ideas how to stop?

Well am doing well on my edit my problem is am a mindless eater, I will pick at thing even when am not hungry or just because its there. I was wondering if anyone have any tips?


  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    I know that feeling!
    I realized how much of a boredom eater I still am.
    What helps me is keeping food out of sight and having a structured meal plan.

    I eat 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks (most of the time one after breakfast, one after lunch). And I try not to eat ANYTHING in between those meals. Because even if I'm "just" nibbling on some grapes or half of an apple that I got offered, it often leads to even more mindless eating.
    Besides this, I try to always have something to drink (that I like!) around me. The last time, it was mostly tea and water. (if water alone is too boring, you could put some fruit in it to give it some natural flavour!)
    I don't just have a bottle next no me, but actually a glass/mug that's filled with something so I can grab it and (mindlessly) drink instead of eat.

    Having some chewing gum around can help as well.
    I'd (as I said already) try to get food out of sight; in the worst case, try to avoid the kitchen if it's not meal/preparing time.
  • colorama91
    colorama91 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also a boredom eater.
    Mostly, because it feels like "I have something to do".

    What helps me is chewing cum, drinking lots of water/tea and keeping my hands in movement.
    Sometimes it helps me to stop doing what Im doing and ask myself: why do I eat? am I hungry? am I sad? bored?
    it helps to identify why I'm eating.

    and what I also do: I set myself little time goals. "Come on, you can do it without a chocolate bar the next 30min". when the 30min are over I challenge myself: "I can do it 30mins without a chocolate bar, ok, maybe the next 30min won't be that hard" and so on.

    Hope that helps!
  • 0livegar
    0livegar Posts: 8
    I am the try to stay away from gum because the motion of chewing makes me even hungrier. This past weekend, I went to Target and bought two, 32 oz, containers to keep water in. Every night, I fill them up and put in the fridge. The next day, I carry a water bottle with me everywhere and just keep sipping. That helps a lot. I also stick to 3 meals a day and one snack at night, since night is my binging time. I try to stick to that though. I always plan my meals the night before so that I know what I am doing everyday. If I wait, I often get hungry and eat anything.

    Go on different groups on MFP. I found a lot of supportive friends that I speak to throughout the day. I also found a website that I put my picture into and then set it for a 100 pounds thinner. It showed me what I will look like which is motivating. I posted my pics to my fridge as a constant reminder. The website is "thinnerview."