Low Carb & Diabetes

PSS33884 Posts: 72 Member
Hello!! I now have to take my insulin according to the total amount of carbs in my meal. I am adjusting what I eat because I don't want to take a large amount of insulin. Therefore, I am monitoring the number of carbs I eat.

Is there anyone else that is doing this?


  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, are you new to Keto? Most of us doing Keto monitor our carbs and stay fairly low. I don't know how many also have diabetes. I do not.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Type 1 or 2, it may help but if you're taking insulin you would be type 1?

    I found it great for my insulin resistance (im pre type 2) so would be useless talking about 1 !
  • 123_lac
    123_lac Posts: 66 Member
    Type 2 diabetics may also manage their diabetes with insulin. I am type 2 and was able to go off insulin by following a low carb diet and exercise. I am actually on no medications now. My latest hgba1c was 5.5 I'm happy to say. Make sure you check your blood glucose frequently when lowering carb intake as you may require much less insulin or none at all. Also remember protein as well as carbs may spike your blood glucose.
  • Rockerbaby187
    Rockerbaby187 Posts: 10 Member
    I have type 2 diabetes and I am only on meds..no insulin. My Dad was type 2 also and he had to take insulin with meds. I've noticed my blood sugar is way more stable with eating low carb.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I was initially diagnosed Type II, but realized pretty quickly it was adult-onset Type I and pushed for further testing to verify my suspicion.

    I use basal insulin only. No bolus. I fully control my blood glucose levels with diet and night-time basal insulin.

    I do a targeted ketogenic diet - "targeting" my carbohydrate intake to coincide with my workouts. I typically eat my higher-carb meals (anywhere from 10-60g depending on the length and intensity of the workout) about 45 minutes before I start exercising. This both gives me glucose for pushing VERY intense (I constantly push into anaerobic zones) and keeps my levels great.

    With basal-insulin only I now have a 5.2% HbA1c. I also never hypo - which is the nice thing about keeping bolus insulin low (or eliminated.)

    I got the idea from Ron Raab, president of Insulin for Life (a charity) and Vice-President of the IDF (International Diabetes Federation). He's been doing low-carb for Type I since 1998. http://www.diabetes-low-carb.org/
  • PSS33884
    PSS33884 Posts: 72 Member
    I am Type 2. However, thanks to going into Diabetic Ketoacidosis a couple of years ago, my pancreas no longer produces insulin. I have been on a sliding scale of insulin up until 2 weeks ago.

    I now monitor my blood sugar but take insulin for the number of carbs I eat. Example .. if my meal is 50g carb, I take 25u of Apidra. Will hopefully get an insulin pump in June. Since I've been monitoring carbs, I eat a lot less. Also have lost almost 10lbs.

    Happy with the changes so far.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    Great job so far! Keeping your blood sugar under control will definitely help you get that pump!