Starting Atkins tomorrow...

Hi and wishing everybody to become healthy and lean again,

It's hard to believe that I was 30 lbs lighter just a few months ago... But moving across the country, and quitting smoking almost a year ago without finding any substitution finally caught up with me. Now I am addicted to sugar. It's the same thinking and emotions involved-- I will just eat this tonight, and tomorrow I will start fresh... Starting a day great, but in the afternoon getting a headache, feeling crappy and giving in to cravings...
I've never felt so powerless and defeated in my life as for this past 4 years since the birth of my child that I've been unable to get back to my lean shape. I was able to succesfully lose weight before, but this time I'm going around this maddening circle.
I will be doing strict Atkins, posting my stats here daily, hoping this will keep me on track. I am very scared, afraid that I won't be bale to tolerate hunger, anxiety, fatigue, loss of concentration, headache and give in again... But I do intent to go until yhe end this time, until I reach my goal weight.
I wish everybody success.
Thank you


  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Good luck to you! You can do this, I promise. I started a low-carb diet when I was at my worst for sugar addiction. I would easily drink a 12-pack of Mt. Dew EVERY day! It was a hard first week, but after that I felt great and still do. We're all here for support if you need it!
  • ashleighrose13
    ashleighrose13 Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck! You can do this and I think you'll find a great support system on this site.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Good luck! I found that having my diary open to my friends and adding a bit support network of people who are also doing low carb diets really helps. It helps keep me honest and hold myself accountable, and I'm able to post my progress on my page with my friends following along.

    Make sure to drink plenty of water. I aim for 3L a day, just because you want to keep yourself hydrated, your kidneys healthy, and help keep your body from retaining water weight. It can also help with those headaches you've been experiencing. Water is my go-to whenever something is wrong.
  • pocketsaviour
    pocketsaviour Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck and go to it! I am low carbing and it's definitely the best way for me to beat the sugar cravings. The first few days are likely to be difficult, but if you can just stick it out, it gets hella easier once all the sugar is out of your system.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for buddies :)
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    if you do old school atkins , you wont have to worry about being hungry, on old atkins you eat ALL YOU WANT!! but it has to be only allowed foods, so read up on what is allowed and enjoy to your hearts content, and there are actually some pretty tasty things to be had , what happens then is after a few days your appitie goes down naturally and then this feeling of control and this feeling of " i can beat this" comes from within you, the power all of a sudden comes from deep inside of yourself and the idea of "will power" just isnt needed anymore, sure you have to divide food into 2 catagories more or less, and then only eat from the low carb side,
    take a look at George Stella's web site, he has some great foods and Desserts!! that are low carb, and some of this can get you thru the hard phase with ease!