Getting back into Keto after a carb binge!

Yesterday my mismanagement of my emotions resulted in a big carb binge.
I want to get back into keto as quick as possible. I've got back to my normal eating today 120g p/ 30g cabs max, 90+g+ f
I do a CKD having a controlled carb refeed every 2 weeks or so! And get back into keto usually after 36 hours.
Not sure it will be as quick with what I ate!
Is there anything else I can do to help? I lift 5 times a week and occasional cardio, will doing extra training sessions or cardio help?
Or is it continue as usually and wait?
I feel so good in Keto, pretty rubbish at the moment!


  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Exercise does help sometimes, especially the high intensity cardio work outs. Your body starts making ketones when there isn't enough glucose for organs like brain. Burning those carbs at high intensity might help.
  • karryann2008
    Exercise does help sometimes, especially the high intensity cardio work outs. Your body starts making ketones when there isn't enough glucose for organs like brain. Burning those carbs at high intensity might help.
    Thanks, so HIIT or circuit training would be worth a try!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    To get back into ketosis you need to deplete glycogen.

    As you know, you have stores of liver glycogen (which can be depleted with aerobic exercise) and muscle-glycogen (which can be depleted using resistance/strength training for those muscle groups.)

    If you deplete both - with an all-over body strength-training workout followed by some aerobic exercise, you can get back into ketosis pretty quickly.

    Bear in mind that depending on the amount of carbohydrate you consumed, you could be talking 2-3 hours of workouts here, so you may want to split it into two sessions if you need to.
  • youdontknowme9
    youdontknowme9 Posts: 73 Member
    My doctor said to pump up the fats, increase sodium during the keto change. You a cup of bullion soup.

    That's my only advise.

    I was able to get over my keto response within 24 hours doing that.
  • karryann2008
    To get back into ketosis you need to deplete glycogen.

    As you know, you have stores of liver glycogen (which can be depleted with aerobic exercise) and muscle-glycogen (which can be depleted using resistance/strength training for those muscle groups.)

    If you deplete both - with an all-over body strength-training workout followed by some aerobic exercise, you can get back into ketosis pretty quickly.

    Bear in mind that depending on the amount of carbohydrate you consumed, you could be talking 2-3 hours of workouts here, so you may want to split it into two sessions if you need to.

    Thank you, I did a 90min intense wt session yesterday, today I have planned 60mins wts followed by 45min spin class, then a 2 mile walk home, so that sounds as if that should do it. I only had 10g net carbs yesterday so back on track with my food!

    @youdontknowme, thank you, I'm not keen on bullion but I did up my electrolyte drinks and my fats were higher yesterday. I'll test for ketones later today- starting to get that metallic taste so think I'm getting there :-D
  • karryann2008
    After an intense spin class and heavy weights session, I'm back in Keto- body much happier:bigsmile:
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Also, the glycogen in your muscle for most part shouldn't impact ketosis. Only muscles have access to the glycogen stores with in a muscle. The glycogen from muscles can't enter your blood stream nor can be used by other organs.
  • karryann2008
    Thanks for the explanation, learning all the time!