surgery scheduled :-o a little scared!

Hey everyone! I just scheduled my surgery today. I've done tons of research and really tried to educate myself on this life changing decision I've made. But I'm still a little nervous! Lots of reasons for my nerves but the biggest one is what if I regret it? Did anyone else worry about this??


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    You are not alone! I (and many others!) went through the same thing, and I think it's totally normal. Having surgery is a huge life changing decision. After surgery, I had a few moments of "what did I do?", but I think that's normal too. It's a big deal to change your body this way. You are about to face the unknown and unfamiliar and that can definitely cause a little anxiety. That said, I calmed down, I adjusted, learned my "new normal", and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. It's hard for me to even believe that I was so nervous. Just remember the reasons why you are doing this. For me, the reasons were simple - I wanted to be healthier and I wanted a better quality of life. I have both of those things now and I am happier than I have been in a very long time. You can totally do this! When is your surgery?
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I'd worry about you if you DIDN'T have some healthy fear. It means you are educated on the virtues and risks of surgery. I was nervous, sure, but I was more afraid of what would happen to me, young heart attack, stroke, etc if I DIDN'T go through with it. 6 Months out and NO REGRETS here! Just had my 6mo follow up with the doc today and he said that medically, I've reached success but its okay to lose a bit more if I like. Plans are to take of the last 25!
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    I was not able to be nervous about the decision, because my family was nervous enough. I had to be the beacon of strength and portray my committment to my decision. So even if I wanted to worry and fret about my life changing decision, I couldn't. It wasn't until they put the IV in that I started to get nervous and by that time, I was on my own with the nurses and doctors. I do not regret my surgery at all.

    I met this lady a few months ago at a garage sale I had to get rid of my "big girl" clothes. We started chatting and as it turns out, she too had VSG a few years back, but had some severe complications. She was scheduled to have another surgery to correct some of the complications and to also do the DD switch. One thing I remember her saying was, "...even with the complications I've had, I don't regret the surgery. It forced me to deal with my food demons and I've still lost weight, too." I liked that even after experiencing what we all fear, she still did not regret having it done.

    For the most post, this surgery is as good as you make it. If you think it is going to magically fix all of your food, weight, body-image problems, you're in for a rude awakening. Surgery is the tool, you're the force behind it that determines you're ultimate success.
  • dej923
    dej923 Posts: 26 Member
    It's only natural to be nervous! I was afraid too but I just kept thinking of the journey ahead of me. I have not once asked myself "why did I do this?" although I know it is not uncommon. Stick with what you know & never be afraid to ask questions on what you don't. Just remember that everyone has a different journey but no one is alone in this. You're going to be amazing!
  • Thanks everyone for the support! It means so much! My surgery is scheduled May 19th. I'm having an egd Monday and my psych and nutrition consult on the 23rd. I'm excited and looking forward to taking control of my life. My weight has affected me in so many ways from enjoying my son to feeling comfortable in my own skin. I had a lap band in 2011 and basically fought with it for 2 years. Always in pain, throwing up constantly and lost very little. My Dr said my body rejected the band. I paid cash for my band so naturally I was disappointed to say the least. I had it removed in July of 2013. Since then the sleeve has been something I've really thought about and researched. I'm finally getting close and it's the greatest blessing! My band failing was a heavy topic for me and I really beat myself up over it not working out. But my head is in a good place now so Im ready for great things! Thanks again for listening. I'll stay in touch! ;-)
  • Honey, you are not alone. I too had my lap band removed in 2013... Failure!!! Lost some weight n gained it back. .. Did my research on the VSG.. Went to all my appointments.. Was fine till 2 days prior... Cried hysterically thinking of the what-ifs.. I have 2 daughters that need me... But if I don't do this now, I will never do it on my own... I want to enjoy life, I don't want to have diabetes or high cholesterol, etc....I just had my VSG on 4-14-14.. So I'm 5 days post op... It's been a little rough the first few days, but feel little btr day by day... You are going to semi re-learn your body and what it is capable of now... What also kept me going was... God and prayer. He wouldn't have taken you this far! Put ur trust in him and yourself... YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I just sign the consent forms on 4/16/14. My surgery is May 5, 2014. I'm scared but I'm ready to start whatever this lifestyle means for me. I wish I had more people around me to workout with that going through this too.
  • Antlerdancer
    Antlerdancer Posts: 19 Member
    I'm right there with you - and my surgery is this coming Monday! Been having a few days of, WTF, I can TOTALLY do this on my own. But the reality is that I haven't been able to maintain any significant weight loss, ever. Lately I'm really mourning food. The hubs thinks I'm starting to get anxious because the surgery is so imminent. I am committed to doing this, though, and I feel well-armed with knowledge. Good luck!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi scorpio! I wasn't worried about regretting it, I was worried that just like everything else I had ever done, this wouldn't work either. Fear is normal and in most cases, healthy. All I can say is I've had several surgeries through the years and the sleeve was actually one of the easiest to prepare for and recover from. And, with just 66 more pounds to goal, this is working! I'm not failing this time! The sleeve is an awesome tool and I know as long as I keep using the tool and using it correctly, I will get the last 66 off and keep it all off.

    Good luck with everything. If you use the tool, you will do great!
  • I hope your doing well after you surgery today. My name is latina if you want to keep in touch. Your almost there you have a new friend
  • jogawa15
    jogawa15 Posts: 34 Member
    It is natural to be scared I was totally ok until the day of and then wondered what was making me do this! It was all fine best thing I ever did I am about a year and 5 months out have been in a rut trying to get back on the losing track feel free to add me looking for more friends to stay motivated!
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    I was scared of a few different things. I had typical surgery fears about the risks. I was scared I would fail once the sleeve was done. I guess I was scared to hope too much. Lower my expectations, can't be as disappointed. I am not sure I was scared of regretting it, just failing. BUT,,no regrets at all. My weight is coming off and I am happy with the progress. No question how I felt at 1 or 2 weeks out is very very different than now at nearly 7 weeks out. I have only thrown up once since commencing regular foods (chicken). I try to listen to my sleeve. I still struggle to get my water and protein but I am content. I make much better choices because it just seems so much easier. No regrets from me.