Wake-Up Call

I saw a picture of myself from Easter yesterday. It was alarming. I've lost and gained weight more times than I can count. I say this picture taken of me from the side and I burst into tears. I'm bigger than I have ever been, and I feel defeated already. I'm a big girl. I've always known I am but it's out of control. Please help me pray for courage, wisdom, strength and determination during this process. I know I can't do it alone.


  • MichelleMP67
    MichelleMP67 Posts: 32 Member
    It's amazing how seeing a picture of ourselves can change our image of who we think we are. God knows your heart and the beauty of who you are inside and out. Try not to be discouraged by negative thoughts as they will only get in your way. Praying for you. God Bless!
  • bombshellcertification
    Good Morning Ladies!

    JillLissa, first of all I love your name, second you are a very beautiful woman truly! Give yourself credit for having the courage, faith and desire to be even stronger and healthier :) And you already took the first step. We are taking it one day at a time, hour at a time etc and you are not alone, we are not alone..but in this together with Jesus the healer ~. And you are the most Be Loved daughter of the KIng--really :) We are royalty, isn't that amazing, we have a father in heaven too...and he Loves us like crazy! PS I also love the way you dress :) but its an inside job I know, and we all carry with us different struggles...we can do this!

    May God bless your efforts each day, all day as you (we) chose to love yourself, others and God.

    Love casts out all fear, and Love is the greatest of all. You are loved now and even if you lose or gain weight...but love for me, certainly makes it a bit more fun, real and doable. Hating on ourselves or (me) is sabatoge and destructive. \. Thank you God, for these beautiful, strong women of grace that you have placed in this group~Thank you heavenly father for your love, peace that surpasses all understanding and for companions to uplift, encourage and pray for us as we strive to be the best we can be. Please keep us from temptation, and help us to bless and thank you each day. Please help us to start new each day or even as we go about our day. Thank you for this day, for the food on our table to nourish our bodies, shelter, clothing, friends and associates, for every breathe we take and bodies that can work, play & exercise. Please bless JillLissa in a very special way as she starts this journey for love, help us to love ourselves, each other and You in tangible, sincere and blessed ways that only You can inspire! Let us live each day as if it was our last, please place the people, places and things in our life that will edify and help us transform for your glory! Amen

    Prayers ascending, Lisa
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    I think just getting on here is 1000 steps int he right direction...When I was going thru Chemo I lost all my hair. Ihad a lot of hair - it was curly and fabulous. I always wanted a short hair cut but thought I was too fat to pull it off. I was vain - probaly still am a bit but that vainess came from a bad place - thinking all I was worth was what I looked like. As my friends son shaved off what was left I sat and cried and cried - thinking "who will love me now, who will think Im pretty" - My freind kept saying "you have such a good shaped head" and all I could do was sob. When he fnsihed I got up and went to the mirro in tears, trying to catch my breath. I looked up and all of a sudden the tears stopped and for the first time in all my life I saw what God sees...I saw a beautiful woman of God..made in his image..at 47 years old I saw beauty for the first time as I stood with a bald head.
    THe bible tells us "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment" 1 Peter 3:3

    Remember that our issues with food whatever they be is becasue something on the inside - some lie someone told us - some way we found to deal with emotions - we are FABULOUS!!!!!! and you are beautiful! - Tell the enemy he is a liar everytime a negative thought comes to mind!
  • Jenean125
    Jenean125 Posts: 26 Member
    Great Word!!
  • 19sherry58
    19sherry58 Posts: 8 Member
    Quote" I was vain - probaly still am a bit but that vainess came from a bad place - thinking all I was worth was what I looked like."

    This is me exactly! I really can't enjoy a lot of life for worrying about my looks and thinking people will think badly of me for not keeping my hair or makeup perfect because my weight is not good. Wasn't really expecting to be in tears this morning, but God knows what we need when we need it.

    Wishing everyone a blessed and successful day.:flowerforyou:
  • Lissajill2004
    Thanks ladies! You all were great motivation for me on my first day. It went well. Second day has went well. One day at a time and with the Lord's help, I'll make it.