Might be T.M.I. but....

DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
Hey all,

I was diagnosed at 17. Im questioning whether or not anyone can relate....I always here women with PCOS usually have NO PERIODS......I have mind guaranteed every month and sometimes they last up to 3 weeks!!!! Im just wondering if I was possibly misdiagnosed (by 3 drs.) and it might be something else or if this is in fact possible as well. I do not have any "CYSTS" Ive had a couple ultrasounds so how can I have PCOS without cysts?


  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    PCOS is not defined by the presence of cysts, it's actually about the hormones. If you search around on this forum, I think you'll find lots of people who have a similar menstrual problem. I've seen the same kind of symptoms-opposite here with hair as well, some (like me) battle excess hair while others are losing it by the handfuls. I'd say you were probably correctly diagnosed, the question is what's the severity of the imbalance and what can you do about it.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    I think the confusion comes from the fact that the acronym PCOS is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and I think this is because when this condition was first recognized it was thought that women who have PCOS have multiple, little cysts on their ovaries which never fully developed and released an egg. We now know the cause of this is because of hormone imbalance and a healthy woman can also have multiple cysts on their ovaries but the difference is the cysts do mature to release an egg because they have correct hormone balance. Basically the presence of cysts or lack of cysts are no longer considered the confirming sign that you have PCOS.

    The underlying cause of PCOS is hormone imbalance. Though I've only heard that a woman with PCOS has too much luteinizing hormone (LH) and not enough FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) I don't see why the imbalance can't be in another direction. There is a condition called Menorrhagia which usually describes heavy periods but I don't know if it's a condition rather than a medical term .

    If you have other symptoms of PCOS then it maybe a confirmation that you have it. Symptoms include thinning hair, extra body and facial hair, and acne. All of these are usually related to the male hormones testosterone and DHEAS (dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate).
  • Michelle_MyBelle
    Michelle_MyBelle Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Dev - I was diagnosed with PCOS within the last 2 years. My problem isn't that I wasn't having periods either. My real problem is that my period is all over the place. Sometime it lasts 3 days, sometimes 2 weeks, sometimes I get it every 2 weeks, and sometimes (rarely) I skip a month. Sometimes its very heavy, sometimes its not. I hate it! I hate never knowing when I'm going to get it or how long it will last. So annoying!
  • babyruth9899
    babyruth9899 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Dev - I was diagnosed with PCOS within the last 2 years. My problem isn't that I wasn't having periods either. My real problem is that my period is all over the place. Sometime it lasts 3 days, sometimes 2 weeks, sometimes I get it every 2 weeks, and sometimes (rarely) I skip a month. Sometimes its very heavy, sometimes its not. I hate it! I hate never knowing when I'm going to get it or how long it will last. So annoying!

    I was the same way. In Dec 2012, I had the Mirena inserted and haven't had much of a period since then. The cramps were so severe for me that I would have to take off from work. Ibuprofen and my heating pad were my best friends. I had heavy and painful period plus excessive hair growth. I also had real bad acne which is finally starting to go away! It was pretty embarrassing for me to be in my 30s and have acne.
  • potionsmistressful
    potionsmistressful Posts: 7 Member
    I believe so, all are correct. You gotta take the symptoms with PCOS with a grain of salt because it really depends on what sort of imbalance there is, I battle a bit with excess hair and missing periods, I am definitely trying my best to lose the weight. You can too dears! It depends also on how you take it, cysts just suck, some of you may have the big ones that can be measured in centimeters, others may have like mine the little itty-bitty ones that are there by the handfuls, I don't have periods with those :)

    What else are you guys struggling with? :)

    I don't mean to sound so cliché, but it's the truth that we aren't there yet with our perfect bodies, but we are definitely a step closer than yesterday. Good luck!
  • soechsner09
    soechsner09 Posts: 119 Member
    I was diagnosed at 19 (now 30) and I have never in my life had an irregular period. I have also never had a cyst. I do, however have almost every other symptom that exists! ... I really think the name should be changed from PCOS because it is far more complicated than having cysts and messed up periods.