time for a change

Hi my name is Katie and I am currently trying to lose 100+ lbs. I had lost 50 last year under a previous account name....then I got pregnant and let myself go. I had my baby girl in october and never got back on track. Now I am back to where I started and its time for me to get in action. I want to be healthier for myself my daughter and hopefully her future sibling a couple years if we are blessed again. ive always been the big girl and found excuses for myself and now that I have a little person depending on me I cant do that anymore. Looking for supportive people to help push me along on this journey.


  • Yana220
    Yana220 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Kaite, I'm Yana. While I don't have any children (yet) I did come back to MFP this year after a short break, and I also have 100+ to lose. I'll send you a request and hopefully we can support one another. :)
  • Tutu81
    Tutu81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Ladies, I too am trying to loose 100+ lbs and just had a baby boy 2 months ago I was on MFP and was doing so good and now I need to get back on the band wagon to my goal of seeing my feet again... #iwannaseemyfeet...lol.... but really I will send the both of you ladies a request and we can get this party started
  • millej30
    millej30 Posts: 17
    Hello! I just posted on another thread about this :-) my goal is to lose 120 lbs, because 5'0" and 200+ lb is just unhealthy and uncomfortable! As someone else said, I'd like to shop at places other than Lane Bryant. I don't have kids of my own but I run a daycare (24/7) so I feel like I get to be in that exclusive moms-only club! Lol add me if you'd like :-)
  • Pinkcharity23
    Pinkcharity23 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello ladies! I have 100+ to lose. I started full fledge in January. Wish you all the best in your journey. Feel free to add me for additional motivation and support.
  • Hi EVERYONE. I have been on myfitnesspal for awhile but I had stopped using it for awhile but today I decided it is #timeforachange and I am going to stick to this lifestyle change until I get to my weight loss goal. I have been struggling to lose weight since I had my son two years ago but NO MORE EXCUSES. I am ready to be fit and healthy again.I am doing 1200 calories/day, NO WHITE CARBS, and ONLY WATER. any ideas, advice or tips would be AWESOME. Thanks...
  • Hello Katie. I too just had a baby in November and am trying to lose weight. I'll send you a request. Anyone can feel free to add me as well. I'm plan on starting Monday.
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    I have been gone for awhile but now I am back!! Ready to get this fat off...at 5'1 it is very uncomfortable. Want to lose about 100 pounds. Lets do this ladies!!
  • Hello my name is Francesca, I have rejoined MFP and I am looking for a few supporter/friends. SW: 268 lbs; CW: 257.7 1st GW: 244 Final GW: 180ish. Feel free to add me as well: Justmemyhair