Need some advice in drinking water. (vsg surgery)

Hello, I had vsg surgery on 4/14 and I have a super hard time drinking water. I'm thirsty but can't seem to drink water. Any advice as to how you guys were able to drink water?


  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I've picked up quite a few of those little bottles of flavoring....Nestea, Dasanii, Mio, etc. and I have one in my purse and one in my lunchbag, etc. Plain unflavored water just doesn't seem to go down easily anymore.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I found after surgery that I couldn't drink ice water any more, it's too cold for my stomach. And drinking plain water actually seems to make me feel hungry. So I add Chrystal light and I drink a no calorie/no sodium flavored water called Sparkling Ice. It's carbonated which sleeved tummies don't like, so I sip a little and then shakes and release until the carbonation is gone. Also there is a protein water at GNC that's really good and has about 45 grams of protein in it, so it counts for your protein and water. It tastes like jolly ranchers and I'm sorry, but I can't remember what it's called.
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    For the first few months after wls i had a hard time with plain water too (still not so great). It seems hot tea does way better, especially mint with lemon, or ginger/lemon. Cold needs some kind of flavor to it.
    Good luck!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    I drank plain hot water, it is very soothing on the tummy. I still do it now, especially on cold
  • AprilBhappy
    AprilBhappy Posts: 3 Member
    I always, although don't now, carried a bottle of water with me so i could sip through out the day.
    I also bought the toddler spoons and it helped me with portions. I have always used small plates.
    I did quit coffee recently, but now drink Decaf.
  • BoysMommaX4
    BoysMommaX4 Posts: 41 Member
    My crutch was and still is diet Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa. There are 2g of sugar per 8 oz. I had my vsg 11/12/13 and I still have a hard time with cold drinks.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I had the RNY, however the recovery process is much the same.

    Can you tell us what problems you are having with it? Does just a little bit of it make you full? Does it upset your stomach? Does it just make you gag?

    Flavoring it is an easy way to get around the taste. Mio, Crystal lite, and now even powerade and dasani all make liquid "enhancers". I certainly would not take any recommendation of carbonation, especially so close after surgery. Carbonated water is slight caustic (acidic) and can easily irritate or even burn holes in the stomach. The staple lines make it much more easily done.

    If you are referring to just a general full feeling when drinking, yeah that's normal. Since you are only about a week post surgery you're stomach is still very inflamed from the surgery. It is small to begin with, then add the inflammation in there, it's worse. Just for reference of how small - Look at your thumb. Look at the size of it from the tip to the first joint. That is the average size of the stomach of somebody that just had RNY surgery. I use that example as it's the one I know. I had RNY surgery Sept of 2012. So, even with VSG your stomach will be small and only able to handle a bit of anything at one time. You need to work on sipping water. Sip sip sip. Maybe set a time to drink a sip every 10 minutes or something like that.

    It's extremely important to get your water in. It's the leading cause of WLS patients getting put back in the hospital.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    This is pretty common and the oddest part is the big difference between what people find works for them. For me, a person who had always drank a lot of plain water could not drink plain water for about two months out. I ended up finding that herbal tea was what worked for me. I drank a lot of tea with Truvia and certain flavors I'd also put 1/4 cup of light original soy milk.

    After a while I found out I was able to drink water again, but only ice water. Now I just keep ice in my freezer and use it in my water.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    My crutch was and still is diet Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa. There are 2g of sugar per 8 oz. I had my vsg 11/12/13 and I still have a hard time with cold drinks.

    Agree! That stuff got me through this horrible winter. I put a little sugar free Kahlua flavored syrup in it and mix that first - seemed to make it dissolve in the hot water better.
  • jass1988
    jass1988 Posts: 4
    my problem at first was that my throat was swollen but now its that I forget and plain water doesnt cut it for me. Thank you all for the great ideas! I tried herbal tea today and that really help, I have been doing crystal light too and that is helping. I just wasnt sure if I could add that every single time I had to drink water. I am 3 weeks out of VSG and its getting easier, for the last 2 days I have been up to 64oz like they recommend, but I feel like I am filling myself up in water and nothing else. I will keep pushing with your ideas, thank you!!!!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    My doctor said that this is very common and also some people can tolerate warm, but not cold, others cold but not warm. My doctor also allowed us popsicles as long as they were sugar-free. Find a non-caloric, non-caffeinated, non-carbonated drink that works for you. It is important to stay hydrated.