Introducing me (new and old members!)



  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Debbie, that's a great attitude....getting the workout by making do with I what you have. I like sweater weather but that's about as cold as I want.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    What to call me: Stephanie
    Birthday: August 5th
    Where I'm from: Mississippi
    Weight loss goals: My goal is to lose 160 pounds and reach my goal of weighing 170 pounds.
    My maxim: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    A little more about me: I'm 43 years old. I've been married twenty years to my best friend, and we have two boys (ages 16 and 12). I'm a work-at-home-mom / published author. When I'm not busy with my family, you can usually find me writing. I also love candle making, web design, and traveling. Feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:

    Hi, Stephanie. It's nice to meet you. I somehow missed your post.
    I'm originally from Tennessee, but lived in Mississippi for a short time. What part of the state are you from? I lived right across the border from TN...near Tunica.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    Hi, Stephanie. It's nice to meet you. I somehow missed your post.
    I'm originally from Tennessee, but lived in Mississippi for a short time. What part of the state are you from? I lived right across the border from TN...near Tunica.

    LeAnna, my wife and kids spent a little over a year in Tupelo with her job, while the nearest i found was in Atlanta. I recognize Tunica from the road signage.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Wow nice to see some newer posts :) I love reading about you all!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Dan, I remember when Tunica got it's first riverboat casino. We drove country roads through fields to get to it. Last time I went home it was an actual town of some size.
    I'd like to visit Tupelo someday. I did get to visit Vicksburg on an RV trip...very cool place. The battlefields were impressive.
  • Jaxxy_Fae
    Jaxxy_Fae Posts: 28
    What to call me: Samantha or Sam
    Birthday: July 16, 1986
    Where I'm from: Indiana
    Weight loss goals: Not really sure, but I want to lose around 150 pounds. Healthy weight is like 140-170? So I'll get down there and see.
    My maxim: It varies weekly, but I typically find a simple "Keep running" to be sufficient.
    A little more about me: I'm an asipiring novelist and freelance writer. I like to game. I geocache and recently started going to a gym. I'm not really the social butterfly sort, so I tend to hang back in crowds and let things happen around me. I have a really hard time staying motivated and not getting bored. I love all things Disney and if I could I would move to Disney World so I could be there every day. Not near Disney World... literally INSIDE the park.
  • Jest45
    Jest45 Posts: 13 Member
    What to call me: Jill
    Birthday: October 11th . I am 45.
    Where I'm from: Nebraska but someday I will go back to Tennessee!
    Weight loss goals: 175
    My I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    I am not there yet but I am closer than I was yesterday!
    A little more about me: I have been married for 25 years to my best friends. 4 kids, 1 grandson and 2 dogs.
  • Finnea
    Finnea Posts: 1
    What to call me: Finn
    Birthday: April 24, 1966 - I'll be 48 one week from today!
    Where I'm from: Manitoba Canada
    Weight loss goals: 150
    My maxim: It is easy to sit up and take notice, What is difficult is getting up and taking action. Honore de Balzac
    A little more about me: My theme for this year is ACTION. I have been taking action in so many important areas of my life, it's time to apply what I've learned and the building momentum to my health. I am here choosing change with the intention of creating a strong, flexible body that once again loves to move because I remember her and want her back!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Samantha, @Jill, @Finn - Welcome to the group! Feel free to post on the other boards and just jump right in with us. We won't bite unless you ask nicely. :flowerforyou: Seriously, we are a very supportive group of each other. I hope you all do feel comfortable and at ease with us. We do respect each other and understand this is a long journey.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Jill, Sam, and Finn, and welcome to the group. We truly are a friendly and supportive group, and why not? We're all in the same big old boat! Welcome aboard. :)
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    What to call me: Finn
    Birthday: April 24, 1966 - I'll be 48 one week from today!
    Where I'm from: Manitoba Canada
    Weight loss goals: 150
    My maxim: It is easy to sit up and take notice, What is difficult is getting up and taking action. Honore de Balzac
    A little more about me: My theme for this year is ACTION. I have been taking action in so many important areas of my life, it's time to apply what I've learned and the building momentum to my health. I am here choosing change with the intention of creating a strong, flexible body that once again loves to move because I remember her and want her back!

    Oh another Manitoban, no one understands the awful of a manitoba winter like a fellow Manitoban! Welcome!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    What to call me: Jill
    Birthday: October 11th . I am 45.
    Where I'm from: Nebraska but someday I will go back to Tennessee!
    Weight loss goals: 175
    My I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    I am not there yet but I am closer than I was yesterday!
    A little more about me: I have been married for 25 years to my best friends. 4 kids, 1 grandson and 2 dogs.

    Welcome to our group :)
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    What to call me: Samantha or Sam
    Birthday: July 16, 1986
    Where I'm from: Indiana
    Weight loss goals: Not really sure, but I want to lose around 150 pounds. Healthy weight is like 140-170? So I'll get down there and see.
    My maxim: It varies weekly, but I typically find a simple "Keep running" to be sufficient.
    A little more about me: I'm an asipiring novelist and freelance writer. I like to game. I geocache and recently started going to a gym. I'm not really the social butterfly sort, so I tend to hang back in crowds and let things happen around me. I have a really hard time staying motivated and not getting bored. I love all things Disney and if I could I would move to Disney World so I could be there every day. Not near Disney World... literally INSIDE the park.

    Nice to meet you :)
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi my name is Bonnie
    my Birthday is May 2 ,1977
    I am from Edmonton,Alberta,Canada
    I would like to get to 125lbs that is 113lbs to lose
  • Gw3nJa
    Gw3nJa Posts: 40 Member
    I'm Gwen
    My birthday last just last month on April 1, I am now 25!
    I currently live in Jonesboro Arkansas
    My goal is 200.

    A little about myself. I'm in college, will be graduating next semester with an Art Ed degree if all goes well. I'm married to my husband for almost two years but we have been together for five. I have one adorable fur baby. I am hoping by losing weight slowly over time I'll learn how to change my life style and be able to keep weight off.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Welcome Gwen :)
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hello all! I just joined this group because I have 150lbs to lose... but once I hit 75 pounds gone, hubby and I will start trying for a baby. That's the biggest motivator for me.

    What to call me: Mandy

    Birthday: October 9, 1983

    Where I'm from: Currently South Carolina

    Weight loss goals: My initial goal is to get to 199, but eventually I would like to see 165 (I'm 5'9)

    My maxim: It's in my profile pic "Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward!" Sort of a "never give up" mantra. :)

    A little more about me: I am 30 years old and have been 200+ pounds my entire adult life. (Seriously I was 195 when I graduated high school at 17, and then by my 18th birthday, it had inched over 200). When my husband proposed to me back in 2010, I had hit 300 pounds. I very nearly cried when I went to the doctor and the logged me at 304. I got serious then. I lost over 50 pounds, and was seeing numbers in the 240s on the scale by spring 2012. Then we got news of an impending move that hit me hard, I stressed from the time we got the news until the time we moved back to South Carolina (about 18 months) and I gained EVERY SINGLE POUND back... and they brought friends. I stepped on the scale 2 weeks ago and saw 330. I've NEVER been that heavy in my life.

    I also have PCOS, so gaining weight takes nothing at all, and losing it means I have to fight for every ounce. I need to get this weight off of my bones.

    I know it's easier, and more motivating to share this journey with people who are walking down the same road, so here I am. :)
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 764 Member
    Welcome Mandy! I'm sorry to hear about the stress of moving contributing to your weight gain! I really feel your pain <3 I started my weight loss in August last year at 318lbs and was losing steadily with a lot of hard work. Early this year we started the process of moving house and since then my weight hasn't budged an inch >_< I suffer from anxiety anyway so the stress of moving on top of that just makes me a whirlwind of worry hehe. Luckily for me I'm (fingers crossed) only a few weeks away from completion on my new place which I thoroughly hope will be a new beginning on my weight loss journey! I'm sure that we'll both be able be able to ditch the weight with the support of the 100+ group and your most awesome mantra :D GOOD LUCK and good logging :D
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 764 Member
    Thought I'd shove my own introduction in. All the old guys will already know me but there's a lot of new faces and my lack of activity over the last few months means that I have missed a lot of you joining! So, here we go...

    What to call me: My friends call me Pidge

    Birthday: 31/3/85 (yeah we do it that way round in the UK teehee)

    Where I'm from: The south east of England, 20 minute train into London

    Weight loss goals: Well walking around without feeling knackered would be nice! I also really want to wear a certain cosplay outfit >_>

    A little more about me: I'm a 29 year old part-time freelance graphic designer. I spend most of my free time PC gaming (which doesn't involve enough moving, but I have at least worked in drinking loads of water while I do it hehe). I also love my science fiction and fantasy (be it novels, tv, movies etc.) and can rarely be seen without a very bright hair colour (this month I'm rocking electric blue xD ) !
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Everybody!

    I noticed that my dear pal Pidge had posted a reintroduction and I thought it might be polite for me to do the same!

    My name is Mark, I live on Vancouver Island in Canada, and I just turned 49 last week.

    I have been working towards my weight loss objectives, in a serious and dedicated way, for about a year. I have lost 100 pounds, reduced my BMI from nigh super obese to obese, and by the end of this summer, for the first time in my life, I'm just gonna be fat!

    Had you asked me a year ago what my ultimate or long term weight loss goals was, I would have given you firm numbers based on BMI, BMR, clothing sizes, and viable costume options. My profile currently reflects those values and aspirations.

    However today I think I feel differently. Okay, yes, I still want to shop in the "normal guy" store, so I need to drop another six inches from my waist, and the costume choices that come with a 38 waist are astounding, but this last year has taught me what it is like to feel well for a change. One year of modest daily acitvity has paid unexpected dividends in terms of overall health, chronic pain management, and general ease of transit though a world not really designed for 6'2", 400 pound men.

    I am just happier as a 275 pound man, and I can DO so many things my 400 pound version could not do. Now my goal is to see what a 234 pound man can do. After that...who knows? 200? 190? 185? Or maybe XL tshirts, 38 jeans, and the ability to pick up fallen pennies without a second thought for my back or dignity will be just fine...

    A year ago, I played Minecraft, and watched TV for a living. Today, I still have watch a little TV as part of my job, (I'm a writer and trend critic ) but have almost no time for games because I need between one and three hours a day, EVERYDAY, to achieve my activity goals. Although between PS3 Move and a new WII U for my birthday, a bit of active gaming is creeping back into my life. (Too bad the PS3 version of Minecraft doesn't support the Move controller.)

    Oh other thing I would like you to know about me, I am one of the moderators here, and have been in this group since the day Alana (OH how we miss you, Alana) founded it, along with Dan and a few others.

    It is so wonderful to see so many new faces and so much resolve.

    It CAN be done. YOU can lose a 100 pounds+ too. The wonderful thing about this group is that in addition to the empathy and understanding that abound here, you will also find lots of wise people with practical experience--including past failures--to draw upon and share the wisdom that comes from success. (I'm looking at you Dan, Paula...Russ...yeah I see you too...)

    Look at the tickers and the logging day streaks. Draw your own conclusions.

    Now drink your water and go for a walk!