Newly diagnosed

rosielko Posts: 81 Member
Thankful i found this group..I am newly diagnosed...April 18th...I have DCIS waiting to go for my breast MRI and then will be discussing my treatment beyond my lumpectomy..still in the shock and disbelieving wake me up stage..thanks for listening...


  • theresea1231
    theresea1231 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so sorry you are having to walk down this path :( I know hearing that cancer diagnoses can totally rock your world but I also want you to know there is hope!
    Try to surround yourself with positive people. I had this little group of cancer survivor cheerleaders and I can't emphasize enough how helpful that was.
    I finished treatment for Triple + Stage 2 cancer in September of last year. I will be on Arimidex for 4 more years :-/ but I thank God for hormone therapies even if I don't like the side effects lol
    Please let me know if I can help!
  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Yes, hearing the words, "you have cancer" shakes you up a bit. I was in shock for about two or three months before everything leveled out.

    I was diagnosed in January, 2013. I am triple + and have three more herceptin infusions left. I am also on tamoxifen for a total of 10 years.

    This is a long journey, and stressful, but you will make it through this. A strong support group is very necessary to make everything easier. My husband was there for me on everything--I could't have done it without him. You will get through this. Let me know if I can help or if you have any questions, please ask.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan 2014 and had my lumpectomy in Feb. Didn't have my 1st chemo until April because of stupid allergies and needing to take antibiotics delaying the port implant procedure. I'm going for my 2nd chemo Thursday 4/24. My hair started falling out last Friday, and my scalp was itching and there were hot spots that kept me awake half the night, so I just buzzed it all off with my hubs' clippers. So much more comfortable. If there's an American Cancer Society in your city or close by, contact them about their free wig program. I got a really nice wig and lots of info and free scarves, etc. Funny, I haven't worn the wig yet, though.
    Hubs and sister have been there for everything so far. I know it's scary (I cried when they told me) but we can get through this together. I too will have to take the hormones for 5 years, because my cancer was estrogen positive. So, 15 chemo sessions to go, then 6 radiation therapies. I have a great oncologist and the team at his office is wonderful. Countdown is on. Just take your team's advise about anti-nausea pills and stuff, they know what they're talking about, and they are all there to help you get through it. If you don't have a good relationship with your oncologist and the cancer support team, ask your primary care doctor to suggest someone else that would be a better fit. You're going to spend a lot of time with these people.
    Also, take some snacks and stuff to read or do while you are getting your chemo.
    Good luck.
  • deyja1
    deyja1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am so sorry about your breast cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 2006, had a mastectomy 2 days before Christmas and started Chemo in January of 2007. I am still cancer-free and rejoice in my health! The recovery path has many challenges and gifts, as you will discover on your journey. If I can be of any help, please let me know. Everyone's journey is different, but no one understands unless they've been through this themselves. Take it one day at a time.