Recovery Thursday day 4

mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
Well today was very slow I burned a measly 180cals from the workout that I had to add an extra one to it in order to be able to eat decently today. I forgot how slow the recovery video was I substituted the max recovery in mth 2 for sports training as I didn't really like the moves I think I might do the same for this months 'recovery'. It does work your thighs and allows a deep stretch but as I go to yoga twice a week I think I'd prefer to do cardio instead.

How did you all find today's thigh killer? Pure cardio tomorrow I can't wait! I ended up loving cardio conditioning I think I might really enjoy tomorrow's endurance workout. Good luck and enjoy it!! :-)


  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I've actually decided that on Thursdays I'm going to do the elliptical at the gym. It's something I've really missed. I like to just put on my music and each song do a different work out (one song I'll go forwards on the verse and then do a squat backwards on the chorus. one I'll do a climb where every 30 seconds I up the intensity, etc..) and people watch people. It's sort of my form of meditation and "me" time.
    I mean, I like the recovery workouts, but I like this better :)
  • KimB1219
    KimB1219 Posts: 15 Member
    Killer thigh workout!! Going for massage well needed after these first 4 days.
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Gotta love the burn!!
  • abens123
    abens123 Posts: 94 Member
    It started off real slow and I thought, Heck I should have gone for a run or something, but I still managed to burn about 240 calories. And glad I did it. It was a busy day. Went from work to a meeting and at the meeting got a text about some family issues going on. Got home and had done a really good job of almost talking myself out of it. But glad I did it.
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    Good for you! There's always an excuse not to fit in your workout and I think working through that is huge!