Loss per Week

jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
Hi guys, I know every one is different and that losses will come and go depending on a variety of reasons. What I am curious about is what is the expected loss rate? I have done a ton of hunting looking for a rough guess, like

4 pounds per week, or 2 per week for a month.
10 pounds in one week, but average of 3 over a 3 month plan.

What I found was don't exercise, and go from 235-135 pounds, but no time table.

So what kind of loss do you get when you are "keto" vs just eating at a deficit? Why did you chose this style of weight loss (is it a diet or are you sticking with it long term)?

I am just curious (exploring) about this topic/style.


  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You can read through my profile.
  • AMPitup89
    AMPitup89 Posts: 39 Member
    Luckily for you, men seem to lose fantastically on Keto.

    Like you said, we all vary. And the fastest losses typically come in the beginning. However, I've seen heavy set men lose 15-30lbs in a month on keto. I've explored keto reddit and there's some fantastic stories on there.

    For a while I was losing 4-1.5lbs per a week. But my weight has stalled and I'm still bouncing around +/-3lbs. But I am a female with hormone imbalances and possibly something wrong with my thyroid. When I eat a deficit, I never seem to stick to it for more than a month and I maybe lose 5lbs that come right back. My cravings are usually sugar and carbohydrate based so when i reign those in, I feel better and crave them less. Those 100 calorie packs? Yeah, I usually want more than 1. I'm not one for snacks either but all that diet food is usually carbs and I can't control myself with them. That how I know that some form of low carb is right for me.

    good luck
  • Tanukiko
    Tanukiko Posts: 186 Member
    I think its important to remember that the distinction of keto vs eating at a deficit is too simplistic because it doesn't take into account all of the side benefits of a keto diet vs. a more carb heavy calorie deficit diet.

    I think the greatest thing about keto is that you tend to retain all or most of your lean muscle mass, while losing fat...even if the fat loss is fast or slow.

    My personal experience is that I lost 12 lbs in the first 2.5 weeks. I fully expect that to slow down to 1-2 lbs per week scale loss, but I'm using body fat percentage as my main guide. Really it doesn't matter so much what the scale measurement says as much as the body fat.

    For example..when I did a more calorie based diet in the past and I got to 206 lbs I was 42% body fat (that equals 86.52 lbs of body fat). This time on keto at 206 lbs I was 40% body fat (that equals 82.4 lbs of body fat). May not seem like a huge difference...but 4 lbs of body fat takes up a LOT of space.

    I wouldn't worry so much about whether you lose 2lbs a week or 12 lbs a month or whatever. I would invest in a good body fat monitor (I got omron hand held) and focus on losing fat.

    Good luck! :)
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    The more you have to lose the more you will lose. The closer you are to your goal weight, the slower the loss is.

    I have a guy friend who lost about 54 pounds in 5 months.

    I have steady consistent results on keto. I have a handle on my eating and cravings. I might stay on keto even after I lose the last 11 pounds.

    I have a family history of diabetes and pre-diabetes, so I wanted to dodge that bullet. Eating keto has lowered my glucose levels (I wasn't diabetic). I also like the lack of cravings I have for starch and sugar. I never had that with any other meal plan. I'm not tempted by all the sugary junk food at work. I can wear clothes I used to wear before I had my daughter. People think I went on a shopping spree and bought a bunch of new clothes, but it's just things from 8 years ago that I can now wear again. :laugh:
  • Shaselai
    Shaselai Posts: 151
    i think it ultimately depends on your body but like others said the more weight you have to lose the easier initially since the calorie deficit due to keto diet will be greater. I have lost 30+ lbs a week short of 3 months so it is more or less 10lbs/month. I am aiming to lose more per month and I am running 1200-1400 calories a day with exercise. i know i couldve lost more if i didn't "cheat" with extra keto calories(no carbs but more protein etc.) when i made good loss for the week, and that is one thing i am trying to correct now.

    From what I read across different forums there are two groups of Keto people - those who count calories to make sure they dont over eat and reach their weekly goals and those who believes to eat whatever they want within the diet and the weight will naturally come off and their appetite will be controlled by Keto instead of the numbers. I am group 1 because i am a numbers person and I ultimately believes in calorie in vs out but you may be different - you could try both and see which gives you more motivation and stick with it.