I Thwarted A Dog Attacking me This Morning!!

OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
On my morning run this morning run, I was attacked by a large dog. Thank heavens I was always taught what to do when a dog is charging at you and going to attack, which this dog most certainly was going to do.

I crouched down in a fighting stance with my legs apart and planted, my arms up balled up into fist, and was screaming loudly AT the dog. Owner was in the front yard playing on her phone not bothered by this at all.

Dog charged me with head down and ears back growling and snarling. As it came closer I lowered a little more and timed my foot to strike him/her right in the side of the head to deflect the bite.

Dog spun around behind me and I turned with him, still screaming and still crouched into a fighting position with my arms ready to fight.

Dog charged again, and I threw another kick at him.

At this point, the owner finally yelled at the dog to have him come into the yard and he/she did and the dog went inside. A man driving down the street stopped to see if I needed a ride anywhere and to ask if I was OK. told him that I was fine, not a scratch on me at all. (I had 2 layers on since it was soo chilly and my kicks had deflected ALL bites)

I literally do NOT have a single scratch on me at all! PTL PTL PTL!!!! My knee (on the leg that I hit the dog with) is a little sore, but I'm not sure if that is because I hit the dog (and he was big) or because of my 5 miles)

It was by far the scariest thing I have ever had happen while running.

I called the police non emergency and the Animal Control officer just left. She can't take out charges because she did not see it happen. I can if I would like. Not sure what I am going to do.

Animal Control Officer headed over to her house next to talk to her or leave her a notice to call them to talk to her about make sure her animal is on a leash when it's in the front yard and make sure the dog is current on all shots.

Thank the Lord I know what to do when dog is charging at me! If not, I''m sure I would not be here typing this, I would have been rushed by ambulance and had lots of stitches.

I told the gentleman in the truck who stopped that maybe I need to carry a little BAT with me to fend off animal from now on. (pepper spray does not always work on animals).

I am just super thankful that I am OK.

Part of me is torn, yes it will be on record that this dog did this but unless I press charges, pretty much nothing is going to happen. The only thing they can charge the owner with is IF she does not have the dog current on shots and rabies. Other than that, all the owner gets is a warning about today

My biggest worry is there are tons of kids in that neighborhood, tons!! What if Deuce (my son, that's his nickname) was with me, the dog would have gone after him. I really am leading towards calling and pressing charges. I would feel horrible, just horrible, if the news were to report a child or another adult who did NOT know what to do gets seriously bitten.

This could have turned REALLY ugly for me. I am soo super thankful.

ETA *** I have had dogs come up on my running before just looking to get petted, this WAS NOT like that at all. Ears down, head down, snarling, and charging is not a dog looking to get a friendly petting. ***


  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    Goodness, I am so glad to hear you didn't get hurt! Sounds like it could have ended very differently.

    If it were up to me, I would definitely press charges. I'm sure this is not the first time the owner has been "forgetful" about using a leash. And I'm sure it's also not the first time the dog has been aggressive towards people. Best to get a paper trail going. If there is a next time, the punishment will be more severe.

    Good luck!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I would press charges. Even if nothing comes of it, it will be on record that the dog is viscous. I have been bitten twice by dogs after being attacked. A friend was attacked last month by a pack of 3 dogs. It happens too often.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    OMG, that could definitely have ended differently good you kept your head when it started charging you. I would press charges purely because if in future events something happens they will at least have something on record about the dog. Although it's sad in these cases that the dog suffers when it's the lazy *kitten*/ignorant owner to blame.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Oh my goodness, what a terrifying experience. thank goodness you're ok! I don't know what I would have done in that situation, but I doubt I would have come out without a scratch. Well done for keeping a cool head.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Can you ask the cops/authorities to talk to the owner before you press charges and I'll explain the reason why ....

    Clearly it is the woman's fault for not putting the dog on leash and playing on phone. If you press charges chances are they will put the dog to sleep based on township/county rules and how tolerance they are towards these incidents. You really do not want to kill the animal for the fault of his human.

    I had a similar experience on a run. After the woman took the dog away I yelled so loud at the lady that probably a star would have fallen from the sky if it was night and I deliberately yelled loud so that everyone in neighborhood could hear.

    I screamed at her "Next time your dog comes charging at me I'll kick him so hard that he has to die with that kick and then I'll come after you."

    Since then I have always seen the dog on leash and above and beyond they have put an invisible pet fence. More over she runs inside the house with the dog when she sees me coming.

    I'm glad you didn't get hurt.

    Edited for terrible grammar.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. I was actually bitten once when I was out during an early morning run. I don't like to go out much now in my neighborhood to run because of it. When I do, I carry my steel bat with me.

    I'm so glad you weren't hurt and you knew what to do.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Years ago I was attached by a neighbors 110 pound shepherd/husky mix. I was strong enought to keep him from ripping me completely up as we slid down the front stairs, dog on top. I ended up with a few gashes to my head and three punctures in my ear (alwasy wanted some piercings anyway, lol). I reported the incident while at the hospital getting patched up and the dog was placed into confinement for 3 weeks. A week after his return he attacked his 16 year old owner. She was not as fortunate as I and ended up with a scar running from just under her left eye, down her face, across her neck to her right shoulder. Any dog that is willing to attach a human being has severe problems and should be reported. I would think that reproting to the police and animal saftey would be sufficient to place the owner on notice but am not familiar with the rules in your area. Here they would be coming back to insure the animal was properly "tethered" at random times and would take further action if not. Glad to hear you did so well and walked away without a scratch!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Years ago I was attached by a neighbors 110 pound shepherd/husky mix. I was strong enought to keep him from ripping me completely up as we slid down the front stairs, dog on top. I ended up with a few gashes to my head and three punctures in my ear (alwasy wanted some piercings anyway, lol). I reported the incident while at the hospital getting patched up and the dog was placed into confinement for 3 weeks. A week after his return he attacked his 16 year old owner. She was not as fortunate as I and ended up with a scar running from just under her left eye, down her face, across her neck to her right shoulder. Any dog that is willing to attach a human being has severe problems and should be reported. I would think that reproting to the police and animal saftey would be sufficient to place the owner on notice but am not familiar with the rules in your area. Here they would be coming back to insure the animal was properly "tethered" at random times and would take further action if not. Glad to hear you did so well and walked away without a scratch!
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Ugh. I'm really glad you're ok. I don't have advice to give. Something needs to be done. I get soooooo irritated by unleashed dogs. I had an encounter about 2 months ago with a dog charging at me from across the street with the owner standing on the other side saying "it's ok," while I stood there terrified. Blah.

    Whatever you do, it needs to be something that makes it clear to the owner that this is not ok and can't happen again to you or anyone else. Good luck with a tough situation and again, so glad this turned out ok.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    FWIW I was yelling at the owner as she was shashaying into the house and she turned around and said,

    He ain't gonna bite you!!!

    I said, he almost did if I hadn't kicked him, he charged me TWICE!!!!! Other than that ONE sentence, she didn't say a word to me at all!!!! NUTS I tell ya!!

    ETA I have a friend in this area who trains dogs for a living, she told me that I should press charges and that in this area TWO people have to press charges in order for the owners to have to face the court. Crazy, right? TWO complaints!!! Someone could get killed.

    I am soo thankful I knew what to do and my husband is looking into getting me some type of bat. He's a sheriff and they taught them as well that dogs do NOT respond to O.C. spray or Pepper Spray, that's why cops shoot dogs, sadly. There's no other way to get an attacking dog to back off. :(
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    That is an irresponsible dog owner and I would press charges, no question. Glad you were ok.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Glad you are okay!

    Yes, absolutely follow up with this.

    You don't know what's going on in the owner's head.... but this could be a wake up call for them.

    There is a dog on my street that attacked me several times. One time, she got out when the high school football team was selling some fundraiser stuff. The entire football team ended up in my living room while she snarled and jumped on my screen door! She bit me a few times and knocked me off my bike, all while she escaped. The owners are very nice people, super nice, really, they are. But they are stupid, stupid, stupid. The last time the dog attacked me, she was on a leash, but nobody was holding the leash! Just clueless.

    The last report was a wake-up call for them, and they got the dog a trainer. A serious dog trainer, that came to their house weekly for a while. The dog is still somewhat aggressive, but will respond well to commands. They have her trained incredibly well now. She got out and came after me about a month ago, and I just yelled "SIT! DOWN!" Aaaaaaand she just laid down in the road for about a second. Then came after me again, but I yelled, "SIT! DOWN!" ... and down she went again.