Week 1. Day 1 : SUNDAY APRIL 20



  • katiecat4321
    katiecat4321 Posts: 2 Member
    1. Starting Weight: 158.4 Goal Weight at end of 5 weeks: 150.0. Hope to lose 8.4 lbs
    2. My inspiration is to be healthier and look better.
    3. My pitfalls are junk food. I'm working to eliminate that from my life.
  • m3bfs
    m3bfs Posts: 7
    Sw 79.8 kg
    Challenge loss 5kg
    Illness means serious carb cravings n lack of energy for exercise but know these can be minimised or even conquered with the help of my new friends x
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Joined just on time for the big start :)

    Hello all!

    1) Starting point from this morning is 71.7kg (after a 3 week plateau I suddenly lost 2kgs in 3 days - guess I've been holding back a lot of water). Big, never ending, never reached dream is to be minus 10kgs, so 62kg. (At 1.71cm this would be my perfect weight)

    2) I am my inspiration. I want to be healthy, I want to drop all of the excuses of 'being too fat' to do something, go somewhere, go to someone. I've been fighting anxiety and insecurity for most of my adult life, so... yeah, learning how to get over those.

    3) Excuses, insecurity, emotional eating, depression, stress, general laziness.
  • PennyTN
    PennyTN Posts: 1
    Current Weight- 198.2
    Goal for May 24th- 185.0

    My Inspirations-Three years ago, I was mortified to find out that I weighed 230lbs. I've never been small, but was typically around 200lbs on my 5'8 frame. I went to the internet and Googled suggestions and came up with this website. I spent an entire day just reading posts until I found a group challenge like this and immediately joined. I'm a pleaser and the accountable type, not wanting to disappoint others in my group, I gave 100% to EVERY daily and weekly challenge, and joined a second, third, and fourth group after the 5 weeks were complete. Within 4 1/2 months, I was down to 195lbs...the lowest I'd been in over 20 years! A week later(New Years Day), after a week of worthless doctor visits to find out why I was hurting so bad in my outer thigh(diagnosed as bursitis), I went to step down a stair at home, heard a loud pop and caught myself before I fell. My hip had broken at the femur neck and I had to have emergency surgery to repair it. After 17 months and two of the three screws broken, the doctors finally decided to do a hip replacement. However, when they went in to do the surgery, they decided instead to remove the broken screws and watch it closely over the next few months because it looked like it was healed and my pain was due to the limp caused by losing 1/2 inch of height from the break and the built up scar tissue. Now, that I'm secure knowing that I am completely healed, I'm ready to get back on track to my goal of weighing 175lbs. The thing that I'm most proud of is that, I went from working out 6-7 days a week to lose the initial 35lbs and only gained 5-7lbs of it back over the following 26 months when I wasn't able to work out. I'm ready to get to where I want to be!

    My Weakness-SUGAR....specifically cookies, cake, pie, cupcakes. Breakfast to me is a handful of cookies, a Hostess pie, cupcake, honeybun, or any other cake type sweet with a can of Diet Pepsi.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    1) Starting/Current Weight: 157.6
    Goal weight for May 25th: 150

    2) I just want to be the best me possible. I want to be at a healthy weight with normal eating habits. I've lost 19.4lb so far and it's made a huge difference in my confidence. Today I even wore a skirt! My main motivation is the fact that I'm going on study abroad in August and want to be happy and confident.

    3) Laziness. Apathy. I was already overweight but I gained roughly 10lbs after my died passed away in August 2013. I am definitely an emotional eater.

    Glad to see so much motivation and participation!!

    Quick shout out to Izu87 who messaged me today and asked if it would be okay to post new topics. ABSOLUTELY! This is YOUR group, guys! Feel free to navigate it and contribute to it in any way, shape, or form. We're here for YOU! Thanks Izu!!

    Okay, now for my 3...

    1) Today I am weighing in at 170. Over the next 5 weeks I am aiming high to lose 13 big ones!

    2) My inspiration, at the risk of sounding a little full of myself, is me! Haha. I gained some weight this winter, and only after gaining did I realize what good shape I was in before. I'm 5'10 and admittedly too hard on myself when it comes to the number on the scale. It's always been a little bit rough to weigh in a lot more than other girls who were really the same size I was (except much shorter). Also, I am planning a big move to the west coast (City of Angels) and my moving date is... you guessed it! May 25th!! I would like to shed some of this hibernation weight before I head out there.

    3) I'm one of those people who will have ONE cookie, freak out, decide I have ruined everything, and then have 20 more cookies... a perfectionist, I guess you would call it, with self-destructive tendencies. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to success. There's that constant voice in my head that tells me it's not going to happen; sometimes I give in and decide she's right. I have to let her go... I'm sure you guys know her too. Let's all let her go! It's time...

    I want to wish everyone good luck as we begin the rest of our lives! Let's let go of our demons and KNOW that if we trust ourselves and maintain a little dose of healthy will power, we'll do great!
  • 1) SW: 167
    I'm hoping to lose 12 pounds.

    2) What motivates me is that I want to be able to take pictures with friends and family without looking like 'the fat one.' I also want to be able to shop at my favorite brand stores without worrying about not finding my size or clothes not fitting right.

    3) Since I used to be the girl who could eat anything and still stay under 115, watching my calories now has been a challenge for me. It's been hard staying on track when the entire family isn't restricted in their diet like I am. Then there's the people who like to bring treats. donuts and have pizza parties at work who have slowed down my progress. Must not give in to the at work temptations.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Today I am 247 lbs. In 5 weeks I would very much like to be 125 lbs. :bigsmile:

    THAT said... perhaps a tad more realistically, after thinking about it I have decided to shoot for 232, which is 15 lbs from now. Aggressive? Yes. But I have been losing anywhere from 1-2 lbs a week thus far, and that's with several treat-days and next to no exercise. So it stands to reason that if I tighten up on the treats (just tighten, not eliminate) and ramp up my movement, then theoretically it can be done.

    My daughter will be 13 this summer and is my shining star. She is wicked smart, beautiful, funny, and it makes you smile just to be around her. She also has high-functioning autism, and so we deal daily with the challenges that can bring. And as she gears up for high school in another year (yikes!) she needs me to be here more than ever to advocate for her needs, both educational and mental as well as her emotional well-being. I can't very well do that from a hospital bed, or from a pretty little jar on the mantel, you know what I'm saying?

    There are dozens of other things that inspire and motivate me... I'm sure everyone in the group is the same way... so I look forward to sharing more of that kind of thing with each other in the coming weeks.

    I have had many of the same influences that have brought so many of us to this point... poor lifestyle choices, dysfunctional upbringing...learning to self-medicate with food from an early age. One thing I do have going on that will probably trip me up badly if I let it, is that after being home for almost two years, hub and I have come to the painful decision that I will be needing to go back to work. Job hunting is not exactly stress-free under the best of circumstances, but my biggest worry is our daughter, because she has really responded well with me being home with her and we are both very concerned at the possible consequences for her if that has to stop. I will need to keep a tight, tight grip on myself and not let the old habits of turning to food to cope with stress demolish the progress I've made.

    Other inspirations- A diabetes diagnosis back in December made me take a good, clear look at things. I was 275 pounds- three pounds less than my top pregnancy weight in 2001. I had managed to starve myself down to 189 for my wedding in 2002, and I started gaining it all back when we relocated and had to temporarily stay with my mom for about a year and a half (not that she force-fed me, but I'm just saying...) :huh:

    I would never even try to pick this kind of a goal if not for this group challenge. I will work hard to support and encourage everyone here, and I do NOT judge. We get enough of that in our offline lives.

    Duck (Margaret)

    edited for brevity (yeah, for me this is brief) and for typos, and I'm sure I still didn't get 'em all
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    I am super excited about this challenge!!

    CW: 145 lbs
    GW by the end of this challenge: 137 lbs (so I hope to lose at least 8 pounds, about 1.5 pounds a week).

    My motivation is my brother's graduation at the end of May...all of my family will be gathering together. Also, none of my clothes fit since I've gained this weight and I really don't want to go out and buy new clothes.

    The negative: I have a history of binge eating. Stress and family responsibility has also halted my weight loss (I've made these my excuses and it's time to get rid of them!!).
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Today's weight: 193.8
    Goal weight for the challenge: 188.8

    My motivations: I want to be a mom more than pretty much anything, and my weight is affecting my fertility (and my libido, as I feel terribly un-attractive, even though my hubby assures me otherwise). Another great inspiration is a friend who had a traumatic brain injury that kind of "switched off" her metabolism, and she has still managed to start losing weight after her recovery. Which, btw, she was never even supposed to wake up from her coma (it had been a head-on collision with a dragracer on her way home from work several years ago), and now she runs and does theatre! So she's an inspiration for life in general.

    My negative issues: Stress, binge-eating, comfort-eating, family not being like-minded, financial issues causing us to be able to only buy cheap (usually less nutritious) foods, medications (Zoloft can cause weight gain), and health issues (hypothyroid and PCOS). These will *not* hold me back any longer!!!
  • Hi!
    1) My starting weight is around 129 and I would like to lose 5 to 10 pounds in the next five weeks. :)
    2) I would really like to lose weight, just so that for once in my life I can feel beautiful and confident about myself. I know I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either and I would like to know how it feels. I also successfully lost 13 pounds in the last 4 months, but I feel like I'm losing control of my new habits. So I would like to be able to feel like I used to in these last 4 months.
    3) Food is a big problem for me. Not that I can't control it. I really can. I don't know if you can understand, but it's like I'm an addict and when I start eating, I can't stop.
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello. I love this challenge...5 weeks is just the right amount of time to go all out right before summer.

    1) I weigh 124lb. I would like to be in the teens at the end of 5 weeks. I'm what you would call skinny fat bc I have a lot of wiggle and jiggle :(

    2) I want to be fit. I want to be strong and lift heavy things and run around and keep up with my very active family.

    3) The worst thing I do to sabatoge my fitness is letting exercise be the first thing I let go when I become busy. Work becomes crazy or my kids start having a million events to attend and I lose motivation to work out. I need to make working out a priority! Consistency is going to be my #1 goal for the next 5 weeks. I will work out 6 days a week, no excuses.
  • laura9400
    laura9400 Posts: 419 Member
    1) My starting weight is about 168, wasn't at my house this morning. My goal would be to lose at least 5 pounds, but I'd love to be under 160.

    2) I want to lose weight to feel better. I can hardly climb 4 flights of stairs to get to my work and I used to do 10.

    3) Work is one of my worst things. When things get crazy at work I eat to deal with the stress and I'm usually so tired at the end of the day that working out is the last thing I want to do. I've also dealt with injuries this year, back and shoulder issues.
  • 1. My starting weight is 292 lbs. My goal is to lose 102 lbs through proper diet and exercise. No time limit - steady and healthy.

    2. My motivators are my health, energy and being able to stay active, always.

    3. The negatives for me are my job as it is high stress, and then I stress eat to relax. That worked when it was only once a month, but it does not work 4 days a week. Also I really love food and I can always find an excuse not to be active or exercise.

    I looking forward to using this 5 week challenge to develop some healthy habits.

    Thank you for posting this challenge!
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi all!
    I am SO IN!
    Especially after the week I had of a food frenzy!
    My weight I dont know after this week but was at 180.2
    In 5 weeks I hope to lose 10lbs!
    My weaknesses are eating out all the time! And not making great decisions.
    My goal is to stick to my 1200-1500 cals and exercise every day!
  • IN :)

    SW: 130 (fluctuating like crazy with age), Im 5'1 and getting very round! Weight is distributing in stomach and progressing....want to nip in bud...just not sure how body works now, things are shifting, metab is slowing....need to get my fight back....

    Multiple Stressors: Self Esteem took a hit recently as I have been in transition, finished grad school, have been unemployed, moved, care taking elderly parents for 9 months, Emotional Eating, fighting mid life weight gain & slower metabolism, need to strengthen my core, muscle tone to feel psychologically stronger ......and motivate to find work & take better care of me.

    My goal is to get outdoors more as spring/summer approaches, get movtivated & lift mood while working out atleast 5x a week-zumba, pilates with weights, kick box and ride my bike...follow calorie plan of 1200...drink adequate water...and bust through some personal blocks & fears. The weight is a weird protection & faulty defense...I need to feel strong, capable and more of a fighter. Ive been giving up on myself to easily and allowing myself to be overwhelmed. Need motivation for overall life change.

    I hope to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks if possible even 8 would be great! Hope to meet others and make fitness friends locally too...
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    SW: 260
    CW: 210-215
    GW: 135-140

    Sorry this is a day late. I normally flux between 210 and 215. It's been this way for the last 4 years. That is mostly my fault though for not trying. After I lost that first 50 pounds my situation changed and I stopped exercising. On the plus side I managed to keep the 50 off :smile: So here I am ready to jump back on the wagon! My short term goal is to get under 200. My long term is to be 135-140 . Feel free to add me as a friend and have a lovely day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • pam_19
    pam_19 Posts: 4
    Hi all

    sorry this is late.

    I am currently ay 135 lbs. I want to be 110 lbs in5 weeks.

    My motivatuon is my health and to keep up with my son and my husband.

    my stressors are work schedule and lack of sleep because i also wany to
    spend quality time with my son and hubby.
  • taraj1987
    taraj1987 Posts: 12 Member
    1) SW: 121 GW: 111

    That's 2.2 pounds per week!

    2) Trying to get ready for summer so I can feel more confident taking my kids to the pool. Hopefully my healthy changes will also set a good example for my kids and influence my husband too!

    3) Negative influences mainly revolve around my lack of willpower. Weekends are always tough for me, but I am going to try to give myself periodical "treats" so I don't feel deprived and can stay on track longer.
  • 1953Barbara
    1953Barbara Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! Yesterday morning I was pleased to weigh 214.9--first time under 215 in years. Had been close to 230 at one point. I'm a type 1 diabetic so weight loss is more difficult due to the insulin I take. I want to lose weight for health, appearance, keep up with my husband and the grandkids, etc. I'm trying to minimize grains, increase veggies, and be more active. The food discipline is much easier for me to achieve than getting motivated to exercise.