Paleo Soda Pop?

AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
Paleo Soda Pop?

I found this on a Facebook Page today, thought I'd share, and that posting would help remind me to make it. In a 1 quart mason jar add ice and 2-4 T. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 teas. powdered ginger and stevia (or sweetner).

Fill to top with carbonated water! Stir! I will never drink soda again, some times I add a little lime. I got a bottle of Perrier at the store to try it.


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Well that sounds interesting, sort of like a ginger ale? Let us know how it goes.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Love the sound of the cider vinegar and ginger, I drink soda water with bitters and lime at night so maybe I will try this out for variation. Maybe with honey though? I don't eat stevia.....dunno how I would combine the honey in cold h2O though.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Paleo Soda Pop?

    No such thing.

    Doesn't matter if the ingredients are paleo - the result still isn't.
  • pbjonrye
    pbjonrye Posts: 25
    I've been weaning myself off of diet soda for the last few days. It's day 3 of being diet soda free :)
    Got some plain carbonated water and lemon and lime slices instead.

    The recipe sounds interesting but i think the sweet fizzy-ness of it might make me want to go back to drinking the "real" stuff again. Let us know what you think though.
  • superjean1
    superjean1 Posts: 78 Member
    Have you tried kombucha? Its fizzy, tastes good, is loaded with probiotics and, if you don't want to buy it, it sounds relatively easy to make. Might be a good sub for those soda cravings?
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    And by what logic would you say that mixing together a series of Paleo foods yields a non-Paleo result?

    Paleo people cook, chop, simmer, boil, steam, roast, stir, mix etc etc their Paleo food, too.

    It's still Paleo after you stir it up.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I haven't tried Kombucha, honestly, I'm kind of scared of it.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Sounds like it will either be gross or delicious but I'm willing to give it a shot.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I hate the smell of ACV. I use it as a hair rinse and have to hold my nose the whole time. It's worth it, though.

    Try Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks. Carbonated just like soda or kombucha, but due to fermentation. Very low sugar, but without the sourness of Kombucha. I love it. I drink 1/2 bottle a day, sometimes whole bottle to help keep me away from Diet Coke. Good probiotics and fills the mental addiction for bubbly drink. Expensive, but only drinking 1/2 bottle at a time makes it affordable.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I hate the smell of ACV. I use it as a hair rinse and have to hold my nose the whole time. It's worth it, though.

    Try Kevita Sparkling Probiotic drinks. Carbonated just like soda or kombucha, but due to fermentation. Very low sugar, but without the sourness of Kombucha. I love it. I drink 1/2 bottle a day, sometimes whole bottle to help keep me away from Diet Coke. Good probiotics and fills the mental addiction for bubbly drink. Expensive, but only drinking 1/2 bottle at a time makes it affordable.

    Um...kombucha is fermented (and is bubbly because of said fermentation).
    I haven't tried Kombucha, honestly, I'm kind of scared of it.

    You'd probably like it, actually. Especially if you like that soda recipe.

    Also, another option for bubbly drinks is water kefir. If you do a second fermentation, you can make it somewhat carbonated.

    And on a side note, if you end up deciding you like carbonated water (or carbonated water plus fruit or whatever), you might want to consider investing in a SodaStream. It's great for carbonating water, and far less expensive than Perriere.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I tried that recipe and at first it was good, then totally gross.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    I tried that recipe and at first it was good, then totally gross.

    Crossing it off of my list.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I love Kombucha. MMMMMMMM. I buy it and I make it at home.