Gaming Gal in need of motivational gamer friends!

EMJenkinson Posts: 22 Member
Hey guys. So, I'm trying to get back on track and with the latest changes to MFP, it seems like it's really pushing on the social aspect. I need every bit of help that I can get in that department. (My friends are all of the mind set that I don't need to lose weight. >.>)

So with that said, I'm looking for some pals so we can help each other stay motivated and so that we can game/talk about games together.

I'm a PC Gamer, and use steam more than anything. Sooo... friends?


  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am mainly a sports gamer with an occasional rpg game thrown in. I have a total of 50 lbs to lose. I have 35 to go.
  • EMJenkinson
    EMJenkinson Posts: 22 Member
    I can never get in to sports games. Yet, I love sports anime.
  • crashdolly
    crashdolly Posts: 19 Member
    Add me, add me!

    I'm a bit of a gamer and pretty new to MFP, defo would love some motivation on here! I'm an xbox lover (my husband thinks I love it more than him), into all sorts of stuff Fantasy RPG, Action, Shooters, Zombies, Legos, Assassins, I'll give anything a go!
  • faithcaitlin
    faithcaitlin Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me too!

    I play mostly PC games (Guild Wars 2 is my faaavorite) but I'm a sucker for anything Nintendo as well. I'm on Steam too.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I just joined the group, and recently re-joined MFP. I pretty much stick with WoW, with some occasional console RP games thrown in. I would love to make more friends for support. :)
  • lazydanthaman
    lazydanthaman Posts: 182 Member
    Gamer here looking to lose weight! As far as gaming goes, I have a short attention span so I jump between games on an almost embarassing level, haha. I have accounts on anything Blizzard related, GW2, Civilization, Clash of the Clans, FFXIV:ARR, FIFA14, and probably soon to be ESO. I am always down for more supportive friends in the gaming world!
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. Us gamers need to stick together.
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    Add me too! I will play anything... I was a WoW addict for a long time so I have been trying to play things that don't require a big time commitment like fighting games and puzzle games.

    I post and log everyday.
  • Xsadia
    Xsadia Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a PC gamer too. Mainly WoW, GW2, Trackmania and whatever else happens to take my fancy at the time! Feel free to add me :)
  • Trysta
    Trysta Posts: 24 Member
    I'm mostly a PC gamer... WoW & Rift are the main games I play, as well as Hearthstone. Previously played EQ (original).
    Feel free to add me as well =)
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'll add you! (Anyone feel free to add me too!) :love: I need to lose about another 40 lbs and I'm hoping to realistically achieve that within the year or so.

    I'm doing the same thing--kind of a reset, getting back on track... I used to play a lot of PC MMOs (WoW, GW2) but the internet connection at my apartment is abysmal so I haven't been online in about a year. I'm using it as an opportunity to catch up on some awesome PS3 games I'd missed out on (Last of Us was amazing, getting ready to play Bioshock Infinite after playing through Bioshock 2 again because, uh, reasons)
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Gamer and MFPer over here...

    PC gaming 99.9% of the time... I play Skyrim, Fallout 3, DA:O, Guild Wars 2 and Far Cry 3 on a loop.

    Well, in between intense workout routines :)

    Thus far I've lost 23lbs... now it's time to work on the muscles whilst chipping away at the remaining unwanted fat...

    Add if you're ready to press Start and fire up a new level in your life!

    <ya that last line made me wretch a bit too...>

  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    Feel free to add me too.

    I switch between games a lot, playing WoW at the moment but got a steam account I use sometimes as well as a GW:2 and a LoL account.
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Cyberfunkpunk
    Cyberfunkpunk Posts: 5 Member
    Im cyberfunkpunk on Steam. Feel free to add me, and anyone else who's interested, i'm on for a bit most evenings. Mainly playing Kerbal and Dark Souls 2 but would love to find some people to play Titanfall and Hearthstone with or just about anything with CO-OP.

    Thinking of investing in a Japanese anime fighting game or two as well so could use someone to show me the ropes.
  • glitterellabella
    You can add me along with any of you other girls who would like. I mainly play PS4 or 3 but thinking about an Xbox one soon. I play a lot of COD, Trials, Need for Speed. I been wanting to get back into skyrim, borderlands. Still getting into infamous with the boyfriend.
  • alaskamatteson
    alaskamatteson Posts: 95 Member
    Feel free to add me! I don't play video games as much as I want to and I'm pretty much considered a "n00b/newb" or a "fake gamer girl", but I really do enjoy playing :)
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm a PC gamer as well :)) I also have many many games on steam haha. Sending a friend request :)
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    I game. I can friend. ;)
  • muckfoot
    muckfoot Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me, I play pretty much whatever Steam puts a discount on!