Finayoung Posts: 38 Member
Hello everyone!
So this evening i got totally called out on my food diary and i LOVED IT! It's exactly what i needed because without each other we will never grow and learn from mistakes. She brought up a very essential thing I missed today. (This may sound dumb to some of you). I DID NOT have any fruit or veggies today! I strictly counted calories to make sure I didn't go over (I went wayyy under which could also be a horrible thing). I work in an office so planning my meals during the week is a no brainer. I know when to eat how much to eat and theres no question. But the weekend rolls around and I don't have to work so I'm totally off of a schedule. It throws off my wonderful weekday diary. How could I forget something as essential as eating veggies, fruit, or eating my daily caloric intake (very important). I didn't start this group because im some smart leader that will guide you all to your goal. Like you, I need accountability and thats what makes this group so amazing!

As Monday comes upon us lets (including myself) remember to eat and eat RIGHT.


1. First list the top main ESSENTIAL food groups you need to eat from every day.
We know we need protein, we know we need veggies and fruits. What are some others I am missing.
(write them in the comments below)

After you've gathered this info challenge yourself to eat these the entire week. Some of you may be MFP alumni and some of you have just joined so never think you know it all. If its new to you, start to get into the rhythm of things. I know I need to!

Look at each others diaries and comment on the things you loved in their daily caloric intake and comment on areas you think could use some tweeking. Be nice! lol This is a accountability group so don't be offended.

At the end of this week lets see how this drastically changed our week. Whether youre a big fruit person and challenged yourself to eat more veggies this week or vice versa. Lets challenge ourselves and do this together!!

WHO'S IN?!?!?!


  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Love it! Love it! Love it!
    I was looking over my diary tonight and noticed a area I'm lacking in - dairy ( calcium) I seem to be short daily.
    I plan on getting daily :
    Calcium = 80 to 100 %
    3 lean protein = at least 50 gr.
    3 fresh fruits
    4/5 veggies
    At least 28 gr fiber
    64 oz water
    I like to keep my calories above 1200 but below 1600.
    I don't have any health issues so I don't worry to much about my sodium. I go over a lot, but pay attention and try to drink plenty of water to flush it out. Theses are my goals!
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Like the topic choice!:)
    I like vegetables yet have not taken the time to plan them in. Goal: least 2/day
    Continue eating overnight refrigerator oatmeal. Good way to make sure that I have time to eat a healthy breakfast, plus I get omega 3's in the flax seeds and chia seeds.
    Drink at least 120 oz. water daily.
    Cut back on pizza delivery and fast food. Don't feel as good when I make these kind of choices often.:sad:
    Have a great week everyone. Remember: Easy does it. and Progress not perfection.

    Michelle in Ohio
  • ChelleSimmo7
    ChelleSimmo7 Posts: 60 Member
    @sandy I drink a cup of milk at night as a snack. Milk has bigger molecules and particles so you drink it slower and it makes you feel fuller so when you get hungry after dinner, its a great snack!

    Don't forget about starch!!! I eat two starches a day - a piece of toast with breakfast, whole grain rice/toast/ plane unsalted rice cake (sometimes I add peanut butter to it) sometimes (rarely) I will have bakes sweet potato fries.

    As for me this is my day

    2 proteins, 2 starch, 2 fruit, 3+ veggies, 1 dairy, plus one snack that's about 100 cals (nuts or a health bar). oh and 80 oz of water or more (100 oz if im flushing out sodium).

    Im not sure what to challenge myself with....I think im going to try to make sure that I eat no less than 1200 cals, because im usually 20-100 cals under
  • cathydubepenner
    cathydubepenner Posts: 159 Member
    Well let's see....I guess I need to up my fruits/veggies. I'm always saying I need to have a huge salad at lunch but truth be told, I like the "guts" of the salad better than the leafy stuff. So if I leave out the extras I'm left unsatisfied. Will have to work on that :grumble: The other thing I need to up is my fiber....at one time I use to do green smoothies with my Vitamix...kind of kills two birds with one stone; veggies/fiber. I'm going grocery shopping today so I guess I'll add some smoothie ingredients to my list!
  • PeacePlantsPilates
    PeacePlantsPilates Posts: 9 Member
    My list of daily essentials:

    - 38g protein (more legumes / nuts / seeds etc)
    - 7 portions fruit and veg (minimum)
    - fewer peanut butter & jelly sandwiches!

    The rest I'm usually pretty good on: I need absolutely no encouragement to eat enough starchy foods :P
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    I will make sure I eat breakfast even if I'm repeating the same one day after day.
    I am going to make a real effort to find some snacks, low in fat and sodium because i have calories left at the end of the day.
    I need to make a huge effort to drink my 8 glasses of water.
    More veggies
    No Girl Guide cookies
    More chicken and fish, less red meat (although I will never give it up)
    Think before reaching for food. Make it a good choice.
    Weigh in on Wednesday.

    Sign in every day here. These are my goals this week.
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    Oops! Forgot to mention, I hope every one has a great week! thanks for having me here :):flowerforyou:
  • Kukenan
    Kukenan Posts: 44
    Hi all!
    For me this week I need to eat more protein! I really need to lower the proportion of my calories that come from carbs, and no more snacking! I've been awful the last couple of weeks about that. Also more fruits, I forgot to bring my clementines this morning :grumble:
    I hope you have a great week!
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    What is overnight fidge oatmeal? :ohwell:
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    1/3 C rolled oats. 1/3 C plain nonfat Greek yogurt, !/3 C milk or almond milk. Mix, stick in the refrigerator overnight, eat. Personally, I put in 2T ground flax seeds and 1T chia seeds, 1/2 banana, 5 cut up strawberries, and 1 pack of Splenda also. I like it because no matter how little time I have I can have a healthy breakfast.

  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    You don't have to heat it up or anything the next day. I can just put it in little containers and grab the next morning!? Oh, ya love'n that! I have everything but the Greek yogurt. Ill have to give it a try with regular in till I get back to town. Thanks!!! :wink:
  • wynn217
    wynn217 Posts: 53 Member
    I absolutely do not eat many fruits and vegetables as I should. I have redone my macros and need to up my protein by a bunch.

    Making a weekly menus has proven valuable in getting my daily veggies. Fruits a real thing. I really don't like the mouth feel, any way around that? Would LOVE some ideas!

    I pulled out my Unjury (www.unjury.com) powder and made a smoothie with fat free Lactaid, 25% less sugar Nestle strawberry milk powder and ice cubes...Yum
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    Love it! Love it! Love it!
    I was looking over my diary tonight and noticed a area I'm lacking in - dairy ( calcium) I seem to be short daily.
    I plan on getting daily :
    Calcium = 80 to 100 %
    3 lean protein = at least 50 gr.
    3 fresh fruits
    4/5 veggies
    At least 28 gr fiber
    64 oz water
    I like to keep my calories above 1200 but below 1600.
    I don't have any health issues so I don't worry to much about my sodium. I go over a lot, but pay attention and try to drink plenty of water to flush it out. Theses are my goals!

    Protein -133
    Fruit - 3
    Veggies - 5
    Calcium -103%
    fiber - 28
    Water - 96oz
  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    My challenge continues to be lowering carbs and raising protein grams.