My daily glasses of wine



  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Lianna. Please send me the link for the Mediterranean Diet. It's a way of eating that I think I would enjoy. Thanks

    Sorry for being so late with my reply. We are traveling and I must have missed your post.

    Here is the email address for support at med cookbook. Ask them for link. EBook costs A$9.95 and it is fabulous.

    How was the alcohol intake this weekend? Did you manage to cut back?
    Good luck with everything.

    It helps if I get you the email address:
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    No wine for me today. Didn't even think about it :)
    How did you go over the weekend?
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Four glasses of white over the weekend.
    That is a lot to lot less than a weekend ago ....
    How did you all go?
  • divinitydancer
    divinitydancer Posts: 5 Member
    Only drank on Friday this weekend!
  • Debibrau
    Debibrau Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Lianna. I will definitely contact them. Thanks too, for all your support on this forum. My week was good, but the week-end was a disaster - and boy, does it show on the scale :sad:
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Only drank on Friday this weekend!
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks Lianna. I will definitely contact them. Thanks too, for all your support on this forum. My week was good, but the week-end was a disaster - and boy, does it show on the scale :sad:
    That is what annoys me: five days I am good, comes the weekend and I am bad, really really bad. It annoys me that in a few hours during the weekend I undo what I so consciously built up during the week.
    Monday mornings it is back to a week ago, if no further. This has to stop and only I can do it: no-one forces me to drink, everyone is happy if I drink tomato juice but no, I ask for or pour alcoholic drinks. Silly girl.
    It is going to be better though, with you, with me, with all of us. Give it a few weekends to get your head around it and you'll find your habits are changing.
    Stay in touch.
  • Debibrau
    Debibrau Posts: 9 Member
    I guess it's all the socialising that happens over week-ends and we live at the beach so every Friday if it's a good evening we join people for sundowners at the beach. It kicks off the week-end in a really relaxing way. Not a bad thing to do but then I am going to try and only have drinks on one of the other days in the week-end, not both, That will cut my consumption by half. Easier said than done but really worth trying as the results will speak for themselves
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    I guess it's all the socialising that happens over week-ends and we live at the beach so every Friday if it's a good evening we join people for sundowners at the beach. It kicks off the week-end in a really relaxing way. Not a bad thing to do but then I am going to try and only have drinks on one of the other days in the week-end, not both, That will cut my consumption by half. Easier said than done but really worth trying as the results will speak for themselves
    I know exactly what you mean. I have recently applied the technique whereby I postpone the weekly intake of my two G&T s or two wines by a day in the weekend: instead of Friday, I try to wait until Saturday night - that way I have something to look forward to.
    On the other hand, if you exercise enough and you don't drink during the week, two drinks Friday and two drinks Saturday should not harm. Exercise to say "no" and people will admire you because deep down inside all our friends would like to (and need to) cut back.
    Try it, you'll see this is true.
    Stay in touch.
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    The holiday is now a memory in pictures, Easter was a lovely and very long weekend.
    Today is Tuesday after Easter, finally!
    No excuses, no sidetracking, just going for goal. 254 days to Christmas.
    Good Luck everyone - cut back the booze, ultimately we will feel so much better if we drank less.
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Easter 2014 over:
    No alcohol day #1 - sipping a diet ginger ale while preparing dinner ...
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Only drank on Friday this weekend!
    How are you going?
  • Ermie09
    Ermie09 Posts: 1
    I am trying really hard to cut back on my drinking and this group is great!

    My auntie introduced me to elderflower cordial with fizzy water as an alternative which I am coming round to (slowly). However, she said the most important thing is to use a nice glass like you would for your alcoholic drink so it still feels special rather than punishing.

    Not sure if that will help anyone but thought I would pass it on :smile:
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    I am trying really hard to cut back on my drinking and this group is great!

    My auntie introduced me to elderflower cordial with fizzy water as an alternative which I am coming round to (slowly). However, she said the most important thing is to use a nice glass like you would for your alcoholic drink so it still feels special rather than punishing.

    Not sure if that will help anyone but thought I would pass it on :smile:
    Ernie09, great to hear from you. I have heard about elderflower cordial / elderflower drinks. In fact I saw it recently and I will certainly buy it this week. Thanks for the tip.
    Also, drinking from a nice glass, ice cubes and a slice of lime/lemon makes non-alcoholic beverage so much easier to drink.
    Welcome to the group!
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Easter 2014 over:
    No alcohol day #1 - sipping a diet ginger ale while preparing dinner ...
    No alcohol day #2 - had a large mug of ginger tea at 5.00pm when we returned from the movies and I truly forgot about a drink - how good is that?! It's obviously all in the mind.
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    I am 6 days into my diet of no (little) carbs and no drinks. So far, so good...I was so hungry today at Walmart that I had to buy an apple and eat it while I was waiting for my husband's prescription! So far, not wanting a drink!
    How are you going?
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Easter 2014 over:
    No alcohol day #1 - sipping a diet ginger ale while preparing dinner ...
    No alcohol day #2 - had a large mug of ginger tea at 5.00pm when we returned from the movies and I truly forgot about a drink - how good is that?! It's obviously all in the mind.
    No alcohol day#3 - decorated the Dutch Club tonight with a bunch of people. Afterwards we had a drink - ginger ale for me. Extraordinary.
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    Easter 2014 over:
    No alcohol day #1 - sipping a diet ginger ale while preparing dinner ...
    No alcohol day #2 - had a large mug of ginger tea at 5.00pm when we returned from the movies and I truly forgot about a drink - how good is that?! It's obviously all in the mind.
    No alcohol day#3 - decorated the Dutch Club tonight with a bunch of people. Afterwards we had a drink - ginger ale for me. Extraordinary.
    Day #4 - big party in the Dutch Club. Diet coke. Came home, relieved that it was over and I am now enjoying a G& diet T.
  • Lori_Wilkerson
    Lori_Wilkerson Posts: 14 Member
    You're doing great!
  • liannap
    liannap Posts: 91 Member
    You're doing great!
    Yes, i am doing really well. I have never drank so little and i never thought that i could do it. Surely this should be effecting my weight loss before too long. How are you going?