Week of 04/14-04/20

DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
I took last week off but am continuing on week 4 of alpha today my eating will be improving this last weeks due to battling with same 5lbs due to nutrition not being so good


  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Started Gama day 1 today... Speed 3.0... two of us working out together and we almost took each-other out. This routine had us moving like crazy monkeys. Non-stop jump jump squat bur-pee down back spider push with jack feet kick your buddy in the head moves... Darn right funny :noway:
  • Kimo0590
    Kimo0590 Posts: 21 Member
    Started week 3 of alpha definitely getting better with my form but still can't move as fast as those guys on tv. But I sm getting there. Lost 1.6 pounds so far and I hope to lose more as the weeks go by.
  • I missed last Friday's workouts. Was going to do it over the weekend, but was lazy :( However, I'm back at it today! Did couch 2 5k this afternoon, and TBC tonight.
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    I took last week off but am continuing on week 4 of alpha today my eating will be improving this last weeks due to battling with same 5lbs due to nutrition not being so good

    I completely understand! My nutrition starts well, then I dont have a morning snack and then I pig out the rest of the day! Ugh! My eating is my downfall right now.....:explode:
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    Rip'd Circuit done! and I feel like I really nailed it!
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Started week 3 of alpha definitely getting better with my form but still can't move as fast as those guys on tv. But I sm getting there. Lost 1.6 pounds so far and I hope to lose more as the weeks go by.

    Stay the course, eat healthy, and watch your body get fit and trim.
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Gama week 1 day 2, Oh my goodness, Gama has stepped up the difficulty in both agility and strength. Today I was totally burned out. I rated myself at 42% in form and speed when compared to Shawn T. My shoulders are spent, exhausted, and totally kaput. However, marked it as finished! Every one hang in, keep pressing play, and watch your fat melt away.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Gama week 1 day 2, Oh my goodness, Gama has stepped up the difficulty in both agility and strength. Today I was totally burned out. I rated myself at 42% in form and speed when compared to Shawn T. My shoulders are spent, exhausted, and totally kaput. However, marked it as finished! Every one hang in, keep pressing play, and watch your fat melt away.

    Way to go! :) I understand completely. It will get easier, though... but I would still not call the workout "EASY".

    I did Gamma Pyramid yesterday, and will be completing my arch nemesis Speed 3.0 tonight! :P
  • Mnborn71
    Mnborn71 Posts: 7 Member
    On week 3 day 2 of Alpha so far 2inchs gone working on 2 more by the end of week 4. Felling great and with a bad knee I am keeping up :love: love the 25 minutes it keeps me coming back for more.
    May have to do Alpha again do to the bad knee but will try the Beta first to see how it goes.
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    WEEK 5 CORE CARDIO DONE! For as much as I struggled with energy last week, I am feeling fantastic this week! wohoo! Have a great day everyone! :happy:
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    T25 rip'd circuit done!!! yay, baby! and I did a 30 second side plank and 5 hip ups on each side - these are really difficult for me, so I have been trying to add them in and today I DID IT!!!! :noway:
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    T25 rip'd circuit done!!! yay, baby! and I did a 30 second side plank and 5 hip ups on each side - these are really difficult for me, so I have been trying to add them in and today I DID IT!!!! :noway:

    Great work!!!
  • mipmicah
    mipmicah Posts: 31
    Gama has really hurt my pride. I'm sore, tired, and The Pyramid has zapped my pride. Gama week 1 Dat 4 "pyramid" DONE.
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    I am still doing the program, but getting irritated that I am still strugglinig and have to modify. I am trying to get a grip on working out and then I will tackle my food. How did you go about eating better, I get overwhelmed and then eat everything. I am now on Week 5, day 4. I am thinking about doing another 5 weeks of Alpha, don't think I will be able to hang with Gamma, what do you all think?

  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone,
    I am still doing the program, but getting irritated that I am still strugglinig and have to modify. I am trying to get a grip on working out and then I will tackle my food. How did you go about eating better, I get overwhelmed and then eat everything. I am now on Week 5, day 4. I am thinking about doing another 5 weeks of Alpha, don't think I will be able to hang with Gamma, what do you all think?


    Hi! Nothing wrong with doing Alpha again if you are most comfortable. Beta is the next round after Alpha, NOT Gamma, though. I do not recommend jumping into Gamma right after Alpha, and I'm also not sure if Gamma is for everyone in general. Beta isn't necessarily a lot harder than Alpha... to me it was just DIFFERENT, since it uses dumbbells, etc. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • lisab0218
    lisab0218 Posts: 9 Member
    This morning marked W1 Day 3 of Alpha. I'm am really enjoying these workout videos (and a little ibuprofen for my sore muscles mid-day). Can't believe I took so long to order them. I also have enjoyed reading this group board (support and motivation). I started working out in group fitness classes January 2014 and implemented a fairly 'clean' eating menu December 2013. Have lost 28 lbs and 42 more to go. I'm really excited to see how my body responds to this series in 10 weeks.
  • Good Afternoon Everyone,
    I am still doing the program, but getting irritated that I am still strugglinig and have to modify. I am trying to get a grip on working out and then I will tackle my food. How did you go about eating better, I get overwhelmed and then eat everything. I am now on Week 5, day 4. I am thinking about doing another 5 weeks of Alpha, don't think I will be able to hang with Gamma, what do you all think?


    I was actually really nervous about starting Beta because I didn't feel like I could really nail the work outs in Alpha yet but I moved on anyways. I'm starting week 4 of Beta and I agree with eganita, its not really more difficult, it's just different. And actually I find that I can really actually nail the Beta work outs where in alpha I always struggled a little bit. So I don't know if I'm just in better shape than I was starting alpha (duh, after 5 weeks of it I hope I would be) or if maybe Beta is a little less intense. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy, but I do better with the Beta workouts. And Speed 2.0 I think is a lot of fun :) By far my favorite video in the whole T25 plan so far. So I say, if you want to do Alpha again, go for it. It certainly won't hurt. But I didn't think I was ready for Beta either and I was pleasantly surprised. I am enjoying Beta more than I did Alpha.
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    So I have officially finished A;pha & Beta!

    Total Weight Loss - 7lbs, 14 oz

    Total inches lost - 8.5!

    I did beta upper focus today, and for the next month or so, I will probably do Upper Focus, Lower Focus and Dynamci Core alternating with a run every other day - I am trying to get that 5k in 30 minutes! and I am not there yet!

    Have a great day!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member