For today Apr 17th

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“They do not love who do not show their love.” – William Shakespeare

“For today: As I practice the principles of this program, my capacity for love expands.”

This reading talks about love not being able to flourish in the presence of obsession, which really hits home for me! How can I show love to my fellow OAer, not only by telling them that I love them, but by being an attentive listener and by being an example and doing the work. For us love must be shown by the deeds that we do, and only then, we can truly give love to our fellow sufferer.

I hope everyone is having an abstinent day!


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    Options not being able to flourish in the presence of obsession...

    This statement resonates with me. Before finding OA, I tried to be a kind and loving person, and thought that I was. As a part of having my awakening and finding OA, I realized just how often and how badly I was missing the mark, especially with those closest to me. I did not love myself, which is where I see my capacity expanding. As a result of that, I think I am better able to love others, but it is starting with me and growing from there.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    You're absolutely right, blackthrux! Loving ourselves is key to loving others. I’ve always put the love of others before myself, which makes total sense, but I have slowly learned to put myself first. I remember when I first started going to meetings and struggled with selfishness. I felt guilty because I was putting my program before my kids, my spouse, and everyone in my life. Boy, that was pretty selfish of me! I soon learned that some forms of selfishness is vital when it comes to by recovery.
  • wandarb
    wandarb Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I attended my first O/A meeting on September 28th, 2013. I floundered for approximately 3 months
    without a sponsor. I then missed 3 months of meetings and suffered the most horrible relapse--a nightmare through and through.
    I reached out to other O/A members in the programme and today I have four days of abstinence, and a sponsor and all I want to
    do is work the programme and go to meetings. Well truthfully, it seems that is all I do at the expense of letting go of so much.

    Your statement was enlightening. Hey! I am dealing with this addiction and this is what I need to do at this time.

    Keep coming works when we work it.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I attended my first O/A meeting on September 28th, 2013. I floundered for approximately 3 months
    without a sponsor. I then missed 3 months of meetings and suffered the most horrible relapse--a nightmare through and through.
    I reached out to other O/A members in the programme and today I have four days of abstinence, and a sponsor and all I want to
    do is work the programme and go to meetings. Well truthfully, it seems that is all I do at the expense of letting go of so much.

    Your statement was enlightening. Hey! I am dealing with this addiction and this is what I need to do at this time.

    Keep coming works when we work it.

    I so know the feeling of a relapse and I'm glad to hear that you are back in program! Thank goodness for the tools of recovery!