Week 1. Day 1 : SUNDAY APRIL 20

And.... we have takers!! Very excited to see so many awesome faces signing on for the challenge!

So, let's begin. Stop by tomorrow (Sunday) and post:

1) Either your starting weight or how much you are hoping to lose (no pressure if you don't want to post your weight; this group is about catering to YOUR needs, not ours).

2) What/who is your inspiration. (What/who motivates you to get into shape? A hot celebrity you want to look like? Are you training for something? Big event coming up? Health? Feel free to post pictures, links, and share personal stories!! )

3) Whatever negative influences have halted this process in the past (Excuses, lifestyle, self esteem, outside forces... I want everyone to purge every negative association they have with their body, health, and weight loss. GET RID OF THE NEGATIVITY AND LET"S HAVE FUN! )

We'll have a weekly check in (Sundays) to see how everyone's doing. Throughout the challenge, please feel free to post whatever you want, whenever you want. If you're feeling down or demotivated, let us know and we will be there for you. If you're feeling amazing; like you could take on the world with one arm tied behind your back, share the wealth!! Let us get a contact high and feed off your motivation. We want to know what exercises are working for you, how often you do them, new recipes, tricks and tips, etc. We ALSO want to know how your day was, how are you feeling about yourself, are you HATING this process, have you surprised yourself?

The goal is to lose weight and gain support! SO, let's get it together and do it together!


  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    I think this is what I need! I have been having a very hard week.

    1. Today's weight 233 (gotta own how much you weigh) I'd like to lose 13lbs during this 5 week challenge.

    2. My inspiration is everyone who is healthy. I have always wanted to be thin. I don't know what it is like.

    3. My negative influences would be stress and cravings. I have a stressful life. I rely on myself for everything. I have a mind that does not shut off. I get strong cravings once in a while that kill my day, or at work people bring goodies and some days I can stay away from it and then other days I cave. Going out with friends and they can eat what they want because they are all thin and it's hard not to join the fun. Then when I get home I feel like crap because my hard work all week going to the gym and I blow it in one day or weekend. I am very hard on myself. I think that losing ten pounds is nothing. I am my own enemy.

    I can't wait to start!!
  • q2313
    q2313 Posts: 4
    Ok, My starting weight is 160, in 5 weeks I hope to be down 10... My worst enemy is myself. Sometimes I hate that I can't eat some of the treats that are brought into work. I am also one of those that needs to see scale movement ( in the decrease direction). :) to stay motivated. I will say I love my job, so work is really not a stress factor....however trying to balance work full time , studying for a second certification, a five year old and one in university can sometimes be stressful. I find there are not enough hours in the day , and I am to tired to work out... I am hoping to change that.

    It's nice to see support encouragement on here.!

    Good luck everyone.!!!
  • RobynSmithIBECHS
    RobynSmithIBECHS Posts: 86 Member
    Hey y'all I am Robyn.
    SW = 289
    GW at the end of 5 weeks = 276
    Total loss= 13 pounds
    Avg. Weight Loss Per Week= 2.6 pounds

    My inspirations are all of those men and women who lose the weight. Also, the zombies that are chasing me on the Zombies. Run! app because they get me moving even when I am tired/getting shin splints/ crawling on the street because I am too tired to walk. Finally, I love my fellow MFP-ers who keep me losing.

    Negative influences are:

    - McDonalds
    - Sweet Tea
    - My family's lack of food support (they buy all sorts of crap)

    I might not be able to weight on Sunday but def. will be able to put in weight Monday mornings.

    Live long and prosper.

    -- Robyn
  • MrZareba
    MrZareba Posts: 2
    I'm in, but I'm really demotivated lately so it might be difficult for me to loose anything. However since I had never really a back up on this maybe it will work.

    1. My weight today is 215.17, I hope to get down to 202..
    2. My inspiration: my health (I head some problems with my heart in December because of energy drink overdose). Also the fact that I can't achieve anything in fitness for 4 years and looking at my well built friends makes me really demotivated.
    3. My biggest negative influence is my life. I have a difficult financial situation, I'm not sure if I'm on the right University/right faculty, I'm living a lonely life, have barely any friends (mostly because of my stupid behaviour) and some other things. Generally stress is the key factor.

    Let's do it.
  • Tylerhaar
    Tylerhaar Posts: 8 Member
    Wish this would of started 2 weeks ago I was at all time high of 300lbs at 39 years of age .watching calories and 10 min of exercise a day and I'm now 279 lbs . I'm excited to see the scale move in the Other direction . My motivation is for a better quality of life for myself and to set a good example for my family. My inspiration has to be my dad he is in great shape and truly is inspiring at over 70 with a knee replacement and plays hockey almost every day. I know others that can't walk cause of weight and lung capacity. My negative influences are stress,alcohol which I gave up 2 weeks ago and smoking which I gave up on dec 7th and possibly a total obsession for nutrition and health in the last 2weeks when I'm not exercising or eating I m educating my self about it not sue if negative or positive time will tell if it will balance out. since I knocked off the empty calories and started exercising my energy levels are 10 fold right now I'm worried about hurting myself which would be a great set back so I am slowly adding more cardio and strength interval training .
    I'd like to weigh 260 lbs after this five weeks starting tomorrow.
  • This challenge is perfect timing for me because I literally just started dieting and exercising yesterday!

    1) My starting weight is a bit in the air because I have an unreliable scale and need to get a new one, but it is anywhere between 200 and 220 pounds. I am somewhere between 5'1 and 5'3 in height. I measured one of my arms and it is about 16 inches. I measured one of my thighs and it is about 33 inches.

    2) My motivation is two fold. I will be going abroad in the fall semester and I want to lose weight for that. Also, because I'm going abroad, I want to try and save a bit of money and I will be living in an apartment this summer. I spend way too much money on junk food. So cutting back on the junk food will cut back on costs and save me a little money.

    3) This process has been halted in the past by a lack of motivation and follow through by me. Also it has been halted by a lack of a plan. I like to have a definite plan in place of what I am going to do.
  • PieceofC
    PieceofC Posts: 3
    HI everyone! I am so excited that I found this group! It is perfect for me because my wedding is in 6 weeks.

    1) My starting weight is 221.5 (as of this morning)
    2) My goal is to be at least down to 205 but I would be happy to be under 210. I am doing bootcamp right now and can go 6 days a week, my goal is to go at least 5 days.
    3) I am going to stay motivated by keeping my wedding in mind. I started my weight loss journey in January of 2013 at 245 lbs. I made it all of the way down to 185 pounds by August of 2013. I gained most of it back through loss of motivation. I am ready to get back on track!
    4) My negative is that I am a pastry chef and I bake a lot of cakes at home. It is really hard to stay away from the yummies I make.
  • PieceofC
    PieceofC Posts: 3
    I will post on Monday about how my workout went!
  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    Looking forward to joining this group. I weigh 189 currently and hope to be down to 160 as soon as I can. My motivation is for health reasons and to feel more energized. I lack motivation and have a tendency to give up after awhile. I also need to work on having healthy snacks, proper portions during meals and slowing down to enjoy what I eat. Stress plays a role. Finding better ways to decompress ( joining a gym has helped some but I need to go steady to see results.) I would like to be a better role model for my family. My goal for these five weeks is to be down to 175
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    This is exactly what I need to keep me motivated on a rather gloomy spring day!

    SW: 185
    CW: 165
    GW: 155 (I'm also ok with not dropping 10 lbs in 5 weeks as long as things firm up nicely.)

    My inspiration at the moment is a trip to Hawaii planned for May 22! When I was younger and much more fit I had a penchant for teeny tiny bikinis. Now that I'm in my 30s I'd love to rock one with confidence again. Also, I just got a promotion at work and want to buy new clothes in smaller sizes than I've been wearing. I'm ready to take on the world on the inside and really want that reflected on the outside.

    Negative influences are getting less and less as I continue to work out frequently. Previously the main one would have been tiredness due to depression. I'm feeling great these days, so that's less of an issue. I do still, however, have a weakness for french bakeries and cheese. But everything in moderate, right? I also get frustrated easily when I don't "see" the results or think I see the results, but don't feel them. I think having been overweight for the past few years has left me with a rather skewed sense of what I see in the mirror.

    Let's do this, everyone! :smile:
  • tripnoffflygirl
    tripnoffflygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all!

    In 5 weeks, I hope to be solidly out of the 200's.

    Motivation: To look and feel better about myself.
    Obstacles: Emotional eating and the guilt that follows.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge, feel free to add me to your friends list. I need all of the support I can get:-)
  • My starting weight- 160lbs
    My current weight 140lbs
    My goal weight- 125lbs

    Motivation: My skinny skinny jeans.
    Obstacles: Tendency to binge eat ( kicking this habit as we speak )

    Looking forward to the weigh in next week!
    Feel free to add me.
    Let's do this!
  • sbart269
    sbart269 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My SW as of today is 194 by the end of the 5 weeks I would like to lose 10 lbs. But would be just as thrilled if I just got below 190. I have a mentally stressful desk job but I do try to get up and move around a bit. I have have some health issues over the past few years that i let hold me back and finally decided to take back my life.
    Looking forward to this challenge and motivation from you all.
    Good luck all!!
  • Faith2FeelFabulous
    Faith2FeelFabulous Posts: 46 Member
    I thought I would go ahead and post today cause we have a big day planned tomorrow.

    Would like to lose 15 LBS in 5 weeks.

    My inspiration is:
    to get healthier and stay healthy.
    Also a cruise planned for July of this year.

    I wont get to my goal weight by then but it will be a nice step forward.

    My pitfalls for losing weight are:
    Mexican food restaurants.
    Been trying to avoid both.
    Started back MFP on 4/13/2014
    Weight loss so far is 9lbs total.
  • ryjar80
    ryjar80 Posts: 33 Member
    My starting weight is 145 lbs, I'd like to be down to 135 in 5 weeks.

    My inspiration stems from looking back at last summers photos when I was my goal weight :(

    My pitfalls are getting so busy from work and school that I depend on fast food.
    That I feel like I get too busy to fit in exercise.
  • vfrt
    vfrt Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone, I'm from Brazil and I am join to this group because I need support on my journey. I don't speak english very well so I apologize you guys for this.

    1) My starting weight is 205 lbs and I hope to lose 13 lbs
    2) My inspirations are people who have achieved their goals. What motivates me is to be able to go into clothing stores and pick out what I like and not what fits
    3) People who discourage me disrupts this process. Moreover, its hard to resist temptation, but I'm willing to control my cravings for junk food to achieve my goals.
  • JoAnney162
    JoAnney162 Posts: 9 Member
    I am right there with you sister! :flowerforyou: try not to be so hard on yourself (I am so hard on myself it stinks) So let's focus and look for the beauty within - Here's to five weeks of not having anything bad to say about ourselves!!!!
  • JoAnney162
    JoAnney162 Posts: 9 Member
    I think this is what I need! I have been having a very hard week.

    1. Today's weight 233 (gotta own how much you weigh) I'd like to lose 13lbs during this 5 week challenge.

    2. My inspiration is everyone who is healthy. I have always wanted to be thin. I don't know what it is like.

    3. My negative influences would be stress and cravings. I have a stressful life. I rely on myself for everything. I have a mind that does not shut off. I get strong cravings once in a while that kill my day, or at work people bring goodies and some days I can stay away from it and then other days I cave. Going out with friends and they can eat what they want because they are all thin and it's hard not to join the fun. Then when I get home I feel like crap because my hard work all week going to the gym and I blow it in one day or weekend. I am very hard on myself. I think that losing ten pounds is nothing. I am my own enemy.

    I can't wait to start!!

    I am right there with you sister! flowerforyou try not to be so hard on yourself (I am so hard on myself it stinks) So let's focus and look for the beauty within - Here's to five weeks of not having anything bad to say about ourselves!!!!
  • JoAnney162
    JoAnney162 Posts: 9 Member
    OK, clearly I don't know what I am doing...I tried to send a little motivator...I'll keep trying...Then I thought I missed the Sunday weigh in...Apparently, I don't know what day it is either..lol!:blushing:

    OK - starting weight is 230lbs approx. been going up/down 1-2 pounds...My five week goal is 15 lbs (hoping to lose big the first week) so at the end of five I will weigh 215 lbs or less and my fat pants will be nice and loose:smile:

    Best wishes to ALL!:flowerforyou:

    P.S. Feel free to add me to your friend list..I can use the motivation. I am stressed out and that makes me eat (it calms me down and takes away the anxiety) So, another goal is to complete a five week challenge T-25. I am 51 yrs old and have a slight neck injury so I have to be careful. I have two daughters 11 & 13 - I am taking two classes and I work full time. You could say I am a bit of a mess!

  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    Well, I've actually lost 7lbs since I first started, but I've been away for a bit! I don't think that I've ever stuck for more than a couple of days, but this time needs to be different. I'm currently at 207 (my highest ever weight was 252) more recently I've been up to 230.

    I'm doing this for my health. I have Chronic Migraines and haven't been able to do anything but lay on the couch lately (as in the past few years). I have at least a bad headache every day, but I realize that it's not going to change, so I have to push through. I recently stopped all pain medicines and am feeling much clearer, at least. MY MAIN GOAL though, is to get control of my Diabetes. My father died at 58 years old and I just turned 50 in February. I have too much life to experience and I don't want to miss any of it! I was at my MD office on Thursday and my numbers were really terrible. I decided then to re-start here. I have been struggling, as I have problems sleeping and can't just go to bed at night when I'm hungry! Sorry that it's so long!

    I have a lot of support from my sweet husband and my mom is going to try to do this with me. At one time, I was very fit and LOVED working out and want to get back to that person. The thing that holds me back many days is pain. I'm trying to help it along with natural endorphins and no pain medicine. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to work out. I know that I'm going to stop the eating of whatever I want (candy included) and have a plan in place for Easter Sunday!