Losing motivation

bellabananas Posts: 20 Member
I'm on my fourth week and I've seemed to have lost all of my steam. This has happened to me before but I really want to complete the whole Insanity for once. Any suggestions for finishing off these last few workouts before the recovery week?


  • Why did you start Insanity?
    re-visit your reasons for doing it and get centred on what you want.

    Schedule your workouts.

    You are incredibly powerful and capable. Imagine at the end of this 60 day journey looking back and saying ..... I totally faced this mountain and I didn't shrink I faced it head on and showed myself what I am capable of

    I start this next Monday and I know I am going to have to sacrifice and bring it but I am determined to show myself what is possible.
  • bellabananas
    bellabananas Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks! My weight finally started going down and that's helping a ton too.