Looking for Awesome friends!!!!

Hi Everyone,
My name is Jen and I am looking for some friends on MFP to keep me motivated and exciting about my weight loss goals. I am an emotional eater and I found that it helps me a lot to talk with others and help each other out. Anybody interested?


  • 4heavensake
    4heavensake Posts: 3 Member
    I am an emotional eater of 30 some years. I've thought that someday I will conquer it and it will be behind me, but that hasn't happened. In fact I've somewhat come to the conclusion that this is the "thorn in my side", a cancer seed that can be in remission and can also rear it's ugly head, that it will always be a battle for me. A battle that at times will be easy and peaceful and other times will be a raging war that I feel I am losing. I have used MFP for a long time and achieved my ideal weight a couple of time with MFP's help. I am now at a place, once again, where I have gained much of my weight back and am struggling oh so much to get back on the straight and narrow. And I, as you have said, am seeing my need and the value in having companions to work through this together with.
    All that to say, Yes, I am interested in talking and helping each other out. I just wanted to make it clear that I have my downs, times when I have to try and try to get myself out of the pit.
  • hobbesla4
    hobbesla4 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, I would be interested in this as well.
  • myasmom78
    myasmom78 Posts: 2 Member
    Lifelong emotional eater here! I too had hoped I could nip this behavior in the bud and leave it behind me. No such luck. I have come to learn that it's something I will ALWAYS have to work on. I think the biggest difference for me now is, because I am working daily to eat better and be active, an occasional emotional slip doesn't hurt me as much. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I allow this to happen but when it does I own it, track it and evaluate what I was feeling so I can hopefully avoid that again. It has to be the biggest behavior I have to work on. I need support and guidance. I hope I can find that here...please use me for support anytime!!
  • GemmaDillySkilly
    GemmaDillySkilly Posts: 49 Member
    Hi am the same but I've got to the point now in my life where I know when how and what will happen . Some days are great and some are not, so my bad days I just eat something really healthy for tea no snack. Hope u having a lovely day