Hi there,

I'm new to the world of TDEE, but have had a BMF for years and cutting calories - a lot. I'm runner, mother of two, & part time student. I work out on my TRX 3x/week right now. I make sure I get one rest day a week somewhere.

Anyway, according to scooby my TDEE -10% is 1949. My BMF show a burn of over 3000 quite often. 2500 is low for me.

I'm just wondering what thoughts about the BMF are. I wonder if I should just put it away and be done with it. There are days where I'm hungrier, usually run days. I am going to continue to run because I love it, plus I have my first full marathon in November! Right now I'm just running to remain in shape. I won't be increasing my distance much for a bit yet. Marathon training starts last week of July.

I started off at 162.8, had the expected increase to 164.4 and the last two days I seem to have stabalized with a loss at 163.2. So it's going back down. So. What do I pay attention too? How high of a deficit is too high?

The one thing I am good at is eating healthy. I have the ocassional binge as most people do. But it's become less and less over the years for sure and much easier since starting to eat more real food on a daily basis.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You have a BodyMedia that gives you great estimate of TDEE on infinite and variable level - why are you picking from rough 5 levels?

    So your BMF says your TDEE is over 3000, you picked a TDEE level that was 2166 - which do you think is best estimate?

    Why don't you just use this method - a reasonable deficit - with the tool you have telling you how much you burn daily?

    If you are willing to accept about a 250 cal deficit, which 10% is, just do it.

    Keep your MFP and BMF accounts synced positive and negative.
    If non-exercise days cause big positive adjustments increase your MFP activity level so you can plan better.
    Pick 1/2 lb weekly goal loss.
    Log your non-step based activity that BMF is going to underestimate - like lifting or cycling (ya, it's way off on those), and meet your daily eating goal.

    Since you said you've been cutting calories a lot, I'd suggest working your way slowly up to TDEE for a few weeks at least.
    Totally unstress that body.

    If you do that, you could actually select 1 lb weekly loss goal until you get to 20 lbs left to go - then switch to 1/2 lb weekly.

    You might confirm the BMF sensors are working well for you by looking at some past sleeping and awake but non-moving time.
    Look at the calorie burn section of dashboard, cals/min reading.
    Find the average low during those 2 activities. Like if it bounces between 0.9 and 1 constantly, then 0.95.
    Take that x 1440.
    Sleeping figure is your BMR.
    Awake not moving figure is your RMR.
    They should be different by 150-250 calories if sensors are working well for you.
    And how does that BMR figure compare to your Mifflin BMR on MFP?
    Better, how does it compare to Katch BMR using bodyfat estimate?
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    If you have a Body Media, I would just use that, rather than fussing with the calculators ...etc. It will be so much easier (and hopefully more accurate)! I have had one for a couple of years and have found it to be fairly accurate for me. Rather than worrying about my day-to-day burns, I just look at my average TDEE over the previous month and eat consistently off of that number (either at TDEE or a slight cut, depending on what I am doing at that time :- )

    Sounds like you are pretty close to your goal weight, so that 10% deficit is great (we never recommend more than a 15% cut).

    How long ago did you start upping your calories, and did you jump right up to TDEE or are you working your way up there slowly?
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    If you have a Body Media, I would just use that, rather than fussing with the calculators ...etc. It will be so much easier (and hopefully more accurate)! I have had one for a couple of years and have found it to be fairly accurate for me. Rather than worrying about my day-to-day burns, I just look at my average TDEE over the previous month and eat consistently off of that number (either at TDEE or a slight cut, depending on what I am doing at that time :- )

    Sounds like you are pretty close to your goal weight, so that 10% deficit is great (we never recommend more than a 15% cut).

    How long ago did you start upping your calories, and did you jump right up to TDEE or are you working your way up there slowly?

    This is just week three of TDEE. I started right away at TDEE -15%, but then did some more reading and have switched to TDEE -10%. I haven't been wearing my BMF consistently for quite a while now, because I would like to move away from it (tan lines and all :blushing: ). I would say that I just jumped right into it as well. I'd been flailing around for months, then tried WW and it had me down to 26 points, which is actually less than 1200 calories, but more with your "free foods". Plus I ate all my activity points and weekly allowance. Probably around 1500 on average a day.

    I like your idea of wearing it for a month, taking the avearage an going from there. I just really can't imagine eating as much as my BMF says I can. Friday I burned 3700 calories and I didn't really do anything special! lol.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    If you have a Body Media, I would just use that, rather than fussing with the calculators ...etc. It will be so much easier (and hopefully more accurate)! I have had one for a couple of years and have found it to be fairly accurate for me. Rather than worrying about my day-to-day burns, I just look at my average TDEE over the previous month and eat consistently off of that number (either at TDEE or a slight cut, depending on what I am doing at that time :- )

    Sounds like you are pretty close to your goal weight, so that 10% deficit is great (we never recommend more than a 15% cut).

    How long ago did you start upping your calories, and did you jump right up to TDEE or are you working your way up there slowly?

    Oh one more question. If I'm understanding correctly, aim to eat 10% less than my estimated burn for the day?
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Okay, so this is what I've done. I have around 20 to 30 lbs to loose. I'm really not sure how much. I just want to be healthy and strong and fit into my size 8 shorts without muffin top.

    I've linked my BMF and changed my MFP settings to active and wanting to loose .5 lbs/week. So a 250 calorie deficit. I think this will put me around a 10 to 15% deficit depending on the day. Some days may be a bit more. Yesterday I burned 2989 cal and consumed 2455 - thank you peanut butter for adding an easy 200 calories. If my math is correct, my deficit yesterday was actually more than 15% - but I'm hoping this will average out over a week.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That's right on.

    If you notice a lot of negative adjustments on not so active days - it means the Active level was too high, so just watch for that - if you have any problems planning the day and have calories taken away.

    Also be aware that when you change your Diet/Fitness profile, MFP changes the macros back to default again, so you'll still need to manually go change the macros to better.

    I don't think you'd have to worry about more than 15% deficit if you meet the eating goal MFP gives you.

    You'd have to have your TDEE for a day down to or below 1667 x 15% = 250 calories.

    Since it appears you never get anywhere near that low of TDEE, you'll always have less than 15% deficit, always closer to 10%.

    So yesterday you did hit 18% deficit. Body balances it out.
    If it didn't, people couldn't have success with the TDEE method which actually averages out a whole week back to daily level.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks heybales. Fingers crossed I am on the right path now and things will start to smooth out. According to this I have been undereating with binges for quite sometime. I would get the sense that I was undereating and add more calories, just to freak out over a gain and go back down. I'm trying to ignore the scale for the most part right now and just focus on how I and my clothes are feeling. My tape measure and scary looking selfies are my new best friend. :)
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    I'm really finding it hard to fit in all those calories. I feel stuffed! Is it really good for me to be eating this much?
  • short answer - YES!

    just keep going - I have seen so many good non-scale-victories to be honest that its amazing how I didn't do this ages ago (and a bit miffed WW etc don't tell you this!!)

    Stick with it - you will certainly feel better in the long run - but yes the first few weeks are scary as hell!!!
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you! I'll keep plugging away. I had two bowls of frozen yogurt last night and I still didn't manage to make my calorie target. :embarassed:
  • ha ha don't worry give it about a week or two and you won't need too!!

    many people use peanut butter, nuts, seeds - proper fats too!! as well as upping the protein straight ie meat! Its much more a mental side than anything else! now I look at 1200 and think really I used to survive on that - or correction NOT survive!!!
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Sarah. I'll gladly eat more peanut butter. :) My burn yesterday was 3553. I managed to get to about a 16% reduction. So not easy to do. Maybe I should have had some wine. :drinker: