some point and when I weighed in again in December I was back up to 181lbs. I got back on track briefly and by January 22 I was down to 166lbs. Between work and school I am off track again and now I am back up to 172lbs. I ,am really trying to get back on track and I think that this group will be great motivation and I looking forward to the next 40 weeks. Good luck!
  • bunnyboo7
    bunnyboo7 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello im Ashia mother of two wonderful boys just had my second son 4 months ago. I am on this adventure to get fit and healthy and stay that way no funny pills or diets!!! This group looks like a lot of fun. I am currently doing the 30 day shred for the second time and love to add more since its only 20 min. I think the accountability will be great cant wait to nail the challenges and give lots of support nice to meet everyone. :)
  • luvgoodmuzik
    luvgoodmuzik Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, my name is Shantel and I'm 41, engaged with a blended family of 7. I joined MFP a few years back and still having a hard time maintaining a workout regimen that I can stick to. I set many goals since January and just about all of them have fallen to the wayside. I hope this challenge will help hold me accountable and keep me focused.
  • Chasp11
    Chasp11 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm chastity. 20 years old and ready to get this weight off:) I've gained about 40 pounds. I haven't been using this app but really want to get bk in the routine of using it. Need to be motivated and looking for people who I can support and motivate. Ready for the challenge!
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi! I'm Teresa, 42 years old married with two boys. I'm ready to get healthy once in my life, it's taken me a little while but I'm still learning and one of these I'll have it. I'm ready to be challenged again, I think this will be great.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Hello all, my name is Beth and I am 35. I like the idea of this group because my goal is to log into MFP this entire year and 40 weeks will take me towards that goal of staying active and participating. I want this to become a habit that I can stick with. I've always reached a goal and then promptly gained back the weight either to a fad diet or an injury that stopped my weight loss in it's track. I am committed to the long term now. I want to lose the weight and enter the unfamiliar territory of maintenance and make a goal to keep the weight off. MFP is the tool that I believe, combined with healthy eating and exercise that will be my secret for success. I have made some great friends on here for accountability and encouragement through joining challenges and groups. My first challenge began January 6th and ended April 6th. I lost 20.5 lbs., 7 inches in my waist, 3 1/4 inches in my hips and 1.5 inches in my legs. I would like to continue the downward trend on the scale as well as on the tape measure. I look forward to getting to know all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • vmoharir
    vmoharir Posts: 1 Member
    My name is VIkram. I am new to this group. My current weight is 205 for height 5'7". It is way above the expected. My final goal is 160 pounds, loosing in right way..
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member