Looking for great motivation

I am a yoyo dieter. I am trying to stay motivated. Lol I been doing pretty good for the last month. The only thing about me is weight is hard to come off of me. I am trying to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. I love help and support from you guys on what you are doing? What are your struggles? Especially if you are anything like me with stubborn weight. Also feel free to add me if you are an active member, who has some of my same struggles, and give great motivation and advice.


  • tripnoffflygirl
    tripnoffflygirl Posts: 14 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 209lbs and usually doo not mind working out, however changing my eating habits has been hard. For the past 3 weeks I have been trying to "consciously" eat healthier. The problem is, the scale isn't moving. Im starting to feel discouraged...
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    Girl I understand. I have trying my best to eat right and exercise. I have push my exercise up to 5 days a week and I am eating more fruit and veggie than I normally do. As of right now nothing is working. It can be very discouraging. Lol this weight way to easy to put on now it is way to hard to get it down. But I am a work in progress and I just have to keep pushing I guess something will start to give.
  • salleymo
    salleymo Posts: 50 Member
    I struggle with eating less...I always feel hungry. I've tried more protein, more fiber and i still feel hungry! Also, sugar and salt...it calls my name way too often.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    my main issue has always been sticking to a menu and not falling into ordering takeout.

    i had luck in the past with this when i was broke and unemployed since i essentially had less $$ to spend on takeout :laugh:

    so i think i'm basically going to have to simulate that from now on : make a menu, stick with a food budget, get to the grocery store and prep my meals. i have a sepaaret account that's harder to transfer money out of so i plan on transferring any extra cash to there AND leaving my checkcard at home AND just dealing with cash.

    hopefully in addition o saving me some extra calories, i should also be able to have a nice chuk of change saved for my trip to sweden spring of next year :happy:
  • GetSexyU
    GetSexyU Posts: 20 Member
    One of the ways I stay motivated is by having a reward goal list and a long term success achievement prize. So for me it is as follows, when I reach

    190 pounds - indoor rock-climbing class
    180 pounds - scuba diving lessons
    170 pounds - zip-lining course
    160 pounds - skydiving

    Success prize - Insanity T-shirt!

    So it helps to focus in on them when I want to give up or cheat