new and in inducction need help!

I just finished up my 2nd week on induction first week I lost 7lbs which was awesome and then the second week I keep going up 1-2 lbs and the down lbs!! I have tested with ketone strips and have been from trace to moderate ketosis all week with 0 pounds lost! I am super frustrated and I have decided to continue on induction since I have well over 100lbs to loose. I just wish I could see some results. I thought maybe my calories were too much so today I decided to try the protein shakes as breakfast meal replacement and see if that helps! How can I not be loosing when im staying under the 20carbs a day and including veggies and drinking my water ? please I really need some help and advise. I have pcos and insulin so without low carbing I find it next to impossible to loose weight and now apparently im not losing this way either.. thanks for any help!


  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Open up your diary so we can see what you've been eating :)
    When I first started low-carb, it took a full two weeks for me to see a consistent loss.
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    I sent you a friend request. If i take a look at your diary maybe I can help you out. I changed my macros around and ended up losing almost 10 lbs this week!
  • fatty2fabulous77
    fatty2fabulous77 Posts: 19 Member
    thanks I will make sure my food diary is open for suggestions I just wanna see my hard work and dedication pay off
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    are you doing the "new" atkins where you count net carbs?? this could be the problem?
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    are you doing the "new" atkins where you count net carbs?? this could be the problem?

    Tim, Dr. Atkins himself used the net carb principle starting in 1999. He called it, "the carbs you count on Atkins". This is because fiber (cellulose) cannot be digested by humans, as we lack the enzyme cellulase. I know you do old school Atkins '72, and this works for lots of folks. Others prefer to use the net carb principle, because counting only the carbs that we can digest allows for more variety of foods and makes the diet more enjoyable and sustainable for them.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    thanks I will make sure my food diary is open for suggestions I just wanna see my hard work and dedication pay off

    Thank you for opening your food diary. Looking over the past week, I have these suggestions:

    There's several days missing of content. It's hard to see overall trends unless you are consistent. Log your food every day. Don't guess about quanitities. Do you have a food scale? This is a great investment and isn't expensive. Weigh or measure your food to get accurate data.

    Ditch the coffee creamer. Use real cream. Or make "bulletproof coffee" in your blender.

    Ditch the margarine, which uses vegetable oils that are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Instead, use real butter.

    Try to spread your carbs throughout the day. For instance, add some legal veggies to your morning omelete, have two smaller salads a day instead of one big one. This helps to keep your blood sugar stable.

    It took a long time to put on the weight. It will take time to lose it. Induction typically sheds the body of excess water, and turns the metabolism to using fats for fuel instead of carbs. It's great to lose the excess water. Burning the fat takes longer.

    Weight is only one metric to measure your progress. How you feel, lack of hunger, lack of cravings, how your clothes fit are other measurements that are important.

    The scale can lie! Hydration, hormones and other factors affect your daily weight. What's important is the long term trend. Cultivate patience. ;)

  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Well I see in the last week you have 1) not logged consistently, 2) a few days your protein was very high and 3) your fat some days was too low.

    4) Some people have adverse reactions to Atkins replacement shakes and bars, maybe try a week without these and see if its the cause of your stall.

    5) Splenda in powder form has carbs, however it looks like you are picking a splend on MFP that has no carbs

    6) Start tracking fiber. Since you are low carbing your sugar intake will not get high, so no real need to track that one.
  • Kath164
    Kath164 Posts: 6
    Well day 2 of induction and I started at 13st. 7lb and am now 13st 51/2 lbs have only started my diary today. Please wish me luck I'm off to America in August and I want to get into my nice summer clothes.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    Well day 2 of induction and I started at 13st. 7lb and am now 13st 51/2 lbs have only started my diary today. Please wish me luck I'm off to America in August and I want to get into my nice summer clothes.

    Best wishes to you on this new way of eating!
  • hwinnm
    hwinnm Posts: 6
    are you doing the "new" atkins where you count net carbs?? this could be the problem?

    I am! What's the problem? Am I missing something important here? :noway:

    I'm following the book and limiting processed foods such as Atkins bars. They do get me past a craving some days.
  • hwinnm
    hwinnm Posts: 6
    I sent you a friend request. If i take a look at your diary maybe I can help you out. I changed my macros around and ended up losing almost 10 lbs this week!

    Amazing! This Macros is a new term to me, would you please explain?
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    are you doing the "new" atkins where you count net carbs?? this could be the problem?

    Tim, Dr. Atkins himself used the net carb principle starting in 1999. He called it, "the carbs you count on Atkins". This is because fiber (cellulose) cannot be digested by humans, as we lack the enzyme cellulase. I know you do old school Atkins '72, and this works for lots of folks. Others prefer to use the net carb principle, because counting only the carbs that we can digest allows for more variety of foods and makes the diet more enjoyable and sustainable for them.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    it was simply a suggestion