favorite ME artists

aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
In about a month we are kicking off our summer season of performing. I am in need of some new musical inspiration for solos.. What are some of your favorite Middle Eastern musicians/groups/artists for dancing? My dancing style is rather mixed up with heavier influences of Caberet, Egyptian, and Tribal, but there is definitely some other stuff in there. So I'm open to a lot of music styles.


  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    Oh, man. Loaded question. Any particular style of dance you're wanting to do? I've been on a serious shaabi kick lately - "El Khokha" by Riko & Dina in particular, and anything by Amina (surprise!). I'm also loving this shaabi/debke mashup by Amina & Hisham https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2ojRSSYBE0 which really highlights the versatility of the saiidi rhythm. But it might be a bit challenging to do a solo to :-p
  • Izanami66
    Izanami66 Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry for the lateness. There are many songs that I have/love, and I'm honestly not sure where they came from. :blushing: Are you interested in more traditional/classic music or more modern pop Middle Eastern artists? A couple modern ones who do a few numbers we dance to are Amr Diab and Tarkan. You've probably heard of them. Very easy to dance to and modern, but not so great if you're going the more traditional route. If you're looking for a more edgy, tribal, modern feel, I love Beats Antique and the Glitch Mob. Again, you've probably heard of them. As far as drum solos, I LOVE Hossam Ramsy (Ramzy?)! Unbelievable drummer. For more traditional tunes, you may want to try to find vintage belly dance CDs. They usually have a mix of more traditional numbers. Hope that helps at least a little. Would love to hear more of everyone's faves!!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I played some Hossam Ramzy to an archaeologist friend of mine who has spent a lot of time in Egypt, and she said it sounded just like Egyptian taxi music :laugh:
  • Izanami66
    Izanami66 Posts: 181 Member
    Haaaahaha, that's too funny! Doum Doum tek ka tek, Doum take a left. :laugh: