New Kid on The Block: Surgery Tomorrow

Hi All,

I've been following this group for a few weeks. I am so excited to see all the great information, experiences and encouragement shared!!

My surgery is tomorrow!! I'm excited to start this new chapter of my life, shed this shell and get healthy. But, the nerves are also kicking in. All normal I'm sure.

If you have any advice to share for the first few days, please let me know.

I am wondering how many of you suffered from the nausia my surgeon warned me about and if you did how long did it last? He said it only affects 20% of patients. Hoping I don't fall in that 20%.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!!


  • kcbhopkins
    kcbhopkins Posts: 24 Member
    Good luck tomorrow!

    The nausea is also something I'm concerned about with surgery as I have a very tough time with anesthesia of any kind, so I'm super nervous about that as well.

    I'll be interested to see what experiences others have had as well.

    I'm sure you'll be great tomorrow!
  • GetWaisted
    GetWaisted Posts: 33 Member
    Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! Mines is tomorrow also :)
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    I made sure they gave me a Scopalamine (motion sickness) patch to wear through surgery and the first couple days. I've used that to prevent for anesthesia related nausea a couple times before and it's worked for me. I've always hated anesthesia because of the nausea and vomiting but with a patch, it's made all the difference in the world for me.
    Good luck to you!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had no issue with nausea from anesthesia. I had it bad from the stuff they made me drink to do a scan to check for leaks. That stuff actually made me vomit. Other than that I was fine.

    Advice for the first few days? Actually for the first few weeks. Sip and walk. You won't want to, but it's really important to get in enough water and to keep moving. Both things will help a lot with the healing.
  • tabithascatena
    tabithascatena Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all!! Surgery went great and no nausia which is great! My scan is in a few hours and I've thought about how I'm going to react since that medicine will be the first thing in this new stomach. Going to think positive and pray.
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    Congrats on being sleeved. I hope you manage to avoid the nausea. I didn't have any so I guess I was lucky.

    Advice? Well, get walking as early as you can to eliminate the gas from surgery is the best advice I got. Well...that and keep your water up.

    If you follow your surgeon's plan and give this thing a real shot right from day one you'll increase your weighloss and your journey will be a lot less bumpy. There will still be some bumps but you can manage them.

    Good luck.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I had my surgery April 17th, I was given nausea medicine through IV and it helped, my Dr. Does not require pre-op diet, but I did the diet for life while waiting for surgery, I lost 12 pounds on my own, since surgery I am down 6 pounds, drink your fluids slowly and walk as soon as they let you. Make sure you pee, I didn't feel urge to pee, but if I felt full, I would pee and felt much better. I was so nervous before surgery, but all went well and I am doing great, When they start giving you the liquid pain meds sip it slowly, and drink sips of water while taking it, I found that made it stay down!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    So glad your surgery went well. When you get home be sure to have a pillow on your lap to splint whenever you get up and down and especially if you sneeze - it does help cushion the stress on your tummy. I never had a problem with nausea, but everyone is different. It also could be that I have been on RX Prilosec 40g/day for several decades. For people who don't normally take it, my surgeon gives a prescription for it to all her patients (at a much lower level) to be used for the first few weeks. She also kept me on full liquids for 2 1/2 weeks so my stomach could heal, then I moved through a couple more food stages before being okay'd for real food.

    I love water, but after the surgery I couldn't stand the thought of it. Thankfully my taste for it came back about 3 weeks out. In the meantime I could disguise it in other liquids and I did really try to have just plain water a few times a day. That was hard for me.

    Dr. sent me home with pain medication, anti-nausea pills and cramping pills. I used the pain and cramping pills a few times,.Hoping your Dr. does the same for you, even if you don't need them it's nice to know they are available if you do need them.

  • VSGJill1481
    VSGJill1481 Posts: 27 Member
    Glad to hear your surgery went well!! Make sure to stay hydrated and walk, walk, walk.
  • ve7jne
    ve7jne Posts: 10
    My name is Janie. I had VSG surgery a week ago. I am having trouble with the Full Fluid diet. I have another week to go on it and the only thing that gets through a day is to add a bottle of Boost Diabetic as a meal. I am taking my supplement and protein, but I just can't seem to get into eating something every 2 hours.

    Because I am now waiting for ankle surgery, I have a limited ability to walk or do exercises. I feel like I am light-headed most of the time as I struggle to eat enough of the allowed foods. Any chane of someone helping me out with sugestiond and/or encouragement?
  • VSGJill1481
    VSGJill1481 Posts: 27 Member
    My name is Janie. I had VSG surgery a week ago. I am having trouble with the Full Fluid diet. I have another week to go on it and the only thing that gets through a day is to add a bottle of Boost Diabetic as a meal. I am taking my supplement and protein, but I just can't seem to get into eating something every 2 hours.

    Because I am now waiting for ankle surgery, I have a limited ability to walk or do exercises. I feel like I am light-headed most of the time as I struggle to eat enough of the allowed foods. Any chane of someone helping me out with sugestiond and/or encouragement?

    I am diabetic and I was told to continue to check my numbers daily to make sure I don't go to low. If you are diabetic are you checking your numbers? The best advice I can give is to check with your doctor. I hope things get better soon.
  • ChefBH
    ChefBH Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to the best decision you've ever made! I'm glad your surgery went well. Nausea and vomiting despite iv meds and the patch was the worst part of it all for me, so I'm happy for you that you avoided that! Good luck!
  • Great to hear your surgery went well, keep us posted and good job!