Need some advice, surgery in two day...

GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
My surgery is scheduled for 4/23 and I'm so nervous because I did horribly on my two week liquid diet. I'm afraid I'll get to the hospital on Wed and I won't be able to have my surgery. I have every excuse in the world why I didn't or couldn't follow the diet but I know they're just excuses. I didn't eat bad food but I did EAT. I was only supposed to be on a liquid diet. I'm scared, I'm nervous...I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any insight to share for my situation?


  • ball_FXDWG
    ball_FXDWG Posts: 44 Member
    Keep calm, out of your hands now. I didn't do so hot on mine if I recall, though it was many years ago. It is a really expensive surgery and a lot goes into scheduling it, if it is at all humanely possible and as safe as it can be, the Doctor will do it.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Thx for the reassurance! I'm trying to calm down and that helps me a little more. I think I'm more embarrassed than anything so I'm hoping I won't have to weigh in before surgery but I'm praying all goes well and I'm able to move forward. Thanks again.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    No, it is NOT out of your hands. You were not specific about how you did not follow the diet, but a big part of the liquid diet is intended to make sure your digestive system is empty prior to the surgeon working on it. You didn't specify your surgery, but I would imagine this is really important for RNY. However, I think it goes for all surgeries. My surgeon would have refused to do my surgery if I ate ANY solids within 5 days of my surgery. There are increased risks. Please be honest with your surgical team and let them know exactly what you have consumed in addition to your required diet plan before your scheduled surgery date. They need this information to help avoid surprises (or serious complications) during your procedure. Please don't worry about being embarrassed, they've seen it all before. You cannot be the first person who got a little "last meal" syndrome before surgery. If appropriate, I;m sure they'll still do your surgery. If not, they'll reschedule.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    My surgical team explained that the liquid diet was for two reasons.

    1. To keep my system clear and make sure I had nothing in my upper GI.
    2. To help lose some weight and shrink the size of the liver. My doctor made me think this was the most important thing. If the liver was too large, it would get in the way and mean I would at best have open surgery, or at worst, no surgery at all.

    So yes, very important to stick to the diet. Also, I don't want to be a downer about it, but if you can't do two weeks of a prescribed diet, then how do you expect to do a lifetime of changes? Not only that, there is a very prescribed diet you'll need to do after surgery. If you don't stick to that diet 100%, then you'll pay. You'll feel extra pain, or worse, maybe tear open incision sites depending on what surgery you are having.

    Yes, the surgery will help you make lose the weight, and maybe force you to make some changes, however you will be able to revert to old habits if you allow yourself. Your body has a way of adjusting to anything you throw at it. The surgery is a tool to help you make lifestyle changes and essentially do a reset. You have to use it to make changes in your life permanently or else the weight will just come right back on.

    Make sure you are 100% honest with them tomorrow for your surgery. Maybe even call the office now and explain what's happened and see if you need to re-schedule.
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I did tell my surgeon ahead of the surgery that I wasn't 100% compliant w/ the diet and he told me it happens a lot and since I had been on liquids only for 5 days leading up to surgery that I would be done. He thanked me for being honest and we shared a little laugh over the messages I received saying I should 'seek help'. He gave me some valuable advice: never take mental health advice from ppl online, especially when they only know one part of the story and also the internet is made up of perfect ppl who will attack at the idea of someone breaking the rules and not doing things their way. He said in his professional opinion I'm ready for this surgery went well, I have very little pain and the pain I do have is being controlled by meds. Thx again.
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    congrats on your surgery, your honesty, and your courage.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm glad your surgery went well! Good for you for being honest with your doctor. I'm sure that wasn't easy for you if you thought he might postpone. Now that it's over, please let me wish you the very best on the rest of your weight loss and maintainence journey.