Plyometric cardio circuit Day2

mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
I thought that as it was only 42 minutes long todays workout would be a breeze compared to month two's marathons! How wrong was I.. It wasnt too bad but my heart rate did shoot up quite high compared to month 2 which surprised me a little bit.

I do not like level 1 drills, the last circuit is neverending. I will aim to get better at the last circuit as I had to stop quite a bit during it which was frustrating as I thought my fitness levels were better than they are! Anyway I made it! It's really nice starting from the beginning again and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout :-)


  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    ugh! I was thinking this would be a breeze after doing 3 1/2 weeks of month two. I was wrong! I don't think these videos are easier- just shorter.

    Well, the first circuit- even though it got my heart rate up super high- I didn't need to take any breaks.

    Level 1 drills. Dude, I just can't keep up. My push ups are so much slower and even if I drop it down to my knees it's still slower than how fast Shaun T and the Gang (haha, sounds like a group from the 70's) go. So, I just try to not listen to them counting and go at my own pace. The floor sprints I can keep up- the push ups and the in and out abs are a different story.

    But! I am glad i got it done this morning. Feeling good :)
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    It was a lot easier than the first go around, but it is still a really hard workout and I'm dripping sweat!!
    Also I much prefer level 1 drills rather than level 3!! lol
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    Also I much prefer level 1 drills rather than level 3!! lol

    True dat!
  • abens123
    abens123 Posts: 94 Member
    So that was fun. I actually kind of liked that one and found room for improvement. i'm doing my Insanity in the basement and found that the ceilings were really low. But the basketball thing reminded me of high school. I also downed the water! There was one move that really stuck out to me that I wasn't not ready for. I can't remember what it was called, but it was where you jump, then jump down into a plank, do 4 push-ups, then run and then jump up....Yea that wasn't happening. But hey it's over with :)
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Plyo is still my least favorite, felt a lot better though this time round. I dont think these ever get "easier" haha
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    I WAS going to skip because something ****ty happened (long story) but my friend who's doing this with me was like "Nuh-uh, you're being dragged to my place and doing it; you committed!" and so I did it. XD

    Thighs hurt (of course) but I'm glad she made me do it. I can't fall on my face on only the 2nd day, right?
  • KimB1219
    KimB1219 Posts: 15 Member
    Plyo is still my least favorite, felt a lot better though this time round. I dont think these ever get "easier" haha

    I completely agree... It kicked my butt.
  • Hi folks, I'm on day 10 so I just completed that plyo workout today... Rough.

    Feeling good, but calves have fallen out with me at this stage lol.

    Managed to do today's workout without my kids running in to 'help' and offer such inspiring phrases as 'daddy why is your face so red' and 'hey daddy you're sweating everywhere'... Shaun T they ain't lol.