Goals and Motivation

CTop73 Posts: 6 Member
What are your goals and what is motivating you to reach those goals......

My Goals and Motivation -
Reach my pre-pregnancy weight plus maybe a little more by my birthday :)
Get back to my healthy and strong CrossFit self and not let this extra weight slow me down
Most important be that role model of fitness for my kids to look up to!!


  • alichaptx
    alichaptx Posts: 2 Member
    My husband got super healthy last year - lost 40 pounds and now has what I call his Fight Club body. Simply put, he's hot. He bikes 16 miles a day, eats better than he ever has and is happier and younger looking. Now I feel like we are totally mismatched. I am 40+ pounds overweight. I am not so concerned with how I look, honestly. I feel like we're mismatched in energy and stamina. He can get out and play with our son while I just lumber along and have to stop often. I want to be stronger for them both.

    I also rely on my brain as my biggest strength professionally and I want to give my brain the body it deserves - one that's healthy and can move it around and take on any challenge. I need to release myself from chronic stress so my brain can function at its peak. I want to live a long life so I can travel and explore and adventure!

    My biggest tangible goal at the moment is that in less than one year I'm chaperoning a group of gifted and talented teens on an ecological research trip to Nicaragua. One of the many awesome excursions includes a 3 hour hike up an active volcano known for knocking even the fittest of guys down half way up. I want to make it up that volcano, dammit. I want to look into its mouth, sweat dripping down my face, breathing hard, legs on fire and then look at the people who rode the bus up and smile.
  • lalin1105
    lalin1105 Posts: 6 Member
    My 1st small goal is to be able to jog 500 meters without stopping. I gained a ton of weight with my daughter who is 3 now and I haven't been able to lose it. But that is about to change. My husband and I want to have another baby but I don't feel that it would be healthy for me at this size. So I am on a mission to lose 100 lbs before I get pregnant again and this time I will have a healthy pregnancy and eat well and exercise so I don't gain an unhealthy amount of weight. I am really loving crossfit. The accountability is what help's me the most. I love my trainer and the group that I work out with. They're so encouraging even tho their are a lot of things I can't do yet. My husband hasn't gotten into the whole healthy thing yet and I usually let that derail me but I refuse to. Once he sees I'm committed I think he will jump in board too. He is naturally thin and pretty fit so he doesn't have to work at it as hard as I do. I am excited about being in this group too