Daily Challenge

Daily Challenge : Drink 8 cups of water each day.
Get 10,000 + steps a day.
Eat healthy

*consult with your doctor before starting a new fitness or diet program.
I know not everyone can get the 10,000 steps in or the 8 cups of water, just do your best.


  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I don't have a fitbit yet I am thinking of getting one. Usually to try to get some type of cardio regardless whether it is elliptical, running or walking.
  • joansteph
    joansteph Posts: 22
    I walk two hours a day. One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening and that usually equals about 10,000 steps.(5 miles)
    Its fine that your don't have a fitbit just make sure your getting up and moving.
  • kathrineb57
    kathrineb57 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I have always wanted a fitbit. I can not afford one now, but looking forward to getting one in the near future as a reward to myself for following this Challenge. Hey, the reward system works for me, as long as it is not FOOD. I have a decent pedometer that i really like and will use it to record my steps. I walk 3- 4 days that I am off work. Just started that last week. So I am improving my time and stamina daily. I feel good when I can get 30 to 45 minutes in at a moderate pace. The other days of the week, I work long hours 12 to 13 hours, and on my feet the whole time, walking, standing, stooping etc. I know I clock in 5 to 7 miles easy on those days. In saying that, I can see that I do not get enough steps in on my days off. Will focus on that for sure.

    As far as the water, not too much of a challenge. I do need to stay focused about drinking, and it is happening.

    Eat Healthy, you bet! dropped 4 lbs my first week.

    I will be accountable, and I will become a healthy and strong woman. I think I just quoted my new Mantra.

    Be healthy and strong my friends.
    Kathrine from Kansas
  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    The water and food I generally achieve but I will have to get myself a pedometer.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    The water is the hard one for me but I will try to get in the 8 cups each day. As for the steps that will be easy since I walk the kids to school everyday and am constantly moving throughout the day.

    Today I also promise to log in everything that I eat to see were I can improve my eating habits.
  • ericarfloyd
    ericarfloyd Posts: 93 Member
    Too bad I didn't see this challenge before lunch! :sad:
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Done! Thank you, Fitbit Zip.
  • KoiKitten101
    KoiKitten101 Posts: 26 Member
    I have an Fitbit Ultra, which I wore today, and yesterday... I forgot about it for the longest time......till yesterday.

    At this time, I've done 20,034 steps today. Probably won't get too much higher, i'm thinking about turning in early so I can get up early tomorrow. I work in retail, and today I was quite busy running around, so getting up to 10,000 steps was no problem. I was at 17,000 by the time i was leaving work.

    ( Btw, they sell fitbits at walmart in electronics, I'm not sure which ones they sell exactly I think I saw the smaller one there for sure. And Omgz... I really want the one that has blutooth and can sync with your phone... )
  • ChelseaAntoinette
    ChelseaAntoinette Posts: 9 Member
    I am so excited to receive my Withings Pulse in the mail this week! Time to start tracking. :D
  • 2Bhealthier2
    2Bhealthier2 Posts: 128 Member
    Got my 10K + steps in today and was good about getting my water in.

    I love my fitbit, it does sync with my phone it's pretty cool. Hubby was able to find my fitbit on line for a lot less then they sell it in the stores.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    Got over 11,000 steps in. :happy:
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Did 17,593 steps
  • KoiKitten101
    KoiKitten101 Posts: 26 Member
    Nice, that's great everyone!

    One thing I love about the fitbit, it syncs with myfitnesspal. Its a great way to manage Calories in, and calories out! It gives me so much more motivation that not having it.