Took multi-vitamin and immediately vomited.

I need to switch my multi vitamin. Does anyone know if this vitamin come in a gummy form?


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    What kind are you taking? I have been taking chewable Centrum with no problems.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    They are called Bariatric Advantage chewable berry flavor.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I wonder if it's the flavor or the fact that it's chewable that's upsetting your stomach? You might want to experiment with different brands, or maybe even a liquid. I was using a liquid multi the first few weeks after my surgery with no problems. I got it from a local vitamin shop.
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    How did the liquid taste?
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    It didn't taste great, but it did stay down, so I dealt with it!
  • platinum3karat
    platinum3karat Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks I will be shopping for new vitamins.
  • ChefBH
    ChefBH Posts: 26 Member
    i use the gummy multis from costco and they work out well.
  • Dusk71
    Dusk71 Posts: 2
    Those are the worst vitamins I have ever taken...I felt the same way! My doctor told me taking anything is better than nothing so I now take store bought gummy everything ; multi, biotin, D3, omega 3 DHA, B12, iron and calcium (still bariatric advantage but lemon, raspberry or peanut butter) just not the iron and calcium at the same time - and my blood work said my levels were great!