Easter confessions - sinners enter...

cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
A giant cadburys chocolate egg :embarassed: - did come with 6 creme eggs - 2 of which have also disappeared (into me!) - have put the other 4 into my boys' easter baskets though.

Easter cakes - several of those chocolate rice crispie cakes with mini eggs on top, a few slices of simnel cake (do you have this in the US, it's gorgeous!) and a slice of a really scrummy chocolate cake, also decorated with mini eggs :blushing:

Lots of wine - we hosted easter lunch and opened a bottle of cava (champagne like substance). However no-one else wanted to drink it and it seemed a shame to leave it to go flat....

Back to work today and back on the wagon - got up at 5.30 this morning to run and no snacking at my desk so far today.

I guess I feel better for sharing this...:laugh:

Did anyone else eat something they shouldn't have? (she asks hopefully...)


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I ate what I wanted. No regrets. Maintained my weight over the weekend. I never beat myself up over food.

    Ham, fried chicken, baked mac and cheese, candied yams, kale with smoked slab bacon inside, string beans with smoked slab bacon inside and 4 rolls soaked in butter. Oh and 5 glazed munchkin donuts... Oh and WINE!! 5-6 glasses of delish wine. :drinker: :drinker:
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I didn't log anything on Easter. It felt good eating everything, but after wards I felt full and wished I hadn't ate so much. Most of the left overs went home with everyone except for the cakes (everyone in my family is trying to eat less sugar) so my husband took the cakes over to his brother and uncle's the next day.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I had to Google "Simnel Cake". I was alarmed by the prospect of fruit cake finding a way into another holiday (only the English find virtue in fruit cake). The marzipan redeems the entire recipe however, I'd like to try it.

    As I mentioned to Cathy, I have been raiding my sons' Easter baskets with complete loss of self-control; I ordered them to hide their baskets from their father as an act of mercy. I have little hope of regaining my low-water mark set last Friday in time for this Friday's weigh-in--but I shall try.
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    *Mule* you have to try the Nigella Lawson version of simnel cake if you're going to try any - it was fabulous! Not tempted by my boys' baskets to be honest, and bought my hubby a dark chocolate egg which I don't like - my problem is with chocolate bought for me (because it's mine, all mine!!!)

    *Random* didn't really regret the cakes or wine :happy: but eating so much chocolate I feel :sick: is not really where I want to be - or where I normally am these days to be fair...

    We had roast lamb for Easter Sunday lunch and that was delicious, and made the leftovers into a shepherd's pie for tea last night. Mixed leftover roast butternut squash with mashed potato for the topping and even my 6 yo, who approaches all vegetables with extreme suspicion, ate it all.
  • btwinkles
    btwinkles Posts: 54 Member
    even my 6 yo, who approaches all vegetables with extreme suspicion, ate it all.

    LMBO!! I have one of those 6 yo too!! but yesterday he ate pureed green peas with rice. He said that it was because he didn't see the peas:huh: Anyways, I was totally happy with that.

    Now onto confessions - I ate two mini kitkats, 1 slice of carrot cake (mini slice) and I love that cake because my in-laws don't put any frosting on it. And Lawd help me for all the fruit cake and Jamaican cheese I ate. I don't know how many slices of it I've been eating since Friday. It finally finished yesterday. Other than that, I mostly grazed which is probably why I still had a loss instead of a gain.:drinker:
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    As I said, the entire week was horrendous for me! I skipped several days of logging food (big no-no), Red beans, sausage and rice, Cadbury eggs??!! Somebody should shoot that stinkin' bunny! :embarassed: (5 throughout the week)...pizza x 1 night, even McDonald's, with the strawberry shake one day! And too much mindless snacking.:grumble:
    I definitely showed a gain, now I am working on the after effects, with lots of water, elliptical (that was left unattended to, all week) and honest, faithful logging...every taste and bite!
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    I ate my whole reeses easter bunny! And I did gain weight over the weekend, but I'm getting back into my "diet" ways and losing my Easter weight, so I'm happy.
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Friday, I pigged out at a taco bar.
    Saturday, I picked at things, but managed to stay with my calorie goal. Bought 4 boxes/bags of Little Debbie snacks.
    Sunday, more picking at stuff. Tried to keep the exercise up.
    Monday, bought 15 bags of marked down candy and tasted a few of them. In Heaven, food better not have any calories, or it will be hell. I'm already planning on eating as much junk as I want, and not having to worry about feeling sick, high blood sugar or calories!!!:laugh:
  • BeckyLF05
    BeckyLF05 Posts: 115 Member
    Still on a "sinning" spree! Acid reflux has not-so-kindly reminded me WHY over eating is a bad idea for me! Gotta catch that wagon...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Still on a "sinning" spree! Acid reflux has not-so-kindly reminded me WHY over eating is a bad idea for me! Gotta catch that wagon...

    I am chasing it too!! This whole week with vacation and Easter has led to a very lazy Tai. I better catch that wagon before it turns into a gain LOL
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Ate a nestle milky block and that was it. Made me feel sick and acid reflux afterwards.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I did pretty well on Easter Day. I circumvented any over eating by going on a 2 hour strenuous hike that included rock hopping and trail running.

    Then I took Monday as a rest day, other than my normal work related activity. But my coworker had an Easter treat waiting for me, and instead of having my greek yogurt and granola snack, I ate her easter treat. Ended up being over 300 calories and 22g of fat. Oops.

    Doesn't seem to have affected me though. I have been stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks (but have had measurement losses) and this morning I had finally lost half a pound! :smile:
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I gained 5 lb over the holiday weekend (actually Thursday-Sunday). So I'm hoping to be back to my pre-Easter weight by Friday.
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    I ate everything. Name it and I unabashedly ate it. I woke up on Monday weighting 5+ lbs more than where I was Sunday. Luckily it was mostly bloat and I've gotten rid of it all and then some since, but it set me back a few days, that's for sure!