Stage 3 & 5



  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Why idea the dumbell single leg Romanian deadlift want lift weights? I was using 20 per hand.. Too much?
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Today I finished Stage 2 (yay, me!) and I am looking forward to starting Stage 3 in ten days. Reading through these posts makes me believe that time is going to be an issue for me in Stage 3. So I am thinking of doing one set of the body matrix on the in between days, which would mean that I would be doing the body matrix three days a week and essentially 1.5 of the full matrix each week. Any thoughts, advice or suggestions?

    ETA: What was everyone's experience with calorie levels going from Stage 2 to Stage 3? For instance, during Stage 1 I felt fine eating 1600 calories on non workout days and 1800 calories on workout days, but on Stage 2 workout days, I felt starved so I had to bump my calories to 2000 and kept my calories at 1800 on non workout days.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Day one of Stage 3 workout A.

    Does the Body Weight Matrix get easier over time? My hammies are killing me!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I'm starting Stage 5 tonight :-). I had a bit of a blip towards the end of Stage 4 and had to take nearly 2 weeks off (down to a few family issues) but I'm back now :-). Not looking forward to having to do the body-weight matrix again though!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I tried out the Body Matrix this morning and learned that I have a muscle on each of my hips, LOL! I could really feel them working during the lunge jumps. I looked it up and they are identified as the tensor fasciae latea. Finding new muscles is awesome!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I've done two of the As in Stage 5 - I still can't make it through the BWM a second time! I'm usually pressed for time as well in the mornings so I think I might just add those in at the end of cardio on my non-lifting days.
  • Islandgirl52
    Islandgirl52 Posts: 73 Member
    Day one of Stage 3 workout A.

    Does the Body Weight Matrix get easier over time? My hammies are killing me!

    I did my second workout A yesterday, and my legs don't seem quite as sore as after the first time. I have only been doing the body weight matrix once. My goal is to be able to complete it twice on my last workout !
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Finished stage 5 this week. I shifted the BWM to my off lifting (cardio) days and it was soooo much easier to get through it two times. I even broke the 3 min mark once!

    Stage 6 starts April 21!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Starting stage 3 on Saturday. What is this Body Weight Matrix? Sounds scary!
    I have the book, but not on me right now, but very curious if anyone wants to tell me what's it about.
  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    To complete the Body Weight Matrix you do:

    24 squats
    24 lunges (alternating legs, so 12 lunges with each leg)
    24 lunge jumps (12 each leg) - same as the normal lunges except you jump on your way up and switch legs midair and go straight into the next lunge
    24 squat jumps - go down into a squat, then jump up and go immediately into the next squat when you land

    Time yourself when completing this and then rest 2x as long as it took you to complete it. Then do a 2nd set of the matrix. I put my hands behind my ears when I'm doing this as that is what is pictured in the book.

    The BWM is definitely very challenging. I cannot get through the jumps without at least a few breaks in between and my legs feel like complete mush by the time I'm done. I still find it oddly enjoyable since I feel soooo good for being able to get through it.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Wow sounds interesting!!!!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Ha! I did the BWM yesterday for the first time.
    I was all like, 24 squats, easy, 24 lunges, doable... not sure what's all the commotion about!
    And then.... jumping lunges! AAAHH those were insane!!!
    After finishing the BWM twice, I could barely stand/walk!

    That was intense!

    But also kind of rewarding....
    My times were 3:50 and 3:55.
    I am mostly proud that my second round was not significantly worse. I can't believe I was able to keep the pace after one round.

    On other thoughts, I have a new muscle on my arm, and I will admit I keep looking in the mirror and flexing it and then fondling it. I know I'm creepy, just never had a muscle before... haha
  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    Haha! That's pretty much the same thought progression I had the first time I tried the BWM too. Normal BW squats/lunges feel like nothing at this point, but those jumps really put a different kind of strain on your muscles. That's a really nice time - mine was a little over 4 minutes to start.

    Congrats on the new muscle! Always a nice feeling to find new definition :)

    I finished my 3rd Workout B yesterday (I flip-flopped the order so I do B first, then A since I only workout 2x a week and decided B would be better suited for when the gym is less busy). I am really feeling the Single Leg Squats this morning. That's the only move that I feel like I've been able to consistently move up on weights in, which is pretty disappointing. Some of that is because I realized that my form wasn't quite right on a few of the moves, so I went down in weight to try to correct it. Also, my arms just can't do the T portion of the YTWLs at anything higher than 5 lbs yet. Maybe if my gym had 6 lb dumbbells I could, but when I tried to jump up to 7.5 lbs I couldn't even get one rep done on the T. I just wish I could up this move since I always feel a bit self-conscious using only 5 lb weights in the middle of all these super buff guys lifting.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Oh I have not had work out B yet. I was gonna go today but terrible DOMS and an invite to happy hour are making me not wanna go. I think I will either run a bit later or do something at home like a workout video. I just have to burn a little extra because I indulged. I am missing some sleep and TOM so I ate over my daily goal.
  • sorrrento
    sorrrento Posts: 3 Member
    I did my first 3A last night. I'm saving the BWM until after my Tempo run tonight, as I knew from reading your posts, I'd not be in a fit state to run the following day.

    I had to work out at home, which probably made me less self concious as I figured out what I needed to do. The squats feel weird. I can't seem to get the position of the heavier weighted hand correct for correct form.

    I can't say that I really feel anything today. I'll adjust the weights for the next session.

    I don't take the recommended breaks in between sets, as I just don't have the time. So I blast from one set to the next and that really gets my HR going.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    For the squat, I found that it really helps if you really stretch your upper arm and position behind your head.
    I have to adjust the weights too. I was to humble, everything was too easy.
    But the I still feel my DOMS from the BWM and it's been 3 days already. Tomorrow I tackle workout B and I hope my thighs don't kill me.
  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    Completed my last workout for Stage 3 today! Excited to move into Stage 4 on Sunday.

    I didn't see as many increases in my weights this stage as I had seen in Stages 1 & 2. I think part of it is because so many of the weights started low and it was hard to bounce up in the 5 lb increments my gym has. I did try to increase the weights on some of the moves, but couldn't complete a full set so I would go back down. The dumbbell incline bench press and YTWL were the worst for this. However, I did notice overall improvements in some areas, especially in my planks. I couldn't make it through 3 full 90 second planks when I started and had to either stop after 60 seconds or take a few breaks in the middle. But I made it through a full 90 seconds on all 3 in the last workout. Also cut off 43 seconds from my BWM time, though I wouldn't say they felt any easier by the end.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Starting Stage 3 today! Lots of dumbbell stuff, which worries me, because using heavy dumbbells (pretty much anything heavier than 30 lbs) almost always puts bad pressure on my wrists. :(
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Did 3-A2 today and been adding weights a lot and starting to feel some exercises are becoming very dangerous. A one-armed dumbbell snatch at 25 lbs is kinda scary. Almost lost control of it!
    22.5 lbs incline shoulder presses- again - they almost landed on my face.

    That's so unfortunate because I like to increase the resistance but it's quite unmanageable...

    And sorry, but is it me or do the wood chops really stink?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I start Stage 3 today. I need to quit drinking this coffee and start on the water like it's my job.

    Noaecker, I'm not even going to do the wood chops because I did them in Stage 2 in place of some cable thing. They do suck :laugh: For the incline shoulder press, submit to a lighter weight and make sure your core is well engaged. Also, you can slow down the press and make it a little harder at the lighter weight. Another idea: do the heavier weights on set 2 or 3.

    Jade, I dunno what to say about your wrists. That's not a problem that I've encountered... What about those wrist strap thingies?
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    I've looked at the straps, & it doesn't seem to be exactly what I need… the problem is that the actual end of the dumbbells start to bruise my wrists. Unfortunately, even though I've done some searching online, nobody else seems to have that problem. :|

    Anyway, I've now done one round of A & B, deciding to skip the core stuff on B (I did that on stage 2 as well, because one of my goals is to lose inches on my waist, not chunk up my core muscles, which was happening a bit in stage 1).

    I like the barbell rows (including the romanian deadlift combo) & overhead squats the best, even though the latter got me some weird glances from the natives (college bros). I miss plain old deadlifting, though. I felt like the Incredible Hulk.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Doing 3-B2 tonight- decided to rebel! switching prone cobra with planks. boom!
  • joyfulhunter77
    joyfulhunter77 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies! I just started Stage 3 yesterday and will do workout B tomorrow. The BWM almost killed me!!! I felt like I was at the gym forever this time around... I don't think I can keep to the 105 seconds rest in between sets. I definitely enjoyed workout A and am excited to see what workout B is all about. :) The biggest change I've noticed since starting NROL4W is in my booty!!! It sits a little higher than it used to... and it fills out my jeans a lot nicer... I must say I don't miss the pancake butt I was rocking for quite some time! :)
  • joyfulhunter77
    joyfulhunter77 Posts: 4 Member
    Also, I haven't really been following the meal plans in the book. I try to keep my calorie-intake anywhere from 1400-1600 on non workout days and 1800-2000 on workout days. I haven't really gained weight or lost any but my muscles are definitely more defined than they were before I started NROL4W. I've been lifting for about 2.5 years but nothing like what this program has me doing! Quick question... what do we do when we finish this program...?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Quick question... what do we do when we finish this program...?

    Up to you really - there are a number of other NROL books in the series that you could proceed onto. I'm halfway through stage 7 and I'm planning to head into Stronglifts when I've finished
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    This stage is breaking me. I cannot keep doing almost 2 hours at the gym (if you include the time to get to and from).
    Also I feel like too many of these are either to complex to do in good form with heavy weights, or are plain awkward like the woodchops. I am seriously thinking about switching to another program like strong lifts. I am not excited about NROL anymore...
  • joyfulhunter77
    joyfulhunter77 Posts: 4 Member
    Tell me more about this Stronglifts program.... I've thought about starting Supercharged after this but I am still up in the air as I have a long way to go before I finish this program...:ohwell:
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Can't wait to be done with Stage 3… I think I feel the least satisfied after my workouts that I have yet during this program. :(

    My 3A workout is today, so I'm on the latter half, but siiiiiighhhhh.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I like the BWM :laugh:
  • joyfulhunter77
    joyfulhunter77 Posts: 4 Member
    I agree, Stage 3 does not excite me in the least. :(