Let's DO IT!!!

Looking for some buddies to get on board for a 5 week weight loss challenge. Let's "Start", officially, Sunday 4/20. End: Sunday: 5/25. Who's in?? Looking for support, motivation, and nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.


  • I'm in !!! :) What does it consist?
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I have never tried any of the challenge groups before, maybe it's time :-) How do you want it to work? (Weigh ins here, or go by tickers, etc?) Not sure if I am ready to post my actual weight, though... sounds stupid, I know... :embarassed: but think I need a challenge to keep me going.
  • kimmycam
    kimmycam Posts: 3
    I've just recently decided to get serious about using myfitnesspal and would love to see how everyone does for this challenge!
  • JustGeri
    JustGeri Posts: 2
    Just started/signed up on the site today so yes, let's do this! Picked up a new scale yesterday too...258 pounds here!
  • blesseddiva77
    blesseddiva77 Posts: 32 Member
    i want to how does it work
  • tsulancaster
    tsulancaster Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great idea! Perhaps we could post our weekly weight loss :)
  • Remember, just because its the weekend, doesnt mean you should sit around and watch TV while eating buttery popcorn lol. Get out side and get some fresh air and fitness. Thats the way relaxation should be (recovery workouts) not doing nothing :)

    Go get it!!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm in! Challenges really keep me going.
  • Just signed up for myfitness pal today, so this is perfect timing!!
  • I'm in! It would be nice to have some motivation. I am a mother with a 3 year old boy. I was thin my whole life and never really had to diet until I gained 55 lbs with my pregnancy and have not had motivation to lose the weight. I turn 30 on September and have decided there's no better time to focus on getting healthy again!

    Edit: I signed up yesterday so I'm excited to start!
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Sounds great! I am leaving on vacation on May 29th so this fits in perfectly! So we all log our weights on Sunday morning and then go from there?
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm definitely in!!! My goal is to log every day and weigh in once a week. Looking forward to motivation of the challenge.
    I'm going to treat myself to some new scales today. :flowerforyou: It finally feels like Spring here in Ontario so getting out for a walk is another goal. Feels like I've been on the couch for months.

    Good luck everyone!
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in. Where are we going to post our weights?
  • pam_19
    pam_19 Posts: 4
    Please count me in.. im kinda see saw with my diet.. would love to have a suppprt group :)
  • I'm in.
    I've been doing my fitness pal all wrong.
    Realise now I can't shed those last couple pounds on my own.
  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in :happy:
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I'm in! I had a miserable winter and did nothing but hide in my blankets. Now we don't even have spring because It's still snowing here! Well today is supposed to be nice I hope it stays this way! Needless to say my motivation has been ZIP! That's what I get for living in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula I guess lol On the plus side I didn't gain any weight while hiding I just didn't lose any either....
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm in! Glad I saw this group the day before the challenge begins. I can't wait to see everyone's progress!
  • H2Odaughter
    H2Odaughter Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in! Just finished an Easter Challenge, got rid of 8.2 pounds! Time for a new challenge ... 5 pounds in 5 weeks would be AWESOME! See you all tomorrow. Hooyah!
  • I am in....just provide details if any...thanks