For today Apr 23rd

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“Grief drives men into habits of serious reflection, sharpens the understanding and softens the heart.” – John Adams

“For today: I can learn much that is of value from grief by not running away into the food”

I’ve been away from program for a few days, so it is refreshing to read this. We must stop and stand still and let the program work for us and accept everything that comes our way, good or bad. I’m dealing with some stresses today and I know that there’s nothing that I can do to change the situation, so I will change my thoughts and approach to the situation instead. I’ve remained to be abstinent by the grace of my Higher Power, so I’m grateful for that.

What are you grateful for today?


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    “For today: I can learn much that is of value from grief by not running away into the food”

    For me, grief is just one of the many emotions that I can learn from, if only I choose to not smother the emotion in food. Overall, I've been pretty good with that, but I have had days where it has been more difficult, and I have had days where I have run away into the food.

    So, for today, I am grateful to OA and the program, and to all of you for showing me that I am not struggling with this in a vacuum.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Yes, I am grateful that I'm not in this alone. Yesterday I had the most stressful day, just trying to get home and my thoughts started to wander to pulling over and stopping at a fast food joint, just because I felt that I deserved a break. I came to my senses thank goodness. Oftentimes I don't trust my brain.