Third week Keto


My doctor put me on this ketogenic diet and I am loving it. I am so much more energetic and wanting to do more things than I did before this. However, I have a question.

The first week I only lost about 1.5 lbs, yet since then I have dropped almost a total 7 to 8 lbs approx and it is not showing signs of slowing down. I am wondering if I am doing it wrong or maybe it just took a week to get the body going.

My question is, does this slow down at some point and is this just the starter loss pack when you first start something new?

I am being more active. Before the diet I crocheted more than I moved. Now, I can't sit still to crochet and I am walking/hiking almost every other day and doing other activities that are not usual "Exersizing" things (such as cleaning the kitchen but by scrubbing the floor by hand because I can't sit still) so I don't put them on the fitness pal.

I am eating about three cups of veggies a day and then some cheese and meat. So I'm getting all my intake right.

Any ideas? or should I just enjoy the ride until I stall and have to mix it up a bit more?


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  • kammyrios
    kammyrios Posts: 47 Member
    If it isn't broke, don't fix it! I say you must be doing something right!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Your body sheds muscle glycogen stores when you first start a keto diet and that causes a dramatic loss of water weight. You aren't losing fat at that rate but rather you're shedding water weight your body was storing previously. It will slow down because you only have so much water weight to lose in this fashion and the water weight will return when you carb back up.
  • youdontknowme9
    youdontknowme9 Posts: 73 Member
    I was under the impression from my doctor that this was a permanent change....that I wasn't going to reintroduce carbs.

    But I see him tomorrow...So we shall see.
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    Wow your Doctor put you on this? That is so encouraging to hear. There are still so many medical professionals who advocate the low fat approach.

    I like to hear that you see this as a permanent change. I'm of the same mind because how can I go back to a way of eating that not only contributed to weight gain, but made me feel old and sluggish and sore.

    Good job on your success so far and I agree you should just enjoy the ride. Don't overthink it :)
  • rubywanderlust
    I've only been doing this for a few weeks (just looking to shed a few pounds, no medical reason). I'm sort of experimenting at the moment.
    I lost about six pounds in the first week or two, then started to put it back on just as a fast when I reintroduced a few carbs (a bit of sugar in my morning coffee, a small piece of fruit per day). Yesterday I stopped the extra carbs and already dropped over a pound.

    I expect there is a threshold that I am near, which will differ for everyone.

    Most interesting to me was the other night I had a small serving of potato chips (my weakness) for the first time since starting a keto diet. Usually I have no hunger on keto, but I couldn't believe how STARVING I felt an hour after eating them. I stuck it out and didn't eat any more (it was just before going to bed) but that sensation alone is enough to make me think I want to do this permanently once I can sort out my maintenance diet. I don't miss the hunger cravings I seemed to have regularly when I was on a standard diet, and I also have much better energy levels.
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    Ruby: When you start re-introducing carbs down the road it might make it easier if you start with low-glycemic carbs (instead of sugar, maybe agave nectar, or stick with stevia in coffee). White potatoes are high maybe try a very small serving of sweet potato chips or fries to curb that craving. I guess what I'm desribing is more of a Paleo approach to maintenance level. Table sugar and white potatoes can be insulin spikers for many people.
  • rubywanderlust
    Yes, I will have to give more thought to what I reintroduce, whenever that may be. I did have some beans for dinner, and no hunger pangs later on. As I said, I'm sort of experimenting right now, and am fascinated by the effects various foods can have.
    My background is working public health, so I've been immersed in the standard diet messaging more than most. Finding that the complete opposite of what I've heard for my adult life can be beneficial still raises doubts - although I'm not really surprised that the "official" message is not necessarily correct for all.
  • youdontknowme9
    youdontknowme9 Posts: 73 Member
    Ruby: According to my doctor, low carbs is going to be what I am going to be for the rest of my life. So I don't see me ever "reintroducing" carbs ever. It's a choice I am choosing to make.

    As for everyone the beginning of the 4th week, I went to doctor again today and i have lost 14lbs! WHOOHOOO!!! I know it won't keep losing this way forever, but hey, I'm enjoying it.

    Friday I have an appointment with a trainer at my gym to figure out a weight lifting regiment.

    So...happy me...I am going to have my mushrooms/broccoli mixture with the hamburger salad and celebrate! do you guys put that meter on the bottom of your posts?
  • StacyRenee77
    StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Awesome loss!!
  • rubywanderlust
    That's great! And it is fantastic that your doctor is supportive, too.

    The only reason I am interested in reintroducing carbs at some point is because I am not strongly motivated to keep up with the dietary restrictions, as I have no health or weight issues to address. I like to cook, and don't want to spend my life avoiding foods I may want to explore, or spending too much time thinking about food (which I find I'm doing now).

    That said, I have NO desire to return to those hunger cravings I use to get eating high carbs, so expect I will always lean towards low-carb, but not necessarily keto levels. Finding the right balance will be the trick. But my interest in reintroducing some carbs is absolutely NOT a judgement on staying in keto. For many it is what works, or is necessary and I see no problem with that.
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    @youdontknowme go to app at the top of the page and the select ticker. It'll walk you through it
  • rauljg42
    rauljg42 Posts: 30
    It should continue as long as you have fat on your body that needs to be burned. Once you reach your goal weight you can slowly reintroduce carbs or do the cyclical or targeted keto diet where you carb up either before workouts or once or twice a week. I am currently in maintenance stage and I carb up once a week and Im able to keep the weight/fat off and keep and build my lean muscle. Works great and allows me to eat whatever carbs I want Friday and Saturday.