Need advice, surgery in 2 days...didn't follow preop diet

GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
My surgery is scheduled for 4/23 and I'm so nervous because I did horribly on my two week liquid diet. I'm afraid I'll get to the hospital on Wed and I won't be able to have my surgery. I have every excuse in the world why I didn't or couldn't follow the diet but I know they're just excuses. I didn't eat bad food but I did EAT. I was only supposed to be on a liquid diet. I'm scared, I'm nervous...I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any insight to share for my situation?


  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    Did you lose or gain weight? The pre-op diet is meant to help shrink your liver prior to surgery. When you lose weight your liver shrinks too. If you lost some weight you should be ok.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Only 5lbs and I was supposed to be on the diet for 2 weeks. I'm stressing a little bit.
  • JxAAA
    JxAAA Posts: 87 Member
    Did you lose any weight before that?
  • itsdreday
    itsdreday Posts: 60 Member
    You'll be fine. Just make sure you follow the plan these last 2 days. My Dr. only had me on liquids for 48hrs prior to surgery.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    No, I didn't have any weight loss before then. I was not required to do the supervised diet like most insurances require.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Good to know! I'm gonna make sure nothing but liquids for the next two days!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Part of the liquid diet is to lose weight and shrink the liver. The other part of it is to completely empty the stomach for the surgery. They are removing the stretchy part of the stomach, you don't want food in there when they are opening it up, the complcations that could cause is really bad. Just to be on the safe side, I advise you talk to your doctor and let him/her know when you last had solid food. If it postpones your surgery, at least you know when it does happen you will be safe and not facing possible complications.

    And at the risk of being unpopular here, are you sure you're ready for the surgery? Emotionally I mean. If you didn't follow the pre-op diet I wonder if you are emotionally ready for the complete lifestyle change that goes with this surgery. The truth is your diet and exercise habits have got to completely change and change forever or you will regain. I guess I'm saying, really, honestly think about if you are ready for this.
  • Latse
    Latse Posts: 61 Member
    I don't think that is an unpopular thought Pawoodhull. My knee jerk reaction is if you can't follow the 2 week pre-op liquid diet how are you going to follow the diet restrictions post op. I know it's harsh, and I'm sorry. You need to be upfront and honest with your surgeon, even if surgery gets delayed.
    I think part of the problem may lay in you not having to follow a 3-6 month pre-surgery weight loss program with a dietitian. While I know most people hate them, I really feel they are instrumental in helping a patient learn what they need to do both pre and post op to be as successful as possible.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am with Pawoodhull and Latse. This is serious business. Two weeks is nothing compared to having to make changes for the rest of your life. For your own health and safety, please be sure about this.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I was on my pre-surgery liquid diet for only 7 days prior to surgery and I followed it to the letter. My surgeon was extremely adamant that if I did not lose 10 lbs. prior to surgery (I had only lost 5 after 4 days), she would cancel it. I had to go back for a second weigh-in the morning before the surgery and I did lose the rest of the weight and surgery went as planned. I was really sweating it.

    For my two cents of unsolicited advice, I have grave concern that if you didn't/couldn't follow Dr. diet orders pre surgery, whether there would be complications during surgery and whether you are really ready and committed to the work necessary for losing weight following surgery. And it is work on a daily basis and not a magic solution - you HAVE to completely change your lifestyle of eating and exercise to be successful. This commitment is FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE and you WILL NOT be successful if you don't follow the instructions on exercise and food guidelines.

    At this point I suggest you sit down and think very hard if you are really ready for this. It doesn't end after the surgery, it's just beginning and it's a hard struggle every day weighing your food, eating the right food in the right order, keeping up your protein level where it should be, start exercising, wanting a food and knowing you can't/shouldn't eat it, the list goes on and on.. Make a list with two columns: one of them can/will do and the other can't/won't do and be honest with yourself. It's better to do this now than to come out of the surgery with your Dr. telling you they couldn't perform it due to no shrinkage of your liver and/or not a empty stomach. Now that would be devastating.

    Even though I don't know you, I am only concerned for you health,well-being and want the best for you at this time. I think you wanted this type of honest feedback or you would not have posted this topic.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Part of the liquid diet is to lose weight and shrink the liver. The other part of it is to completely empty the stomach for the surgery. They are removing the stretchy part of the stomach, you don't want food in there when they are opening it up, the complcations that could cause is really bad. Just to be on the safe side, I advise you talk to your doctor and let him/her know when you last had solid food. If it postpones your surgery, at least you know when it does happen you will be safe and not facing possible complications.

    And at the risk of being unpopular here, are you sure you're ready for the surgery? Emotionally I mean. If you didn't follow the pre-op diet I wonder if you are emotionally ready for the complete lifestyle change that goes with this surgery. The truth is your diet and exercise habits have got to completely change and change forever or you will regain. I guess I'm saying, really, honestly think about if you are ready for this.


    You definitely need to call your surgeon and explain exactly what you've eaten and when you've eaten it. Your surgeon needs to make an informed decision on whether it is wise to proceed with surgery.

    There are just as many excuses waiting for you on the other side of surgery. I would recommend counseling regardless of whether you have surgery or not.
  • apelilag
    apelilag Posts: 30
    I had to do the two week post op liquid diet as well. 3 protein shakes a day and sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicles, and one shake could be replaced with a broth. It was so hard the first three days and the challenge was mental. I literally had to wrestle with my mind that I can do this, and I made it through. My doctor said if I did not follow the plan and he got in there and there were signs of my liver still be fatty, he would close me up and send me home. So that fear also motivated me. To have jumped through hoops to be able to have this surgery and possibly have it stripped away because I was not strong enough just wasn't going to happen.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    My Dr. Doesn't require pre-op diet, he said it was just setting people up for another failed diet. I put myself on restricted diet while waiting for surgery date. I figured if I can't take the diet required to lose weight then I shouldn't have the surgery. I went in for pre op visit and he was pleased I lost weight on my own, I lost 12 pounds in 9 weeks, I gave up sugar and stayed on high protein diet for life plan, I can say that if you feel emotional connection to food and need to eat, that this surgery will not fix you. You have to decide for yourself if you are ready to accept the discipline required for success. I know that this will always be a struggle, and that this is only a tool. Please understand that only you know if you can do this, the diet post op must be adhered to or you will have issues. It is a long hard process, I know it is frustrating when you are judged by your size and not by your accomplishments,. We all have challenges, please listen to your Dr.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I did tell my surgeon ahead of the surgery that I wasn't 100% compliant w/ the diet and he told me it happens a lot and since I had been on liquids only for 5 days leading up to surgery that I would be done. He thanked me for being honest and we shared a little laugh over the messages I received saying I should 'seek help'. He gave me some valuable advice: never take mental health advice from ppl online, especially when they only know one part of the story and also the internet is made up of perfect ppl who will attack at the idea of someone breaking the rules and not doing things their way. He said in his professional opinion I'm ready for this surgery went well, I have very little pain and the pain I do have is being controlled by meds. Thx again.
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I'm glad you talked to your surgeon and is sounds like you have a good relationship with him. And very glad to hear your surgery went well. I hope you haven't been offended by advice to get help because this whole thing is a very big commitment and lifestyle change and help should always be welcomed and sought out on the way. My opinion is that it's not just about weight loss but about personal growth as well. I get a lot of inspiration and food for thought from this group of people online and hope you will too.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm so glad your surgery went well and what pain you do have is being controlled by meds. Just by being part of this group for just 3 months I have noticed that every surgeon has his/her own set of requirements and guidelines when it comes to having the sleeve. They also have a varying differences in timelines for eating stages and number of meals/calories required each day.

    Keep us up-to-date on how you're doing, but I am glad you were honest with your surgeon. We are behind you.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm glad your surgery went well! Good for you for being honest with your doctor. I'm sure that wasn't easy for you if you thought he might postpone. Now that it's over, please let me wish you the very best on the rest of your weight loss and maintainence journey.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    I truly did appreciate the feedback that I received from you all. It was a slap in the face but I did realize it was all coming from a good place. I really don't think I would've told him if it were not for the advice I received here. He appreciated that I was upfront and honest also. So thanks again to everyone who took the time out to give me a response.