Test strips vs blood meter



  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I got my meter but I'm waiting for my test strips to arrive. I'm curious. How many grams of carbs do you guys aim for? Are you going my net carbs or total? I'm trying to stay below 30 total grams and they pretty much all come from vegetables. If you're eating lots of veg, how can you keep your carbs so low? I have my macros set at f65, p25, c10. I'm only 5'1", 135#.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    kristafb - I exercised a lot last night and I thought my reading this morning would be high, but it was only 2.2. Hmm. It's not that much higher than yesterday afternoon a few hours after lunch. My layperson opinion is both the calories and macros have to be right.

    dldoddy - I'm only a bit taller than you and only a few more pounds than you. I aim for 20-30 grams of carbs a day. I don't do net carbs. I just figure total carbs. I eat low carb veggies like cauliflower a lot. You can use cauliflower in a variety of ways. My fat macro is higher than your, my protein is lower and my carb is lower than yours.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    The ketone levels are all over the place, some weeks the diet has little impact on them and workouts influence the levels. And suddenly, the levels go up and down with diet and not exercise. I usually don't bother if its workouts or diet which impact as long as I stay over 1.0 milli molar. Also, if you eat coconut oil or butter, its usually higher. On the days I run my half marathons, I am in deep ketosis of over >3.0 milli molars even after eating close to 80-100 g of carbs.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Did anyone else get their meter and strips?
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    So all the Easter candy was sitting on my desk starring at me when I got in this morning. And yes, I had a few pieces of chocolate. But I've avoided all the cupcakes, cookies, brownies, etc.

    I decided to test my ketones 2 hrs later... I measured at a 4.2! My highest yet. So I think I can handle a few pieces of dark chocolate in the future as a treat if I'm really craving it. Possibly take some MCT oil shortly thereafter to ensure I stay in ketosis.

    Nothing unusual about this morning either. Just plain tea and some chocolate when I shouldn't have broken my fast until noonish. Its hard to tell what affects ketone readings but I will say that my weight has stagnated since the 9th! Since then my weight has bounced around a few pounds. Strange! But all other indicators tell me I'm doing well so I'm staying the course.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Wow! You're the keto queen! You need to give lessons on how you get so deep into ketosis.

    How much weight do you lose per week? On my best weeks, it's a pound a week.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    I started keeping my records here. I actually need to update a few things on it:


    I didn't weight myself from the beginning. My first weigh-in was March22nd. In that first week it was about a 3lb loss. The next week was a 2lb loss. The next was about 1.5lbs loss. Things have been bouncing around a lot since then but I'll weigh in tomorrow as my final week loss number.

    As you can see, my weight has really stagnated for just over a week. Strange because I'm losing inches. In fact, my best fitting pair of jeans from Torrid are roomy and not flattering anymore. Especially in the thighs, butt, and hips.

    I'm gonna stay on course for a bit longer especially because I've suspected a hormone imbalance that often makes it hard to lose weight and causes a lot of plateaus. If this keeps up, I'll definitely need to see a doctor to test for those things. I was hoping they would work themselves out.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    You're super detailed! You remind me of the engineers I work with. :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    I'm a slow loser too, but I'm within less than 10 pounds of my original goal weight, so maybe that's why? I'm not sure. But I feel much better in keto. My stomach feels better too. I didn't realize how much stomach pain I used to have eating the SAD. I haven't had an upset stomach or stomach cramps since I started keto. I honestly didn't expect that. I just did it for the BS control (family history of diabetes) and weight loss.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    I have much more to go! lol

    I'm an accountant. Used to date an engineer and we got along pretty well. :P

    I've had the same experience on keto! I used to not be able to eat anything spicy without getting heart burn and a stomach ache quickly thereafter. Now I can have all the hot sauce I want. Chicken wings? Bring em on. Sriracha? Hell yes.

    Two years ago I went low carb and it completely cleared up the back pain I had been having for months prior with no relief.

    I'm not sure keto is for me, indefinitely since its so strict. But I do know that i feel better when i limit carbs, sugar and starchy foods. If i want to feel good, I will at least need to be low carb.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    So this morning the blood meter showed the lowest level I've seen so far... 1.4, but I've lost about .60 pounds in the last two days and it's not water weight. I thought perhaps the higher the blood ketone number the more I would lose, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    I agree. Higher score doesn't necessarily mean more scale losses.

    Yesterday i had the most carbs i've had in a long time. about 60-70. I went a little overboard on the easter candy. This morning about 45min after waking I checked my ketones and i got a 0.9 - my lowest by far but still in ketosis. So it's back on track for me.

    I'm still bouncing around those same 3lbs! Its getting frustrating especially since shark week is around the corner and I was hoping to make some more progress before then. I'm still going to stay the course for now but I am looking into making some changes. Namely, gluten and dairy restriction or increasing carbs to 30-50g a day, preferably from low GI foods. But we will see where this journey brings me. :)
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I had my highest carb day in almost 2 months yesterday. We had our Easter dinner at my moms and I ended up eating just 37g (net) of carbs and it was enough to drop my blood test down to 0.4, which is technically just outside of the ketosis range, from what I've read. My percentages for the day were all over my norm (18.5 protein & 8.4 carbs) and fat was down to 73 %. Hopefully I can have a good, clean keto day today and get my meter reading back up.

    Weight wise I was up only 0.4 today and I had a lot of salty stuff yesterday so I'm not worried about it at all. It interesting to see how sensitive my body is to carbs. All the more reason to stay the course!