Introduce yourself



  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Good Morning! My name is Trisha and I am a 34yo single mom of 3. I am 5'4" and currently weigh 215 lbs. I am on Phase 1 day 1. I am looking forward to this diet because its very realistic and not so strict. I have previously been on WW, Ideal Protein, and alot of fad diets :). I look forward to getting to know more people on it and share some recipes. Especially one for steel cut oats. i had a heck of a time cooking them this morning!
  • I'm on W1P1D1 of this plan. I am 5'7, 35 years old and 158 lbs. I have always been in the 140-145 range and ate a very healthy diet. After a horrible divorce, I ballooned to 180 with a diet of wine, pizza, and processed foods. I lost 22 lbs depriving myself, but want to restructure my eating habits. I hope to get back to my old weight. I'm worried about the no alcohol, as a corporate lobbyist, that's hard to avoid. :)
  • Hello,

    I'm just starting the FM28DD today. I am so excited that actually someone wants to help those of us that are all exhausted from all these diets that have stopped working.

    I am 41 years old, 256 and 5'4. I have lost multiple large amounts of weight before and now my metabolism is stuck in a rut. I agree with the method being used addressing the functions of the body with specific types of food. I am so grateful someone has put it all together so I can stop to try it out. I am worn out doing research and not knowing where the next lead is going to take me to. I have had so many loose ends trying to figure all of this out regarding weight gain, hormones, stress, and toxins. I am hoping this is a tried and true way that I have been searching for for the last decade. I am trying to get my sister to start it as well, hopefully her hardcover copy will get to her by next week.

    I need as much encouragement as possible. I have a condition that I believe is reversible, but others with the same condition have given up hope and turned to weight loss surgery for a solution. I am holding out that this might be the key we need for that condition and other diseases like it.

    I am anxious to get control back of my young livelihood and reverse this aging process that is trying to consume me.

    thank you.
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    Hello. Are you still doing this diet
  • Hello all - this is my second week of the Fast Metabolism Diet...still going strong, but looking for a little support.

    I'm 33 years old, 5'10", and in the course of 6 months went from 175 pounds to 208 pounds. I've had a bunch of things come up at work and in my personal life, and just became sedentary and didn't pay attention to what I ate. I did a DietBet earlier this year, lost my 4%, but have hovered around 200 pounds since then. About two weeks ago I spent 2 days in the hospital with a heart scare. Luckily it turned out to be nothing, but my resting blood pressure was 135/90...not good. It's time now to stop making excuses and to get myself back on track.

    Lost 5 pounds last week staying strict with the diet, but got a little loose over the weekend and gained a pound back. This week I am stepping up my exercise game, hoping to lose 6 pounds and get under 190 by Sunday.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • So how was your week? Did you lose more weight? I am going to start this diet on Monday. I am anxious to see how others are doing.
  • TrackGirl1418
    TrackGirl1418 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I am joining so late :/ My name is Michelle and I am 5' 4.5" and am currently 121. I am excited to join everyone on this journey and lose weight :)
  • TrackGirl1418
    TrackGirl1418 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh, also I will be starting this on Saturday (May 17th).:happy:
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Patti. I am 55 yrs. old. 5'10" 146-148 lbs. depends on the day:). I did the 28 day diet this last summer and was encouraged. I lost 7 lbs that brought me very close to my 145 lb. goal. Best of all, I really feel that I did my body a great favor by sorting things out and being careful about the foods I ate and did not eat. I am a believer!

    I have continued the no caffeine (late night long drives lead me to a small decaf. but that is rare. I still miss coffee at times). I let go of my red wine and sip sparkling mineral water with lime instead. I do miss the occasional wine but don't see it worth stressing my liver. I have eliminated wheat (except for Ezekiel sprouted tortillas and English muffins). I do not eat sugar, corn, dairy, or soy as a result of what I have read in the plan.

    I will do the plan again in a month or so. It will be easier the second time around. Planning and executing were very tedious for me during the first week. I took a 12 day trip right in the middle of it last time and that was tricky. I was a very "cheap date" as I packed all my own food and made sure to cook in the condo rather than eat out :) My husband surely appreciated that. I would like him to do the plan with me next time. We shall see...
  • Pattinan
    Pattinan Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Patti. I am 55 yrs. old. 5'10" 146-148 lbs. depends on the day:). I did the 28 day diet this last summer and was encouraged. I lost 7 lbs that brought me very close to my 145 lb. goal. Best of all, I really feel that I did my body a great favor by sorting things out and being careful about the foods I ate and did not eat. I am a believer!

    I have continued the no caffeine (late night long drives lead me to a small decaf. but that is rare. I still miss coffee at times). I let go of my red wine and sip sparkling mineral water with lime instead. I do miss the occasional wine but don't see it worth stressing my liver. I have eliminated wheat (except for Ezekiel sprouted tortillas and English muffins). I do not eat sugar, corn, dairy, or soy as a result of what I have read in the plan.

    I will do the plan again in a month or so. It will be easier the second time around. Planning and executing were very tedious for me during the first week. I took a 12 day trip right in the middle of it last time and that was tricky. I was a very "cheap date" as I packed all my own food and made sure to cook in the condo rather than eat out :) My husband surely appreciated that. I would like him to do the plan with me next time. We shall see...
  • justduckit
    justduckit Posts: 9 Member
    Is anyone currently using this Group/Board?
  • seelemonster
    seelemonster Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, My name is Emma. I am 22 years old. Over the last year I have gained 20+ pounds for no apparent reason. In late April I had an oopherectomy( fallopian tube and ovary removal) and since then the scale just keeps going up :(. I have always suffered being overweight. During my Senior year in high school I managed to lose 50 pounds by barely eating and walking 5+ miles a day. I was 140 pounds. My goal isn't to be skinny. I would be happy to see 150. I just want to be healthy and to feel better.
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, my name is LeeBee. I'm just starting this way of eating. I'm on my last day of phase 1, second week. So far so good, I've lost nearly 9 pounds! Which is amazing! I have a long way to go, but it's a good start! My mom and I are doing this together, and I've gotten my co-worker interested in it too! I'm very excited and hope this is something I can stick to long term! Good luck everyone!